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For the first time you will be able to connect the dots (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
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There Are No Moslem
Terrorist Organizations
In Indonesia
From David Leibovitz

The Former President of Indonesia (who is widely known in Indonesia as the only honest Indonesian politician there) directly stated IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the Indonesian police and/or military have perpetrated the infamous Bali bombing in which over 200 people were killed...about half of them Australians.

gp to the site and read it all
it is all there and clear, concise, and jaw dropping.
gp to the site and read it all
it is all there and clear, concise, and jaw dropping.

Went to the site. Read it all.
Jaw dropped -- at the sheer stupidity of it all.:bs
Canuck said:
There Are No Moslem
Terrorist Organizations
In Indonesia
From David Leibovitz

The Former President of Indonesia (who is widely known in Indonesia as the only honest Indonesian politician there) directly stated IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the Indonesian police and/or military have perpetrated the infamous Bali bombing in which over 200 people were killed...about half of them Australians.

gp to the site and read it all
it is all there and clear, concise, and jaw dropping.
Once again, your have been proven wrong Canuck.
Jemaah Islamiya (JI)

Jemaah Islamiya is a Southeast Asian terrorist network with links to al-Qaida. The network plotted in secrecy through the late 1990s, following the stated goal of creating an idealized Islamic state comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the southern Philippines, and southern Thailand.

The JI was responsible for the Bali bombings on 12 October 2002, which killed nearly 200 and wounded 300 others. The Bali plot was apparently the final outcome of meetings in early 2002 in Thailand, where attacks against Singapore and soft targets such as tourist spots in the region were considered. In December 2001, Singapore authorities uncovered a JI plot to attack the US and Israeli Embassies and British and Australian diplomatic buildings in Singapore. Recent investigations also linked the JI to December 2000 bombings where dozens of bombs were detonated in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Exact numbers are currently unknown, and Southeast Asian authorities continue to uncover and arrest additional JI elements. Singaporean officials have estimated total JI members to be approximately 5,000. The number of actual operationally oriented JI members probably is several hundred.

Location/Area of Operation
Following the regional crackdown against JI, it is unclear how the network has responded. The JI is believed to have cells spanning Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and southern Thailand and may have some presence in neighboring countries.

External Aid
Based on information from ongoing investigations, in addition to raising its own funds, the JI receives money and logistic assistance from Middle Eastern and South Asian contacts, NGOs, and other groups, including al-Qaida.

Terrorism101 Home Page : Terrorist Organizations : Jemaah Islamiya
Take Terrorism 101 and get back to me! :mrgreen:
oldreliable67 said:
Went to the site. Read it all.
Jaw dropped -- at the sheer stupidity of it all.:bs

some grope in the dark for an eternity
stsburns said:
Once again, your have been proven wrong Canuck.

Take Terrorism 101 and get back to me! :mrgreen:

I am Canadian we don't have Terrorists after us

some grope in the dark for an eternity

One or two reasonable posts out of what, 700 or so? So most of the time, it appears that the lights are on but nobody's at home.
I am Canadian we don't have Terrorists after us

Thats cause, forgive me, Canada is not a world power. Regardless of whether you like america or dislike america (from your posts, I would say you hate us) if Canada was in our posistion, you would find that youw ould have many more enemies.
no we dont want globalization
we dont inflame them

AMerica created them they were not born this way
no we dont want globalization

You and the rest of the fringe and radical fundamentalist Muslims may not want globalization, but the rest of your country surely does...
> All that business you talk about with euro replacing the dollar? Wouldn't be possible without globalization.
> All that talk about China and Japan and currencies? Wouldn't be possible without globalization.
> All that talk about having dumped GM and/or Ford and driving Nissans? Wouldn't be possible without globalization.
> And so much more, I can't begin to list it all.

Want to talk about globalization and its role in war on terror? Go to the thread...http://www.debatepolitics.com/showthread.php?t=4709
Canuck said:
There Are No Moslem
Terrorist Organizations
In Indonesia
From David Leibovitz

The Former President of Indonesia (who is widely known in Indonesia as the only honest Indonesian politician there) directly stated IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that the Indonesian police and/or military have perpetrated the infamous Bali bombing in which over 200 people were killed...about half of them Australians.

gp to the site and read it all
it is all there and clear, concise, and jaw dropping.

Tell that to the Indonesians...

And while you're at it, you might want to console the Buddhists in Thailand with the news that America is really the cause for Muslim extremists taking their evolutionally retarded ideology on to their land also...

It's not only the Jews that they hate...

Why it's even their own kind

The Coptics in Egypt, the Christians in the Middle East will all be glad to hear that Muslimg extremists don't exist; it's all in their imagination.:roll:
I am Canadian we don't have Terrorists after us

Of course you do. al Qaeda makes no distinction between nations of origin of infidels. One infidel is like any other infidel. Re-read Bin Laden's fatwah.

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