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For All Pro-Choice Women (1 Viewer)

If it was proven that the fetus is a living human child, would you still abort?

  • Yes, I couldn't care less if it was a child or not.

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Yes, it is better to kill it than to give it a bad life.

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • No, I would never kill a human child.

    Votes: 10 50.0%

  • Total voters


Active member
Jul 20, 2005
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Political Leaning
If it was proven to you that the fetus inside of you was in fact a living human child, would you still have an abortion? Prochoicedanielle said that she would, and I was absolutely shocked. I'm just wondering how many people would agree with her.
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This is not about anything other than a womans property, religion, and your buissuiness with the previous 2. Uncle Sam should stay the **** out of my life.
Peralin said:
Prochoicedanielle said that she would, and I was absolutely shocked. I'm just wondering how many people would agree with her.
I am not a woman, so I won't vote here, but regardless of what it is, it is irrelevant to the woman's right to decide what happens with her bodily resources REGARDLESS of what the use is for. Prolife has never figured that out, which is why they keep on yammering about the fetus this and that, even though it is irrelevant. They never get around to the woman other than as an "immoral slut" or something like that.
steen said:
I am not a woman, so I won't vote here, but regardless of what it is, it is irrelevant to the woman's right to decide what happens with her bodily resources REGARDLESS of what the use is for. Prolife has never figured that out, which is why they keep on yammering about the fetus this and that, even though it is irrelevant. They never get around to the woman other than as an "immoral slut" or something like that.

Thankfully your mother wasn't having a bad hair day when she was pregnant or you would not be here to advocate murder of innocent babies in the womb..........
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
This is not about anything other than a womans property, religion, and your buissuiness with the previous 2. Uncle Sam should stay the **** out of my life.

What are you talking about. Nobody knows for sure whether the fetus is a child or not, and it IS kind of important!
Old and wise said:
How about proving it in stead of saying 'IF'.

It is impossible for me to prove it. And it is impossible for you to prove that it is not. I'm not even going to try. Its just a poll, I haven't even started an argument yet! I am asking "what if" because I am just wondering how many people side with prochoicedanielle.
steen said:
I am not a woman, so I won't vote here, but regardless of what it is, it is irrelevant to the woman's right to decide what happens with her bodily resources REGARDLESS of what the use is for. Prolife has never figured that out, which is why they keep on yammering about the fetus this and that, even though it is irrelevant. They never get around to the woman other than as an "immoral slut" or something like that.

I am not asking anything about rights or whether it is constitutional or any of that stuff. I am assuming that abortion is legal when I ask this question.
Navy Pride said:
Thankfully your mother wasn't having a bad hair day when she was pregnant or you would not be here
Fascinating, irrelevant and lame stupidity you are displaying here.
to advocate murder of innocent babies in the womb..........
Ah, more prolife murders. You losers never can make a post without at least ONE lie, can you?
Peralin said:
What are you talking about. Nobody knows for sure whether the fetus is a child or not,
Sure we do. "Child" is a developmental stage beginnig at birth, while "fetus" is a stage beginning at the 9th week of pregnancy and lasts until birth. SO no, we DO know that the fetus is not a child.
and it IS kind of important!
Nope, it doesn't matter at all. It has absolutely no significance to the woman's right to control her bodily resources. Your claim and assuptions are outright false.
I did not vote. This is a tough question and it is almost impossible to answer. There are many that would abort knowing that the fetus is alive and not care. There are many that would not abort. Then there are many that would do it and still oppose it.

I have two preteen daughters and I have learned that all the guidance and advice in the world will only keep them safe until they are faced with making their own decision. If they were to come to me and say that they are pregnant.......I do not know. I oppose abortion, but when faced with the reality of my daughters future.......I would not only stand by her, but I would probably encourage her to do what I do not believe in. If I ever am really faced with this question, I will know then what I would do.

Hypocrisy is in all of us in one way or another. I hate this topic.
Peralin said:
I am not asking anything about rights or whether it is constitutional or any of that stuff. I am assuming that abortion is legal when I ask this question.
Well, I would wholeheartedly and with no reservation side with danielle.
Peralin said:
What are you talking about. Nobody knows for sure whether the fetus is a child or not, and it IS kind of important!

You may not know it but I do and so do all Roman Catholics.........Life begins at conception my friend.......
steen said:
Fascinating, irrelevant and lame stupidity you are displaying here.
Ah, more prolife murders. You losers never can make a post without at least ONE lie, can you?

I hope it makes you sleep better at night by denying that a baby in the womb is a living, breathing entity........

I don't know if your a religeous person or not but trust me some day you will have to answer to your maker if your murder innocent babies in the womb.............

One question, why do you liberals insult and call people names that have a difference of opinion?
Navy Pride said:
I hope it makes you sleep better at night by denying that a baby in the womb is a living, breathing entity........
Breathing-the inhalation and exhalation of air. In the "womb" Uhum, yup, sure. More PL babbling nonsense.
I don't know if your a religeous person or not but trust me some day you will have to answer to your maker if your murder innocent babies in the womb.............
Baby-A developmental stage beginning at birth. What are babies doing still in the "womb"?
One question, why do you liberals insult and call people names that have a difference of opinion?
Pot-Kettle-Black. How hypocritical of you.
steen said:
Breathing-the inhalation and exhalation of air. In the "womb" Uhum, yup, sure. More PL babbling nonsense.
Baby-A developmental stage beginning at birth. What are babies doing still in the "womb"?
Pot-Kettle-Black. How hypocritical of you.

As I am labeled aConservative or a right winger and proud of it I call you a lefty or a liberal.............Why are you ashamed of being labeled what you are?:confused:

One more question, have you ever heard a woman when she foiund out she was pregnant say I am going to have a fetus?
Navy Pride said:
As I am labeled aConservative or a right winger and proud of it I call you a lefty or a liberal.............Why are you ashamed of being labeled what you are?:confused:

One more question, have you ever heard a woman when she foiund out she was pregnant say I am going to have a fetus?

It might have been a play on words, but that last sentence was a pretty good point.
Navy Pride said:
Thankfully your mother wasn't having a bad hair day when she was pregnant or you would not be here to advocate murder of innocent babies in the womb..........

Yes. That makes so much sense.

"Oh, no, my hair's gone all frizzy! Hey, I think I'll have an abortion!"


Thankfully your mother and father made love when they did, or you wouldn't be here to try and take away women's choices. After all, it's only by dumb luck that the sperm and egg that made you were able to meet.

Navy Pride said:
One more question, have you ever heard a woman when she foiund out she was pregnant say I am going to have a fetus?

Why would she? It's a baby once it's born. If she's not intending to actually carry it to term and give birth, then she doesn't tell people. Logical enough even for you.
vergiss said:
Yes. That makes so much sense.

"Oh, no, my hair's gone all frizzy! Hey, I think I'll have an abortion!"


Thankfully your mother and father made love when they did, or you wouldn't be here to try and take away women's choices. After all, it's only by dumb luck that the sperm and egg that made you were able to meet.

Why would she? It's a baby once it's born. If she's not intending to actually carry it to term and give birth, then she doesn't tell people. Logical enough even for you.

Let me break it down for you since you seem to take everything literally........ To say a bad day is and expression.........Women have had abortions for lessor reasons then that, one being birth control and judging by your comments that is fine with you..........

Its a baby in the womb.......It takes nourishment from its mother.....It is a living entity...........Babies have been born and lived at the 5th month of the pregnancy....................
I didn't vote. Didn't see a choice that I agreed with.

I am pro-choice for now, but believe abortion is a procedure that will go the way of the common but, now we know, often unnecessary tonsillectomies & radical hysterectomies of the past.

My question for the pro-lifers is, how do you feel about RU486, the morning after pill, for rape victims? How do you feel about the prevalence of birth control - making it easily available and free for teen girls and women? What ideas do you have for when abortion is illegal? Sex only for procreation? Somehow I think that is not an option for even the most devoutly religious pro-life man.

I don't like abortion. It is a backward medical procedure and the moral questions it raises are certainly not simple ones to answer. I don't think the issue of whether we are talking about a fetus or a baby, living or not are relevant. Abortion is an invasive procedure that could be easily avoided if we make some simple changes to our society's responsibility for effective birth control. And yes, if abortion is society's problem, then prevention is also society's problem.

If we want all of our children to be wanted and well cared for, then we should make sure that they are wanted and well cared for. Seems logical to me.
Navy Pride said:
You may not know it but I do and so do all Roman Catholics.........Life begins at conception my friend.......

I respect your opinion, and I myself am pro-life and despise the idea of abortion. However, it is not possible to prove, or make the PCs agree with us, at least.
steen said:
Baby-A developmental stage beginning at birth. What are babies doing still in the "womb"?

You know exactly what he means. He means "child", and the only reason you keep correcting us is because you don't feel secure with your argument. If you did, you would be able to let incorrectly-used words slip by without correction.

And BTW, whenever I say "child", THIS IS THE DEFINITION I AM GOING BY:

an unborn or recently born person

It's m-w.com, so live with it.
galenrox said:
so then what about abortions before the 5th month?

I believe life begins at conception.........
galenrox said:
so then what about abortions before the 5th month?

Well, in my own opinion, if it was proven that the "fetus" (You know what I mean, Steen, don't try your crazy antics) was in fact a "child", abortion should be illegal. If it is a human child then wouldn't it be covered under the law against murder?

But it all depends on when the fetus was proven to be a child. If it was after the 5th month, I guess we would just ban all abortions after the 5th month. If it was proven up until conception, I guess we would ban all abortions after conception.

Again, this is all my own opinion, and, as I said before, when I asked the question I was assuming that abortion would still be legal.
Peralin said:
I respect your opinion, and I myself am pro-life and despise the idea of abortion. However, it is not possible to prove, or make the PCs agree with us, at least.

Just think about it for a minute......the figures are staggering........40,000,000abortions since 1972.........How many of those could have been avoided? How many were done for convenience or for birth control purposes.......My heart crys out for all those innocent babies who never got the chance to live like we did...........

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