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Foreign Policy Experts Map Russia’s Grand Designs for 2019 (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Foreign Policy Experts Map Russia’s Grand Designs for 2019 | The Moscow Times


Russia stands accused of meddling in Western elections, cosying up to dictatorial regimes in the Middle East and supporting fringe political groups within the European Union. What exactly does Russia have in store for the world in 2019?
The Moscow Times asked seven experts in Russia's foreign policy to weigh in.

Those experts are Vladimir Frolov, Elena Chernenko, Yury Barman, Andrew Wilson, Timur MakhMutov, Polina Slyusarchuk, and Alexander Gabaev.
A rather biased selection of 'experts' it must be said. The Moscow Times is a liberal leaning internationalist publication - proof that Russia has a free press.

But, that being said, most of you would do well to actually read even this soft lot (except Wilson who is British and completely propagandised).
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A rather biased selection of 'experts' it must be said. The Moscow Times is a liberal leaning internationalist publication - proof that Russia has a free press.

But, that being said, most of you would do well to actually read even this soft lot (except Wilson who is British and completely propagandised).

Yes, we now your position. If not RT it is propagandized.

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