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Forget about it we are doomed. (1 Viewer)


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Sep 5, 2005
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:2wave: Yes please laugh at all of my statements here. But my friends there is no coming back.
I will say tho, the rich people have got it right. They will live longer then the rest of us.
Even in our history books they tought about who had the most land reaped the most benefits, we still follow in this ridiculous pattern.
If you are the lucky and are born with riches enjoy it all while you can. For the poor all i got to say is well, **** happens.
The seperation between rich and poor grows larger every day, I mean when have you seen a poor person have enough money to buy a suit and tie to represent the masses in congress. Sorry if you dont have financial backing in this world, you dont have any say.
Numbers folks all i gotta say is numbers, the rich are growing fewer while the poor are growing plenty.
I could be wrong, the rich might work there way out of this, i mean the rich could find out how to keep just enough people to wash there dishes, clean their schools and fight their wars.
The rich might exaust all the resources on this planet and find a new place to live on, which to my disgust people are really thinking of doing.

This is really going on people. This is the worlds course. This is humanity?

I pray for a revolution.
your point?

nice big yawn from me...
Well my point is that humanity has failed. It was my fault for posting my view on a forum called "debate politics". I should have posted this on "debate philosophies".:doh I am sorry.
But what the hell I should dig my self deeper because thats the way I like it.
Its sad that you "Yawn" when such a statement is on your computerscreen. Excuse me but what is your point?

Want to here some of my points? OK then here they go, feel free to mock.

This is why I feel humanity is doomed:

Such a great idea ripped apart by the masses. As much as we have learned though time, it is sad that we can not agree that "religon" is an idea to make oneself more greater at ease with ones surrondings. What people do with "religon" these days, they fight. How many dead because of religous wars?
Its funny people complain about oil prices. Reap what you sow fools.
What oil was supposed to last forever? Got to comfortable driving to that 7-11 when you could have walked there. Is this how far humans have come?
Is there an endless supply of oil for our vehicles? Or in the future only the ones with more money can get around without walking?
How much water is left? Can you even drink the water in certain countries without getting sick? Hell even some he states in the great old USA the tap water has to be disenfected.
WHere the hell is all of our trash going? What you think there is a bottomless pit somewhere that all of our refuse is going?
Heh and the greatest one of all, The Air.
Heck this is a hard one. The idea is great, treat wounds- suppress pain-presevre life. Again tho, it seems only the rich can get the best treatment.
Plus the way the drug companies just advertise there drugs these days that will keep your dick erect, cure your depression and make your child more attentive in class is plain sick. We have all these but yet short on flu vaccines."Yawn" Pathetic.
The greatest reason of the downfall of humanity is money. The drive for it has become to great. To embezzle the life fortunes of so many, to think that the more you own makes you better then those who own less or to destroy any that might come close to your wealth.

So please go on and argue your Democratic,Republican,Liberal,Conservative,Right Wing Left Wing Crap "Yawn".

What ever makes you feel right.:mrgreen:

P.S. sorry for the grammar.
So like.................after the Kool-Aid..........can I have your stuff?

you make no sense still....
*sigh*. Explaining a joke always ruins it, no matter how terribly unfunny it is. See...he was acting paranoid and that we're doomed so I figured he'd kill himself to escape it and..........yeah actually, just ignore my post, I just got back from vacation, I'll swing back into it soon.
Heck peeps im still here posting absolute nonsense, alas Im a hero in my own mind:shock: .

All I ask is for 1 reply proving my theory wrong:

"World Politics Today Are Destroying The World And Making a Mockery Of Humanity"

P.s. Just one real reply, thats all I ask.
P.s.s To lenin whos sig says that he would not want a revolution that would cause destruction. Heh I hate to see waht you would say if you where born in the time of the American Revolution, It might go something like this "Wait the British are our leaders and what they say must be right, do not fight them. Just follow what they say and it will be all right"

:mrgreen: I just wish I lacked the guilt that most of you people have. I wish I was like you peeps and thank my graces that I was born into a situation that I was previledged to be fed and clothed everyday, and not worry about the starving and dying. But heck who would want to be like those who think they are greater then others, thinking the worldls was OK just because im OK.
Hel i'm not exactly sure what or how you want people to live. Should people not work so there are no money needs. Should we only use natural remedies so there is no shortage of meds. Should we live in the forest so we can get along with nature better? Hell I'm lost
Is someone going to give me something for nothing?
The problem with a revolution is that you will never know what is going to happen. Who knows? We might end up having a dictatorship once we overthrow the government. However at the moment, even though the people running our governent suck, it is preferable to remain this way because poor can still try to find an oppourtinity to support themselves and a revolution would lead to people getting killed and in the end we might just end up with a dictator.
FinnMacCool said:
The problem with a revolution is that you will never know what is going to happen. Who knows? We might end up having a dictatorship once we overthrow the government. However at the moment, even though the people running our governent suck, it is preferable to remain this way because poor can still try to find an oppourtinity to support themselves and a revolution would lead to people getting killed and in the end we might just end up with a dictator.

Not to mention that the revolution would more then likely fail
Yeah probably. I mean the 2nd ammendment was originally designed for us to defend ourselves from the government but we now that we have all this new technology it is much different.

I think this is the first time we've ever agreed, Calm
FinnMacCool said:
Yeah probably. I mean the 2nd ammendment was originally designed for us to defend ourselves from the government but we now that we have all this new technology it is much different.

I think this is the first time we've ever agreed, Calm

I do belive your right... Lets not make this a habit ok...LOL
Doomed?.. DOOMED?! Where on earth did you get the idea that humanity has failed?
Rubbish! Don't be such a loser, fella. Heaven and Earth could be only 100 years away at the pace humanity is going!

We're trying so very hard, my silly man. I think we're all a little bit frightened and a little bit worried, but how dare you say, that we, as humanity, have doomed ourselves in this great age we live in and tried so hard for.

We're all strange little bits of meat, in a possible infinite universe and we've managed to create wonders upon wonders, on this speck of dust we reside on.
Thx for the replys peeps.

CalmToKhaos: Your right, there is no way my thought of a world society would work. :3oops: Especially at his time in the world, to many people have worked to hard to get where they are now just to let it go. Your views are completely right.

GalenRox: You guessed me quite well. I am a communist. I know that being a "commie" is bad during this time in America. But I believe in the communist structure of government, its so perfect, but it has one MAJOR flaw. The flaw that it has is it prevents an individual to be more that the individual is. Me as a blue collar worker I do my work to serve the greater whole of the company. Maybe thats where I get the the whole "worker bee working to sustain the hole hive mentality". But it regards to the "bee system" the reason communism doest work is becuase so many people want to be the "queen".

The other point you had was that your father had done well to get to his place in life and would be a certain target in an uproar of poor citizens if " a revolution would arise". This is a very true point, would you give up your lives and/or the ones you love for a "greater good".
FinnMacool: You didnt say much but your a Op Ivy fan and ur sig is there lyrics. Heh I love Op Ivy I love the lyrics to "Take Warning".

Brigrand: The greatest reply ever. Your right, how would I know that the way the world is going now my be the greatest way for it possible. You, Brigand, are a philosopher. I like your style , till something is proven wrong it is right.

Sorry I started this thread, the only reason I started it was I was sickend with the way things were go in on. But thx I now realize things are OK.

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