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food shortages expected world wide (1 Viewer)


proud ammosexual
DP Veteran
Nov 13, 2011
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Political Leaning
Food shortages are expected worldwide, simple as that, russia is the largest exporter of grain, followed closely by ukraine, one is shut off from the world the other has had their infrastructure and farmland destroyed. Now let's add some more hell to it, russia is also the largest exporter of finished fertilizer, followed by belarus and ukraine is a big producer as well, none of these are the largest producer as china holds that title however they are the big exporters, much of the world needs them for their crops.

Now let us go one bigger, in the united states and canada food processing plants have been catching on fire or being stuck by planes magically crashing into them, in a very short time frame. Union pacific said due to being short staffed they were halting private car shipments, only affecting grain and fertilizer, bnsf has essentially said similar. Now the united states gets most of it's finished potash fertilizer from russia but actually produces far more internally, from raw potash from canada, oh wait canadian rail workers are striking blocking potash shipments for fertilizer.

Man this all seems awefully convenient, between floods in china causing china to buy up all excess grain, to the rest of the world either dependant on russia ukraine and belarus for fertilizer or grain to in the west fertilizer suddenly not being shipped during critical planting seasons, and it being nearly the only thing halted. To make it worse europe uses natural gas heavily to make fertilizer off their stockpiles, and have halted most production, either due to sky high gas prices or being completely or partially cut off from gas by russia.

Between war and sanctions, I feel most of the world will blame the west, because people in africa the middle east and asia really are not willing to starve to death by the millions to protect americas interests in ukraine, they probably could not even put ukraine on a map, but only care that food issues are caused by the east west rivalry. South america is also expected to have mass food shortages as well.

It is sad to say but if war and sanctions continue, much of the world will starve, as the world in many areas is far over populated over what their own countries can sustain, and have been reliant on international trade often between russia belarus and ukraine to survive, without them their population numbers can not be sustained. Though the whole world will feel the pinch, europe america canada and parts of asia will be miserable, but the rest of the world could see epic famine as a result of a pissing contest.
Food shortages are expected worldwide, simple as that, russia is the largest exporter of grain, followed closely by ukraine, one is shut off from the world the other has had their infrastructure and farmland destroyed. Now let's add some more hell to it, russia is also the largest exporter of finished fertilizer, followed by belarus and ukraine is a big producer as well, none of these are the largest producer as china holds that title however they are the big exporters, much of the world needs them for their crops.

Now let us go one bigger, in the united states and canada food processing plants have been catching on fire or being stuck by planes magically crashing into them, in a very short time frame. Union pacific said due to being short staffed they were halting private car shipments, only affecting grain and fertilizer, bnsf has essentially said similar. Now the united states gets most of it's finished potash fertilizer from russia but actually produces far more internally, from raw potash from canada, oh wait canadian rail workers are striking blocking potash shipments for fertilizer.

Man this all seems awefully convenient, between floods in china causing china to buy up all excess grain, to the rest of the world either dependant on russia ukraine and belarus for fertilizer or grain to in the west fertilizer suddenly not being shipped during critical planting seasons, and it being nearly the only thing halted. To make it worse europe uses natural gas heavily to make fertilizer off their stockpiles, and have halted most production, either due to sky high gas prices or being completely or partially cut off from gas by russia.

Between war and sanctions, I feel most of the world will blame the west, because people in africa the middle east and asia really are not willing to starve to death by the millions to protect americas interests in ukraine, they probably could not even put ukraine on a map, but only care that food issues are caused by the east west rivalry. South america is also expected to have mass food shortages as well.

It is sad to say but if war and sanctions continue, much of the world will starve, as the world in many areas is far over populated over what their own countries can sustain, and have been reliant on international trade often between russia belarus and ukraine to survive, without them their population numbers can not be sustained. Though the whole world will feel the pinch, europe america canada and parts of asia will be miserable, but the rest of the world could see epic famine as a result of a pissing contest.

If only we had a big chunk of the country that could step up food production. ;)
If only we had a big chunk of the country that could step up food production. ;)
Without fertilizer that would not work though, as mass production requires fertilizer, and suddenly the united states and the world is in an epic fertilizer shortage at the same time china had floods destroy much of their crop and the biggest grain exporters either stopped exporting or were unable to export.

One coincidence is just that, two kinda pushing it, dozens in a row, well it almost looks planned like some of the powers that be though mass starvation might thin out numbers or something.
Without fertilizer that would not work though, as mass production requires fertilizer, and suddenly the united states and the world is in an epic fertilizer shortage at the same time china had floods destroy much of their crop and the biggest grain exporters either stopped exporting or were unable to export.

One coincidence is just that, two kinda pushing it, dozens in a row, well it almost looks planned like some of the powers that be though mass starvation might thin out numbers or something.

This is getting awfully close to CT but I'll indulge it.

Suppose that there is something that the President could do that could magically make fertilizer come back. What? What would it be?

Something like this?
This is getting awfully close to CT but I'll indulge it.

Suppose that there is something that the President could do that could magically make fertilizer come back. What? What would it be?

Something like this?
I do not think the president has the power to suddenly make fertilizer stop or stop. My point was it is awefully wierd that all of this happened within a few months.

It almost appears planned however if you want to bring the potus into this I do not feel it was his planning, if he was part he would just be a pawn, either way it is awefully off the timing of everything.

It would be like oil hitting record highs then 3 oil refineries blowing up within 6 hours of eachother folowed by oil companies announcing they were laying off 90% of their staff because they had no demand and too much supply, would you not think this makes no sense, because when I look at the food and fertilizer situation it surely to me makes no sense at all almost like it was a planned even by someone somewhere. You do not cut down fertilizer and grain shipments when food stability hit's it's lowest point, much like you would not cut oil production and shipping when prices are highest and production is l;owest.
Invite everyone to the US and we can all survive on whatever's left on the shelves.

Once the homeless bums and latte liberals run out of food, then SHTF.
Food shortages are expected worldwide, simple as that, russia is the largest exporter of grain, followed closely by ukraine, one is shut off from the world the other has had their infrastructure and farmland destroyed. Now let's add some more hell to it, russia is also the largest exporter of finished fertilizer, followed by belarus and ukraine is a big producer as well, none of these are the largest producer as china holds that title however they are the big exporters, much of the world needs them for their crops.

Now let us go one bigger, in the united states and canada food processing plants have been catching on fire or being stuck by planes magically crashing into them, in a very short time frame. Union pacific said due to being short staffed they were halting private car shipments, only affecting grain and fertilizer, bnsf has essentially said similar. Now the united states gets most of it's finished potash fertilizer from russia but actually produces far more internally, from raw potash from canada, oh wait canadian rail workers are striking blocking potash shipments for fertilizer.

Man this all seems awefully convenient, between floods in china causing china to buy up all excess grain, to the rest of the world either dependant on russia ukraine and belarus for fertilizer or grain to in the west fertilizer suddenly not being shipped during critical planting seasons, and it being nearly the only thing halted. To make it worse europe uses natural gas heavily to make fertilizer off their stockpiles, and have halted most production, either due to sky high gas prices or being completely or partially cut off from gas by russia.

Between war and sanctions, I feel most of the world will blame the west, because people in africa the middle east and asia really are not willing to starve to death by the millions to protect americas interests in ukraine, they probably could not even put ukraine on a map, but only care that food issues are caused by the east west rivalry. South america is also expected to have mass food shortages as well.

It is sad to say but if war and sanctions continue, much of the world will starve, as the world in many areas is far over populated over what their own countries can sustain, and have been reliant on international trade often between russia belarus and ukraine to survive, without them their population numbers can not be sustained. Though the whole world will feel the pinch, europe america canada and parts of asia will be miserable, but the rest of the world could see epic famine as a result of a pissing contest.
OK, where ever you read that, is the author's name Chicken Little by chance?
This is getting awfully close to CT but I'll indulge it.

Suppose that there is something that the President could do that could magically make fertilizer come back. What? What would it be?

Something like this?
Wrong way to do it.

Why can't the left stop with subsidy spending?

Instead of spending money to make cheaper USA made feritlizer, we should tariff the imported fertilizer more so it's profitable to make it here.
I do not think the president has the power to suddenly make fertilizer stop or stop. My point was it is awefully wierd that all of this happened within a few months.
Is it really happening, or just a bad story?

---The Sky Is Falling---

Have a link by chance?
Without fertilizer that would not work though, as mass production requires fertilizer, and suddenly the united states and the world is in an epic fertilizer shortage at the same time china had floods destroy much of their crop and the biggest grain exporters either stopped exporting or were unable to export.

One coincidence is just that, two kinda pushing it, dozens in a row, well it almost looks planned like some of the powers that be though mass starvation might thin out numbers or something.
Fun fact, we produce twice as much nitrogen than the total fertilizers combined. Nitrogen is the biggie. I don't think the Soros E-vile planners are behind floods in China. Sometimes a cigar is just a smelly smoke... ✌️
Add climate change to the mix -- water shortages in some places and floods in others, fires, extreme storms.
This is getting awfully close to CT but I'll indulge it.

Suppose that there is something that the President could do that could magically make fertilizer come back. What? What would it be?

Something like this?

Bartiromo then asked a series of questions, such as "Do you think things will get worse?" and "Do you think food prices will go even higher later this year?"

He warned about an imbalance in world food production, indicating "farmers are paying double for fertilizer, they're planting less and yields will be less."

Unanue then spoke about "30% of the global wheat production in Ukraine goes unplanted." He said the "global food supply chain is a very tight balance. If we interrupt the food production, we will have a food crisis that will send prices through the roof."

Food shortages are expected worldwide, simple as that, russia is the largest exporter of grain, followed closely by ukraine, one is shut off from the world the other has had their infrastructure and farmland destroyed. Now let's add some more hell to it, russia is also the largest exporter of finished fertilizer, followed by belarus and ukraine is a big producer as well, none of these are the largest producer as china holds that title however they are the big exporters, much of the world needs them for their crops.

Now let us go one bigger, in the united states and canada food processing plants have been catching on fire or being stuck by planes magically crashing into them, in a very short time frame. Union pacific said due to being short staffed they were halting private car shipments, only affecting grain and fertilizer, bnsf has essentially said similar. Now the united states gets most of it's finished potash fertilizer from russia but actually produces far more internally, from raw potash from canada, oh wait canadian rail workers are striking blocking potash shipments for fertilizer.

Man this all seems awefully convenient, between floods in china causing china to buy up all excess grain, to the rest of the world either dependant on russia ukraine and belarus for fertilizer or grain to in the west fertilizer suddenly not being shipped during critical planting seasons, and it being nearly the only thing halted. To make it worse europe uses natural gas heavily to make fertilizer off their stockpiles, and have halted most production, either due to sky high gas prices or being completely or partially cut off from gas by russia.

Between war and sanctions, I feel most of the world will blame the west, because people in africa the middle east and asia really are not willing to starve to death by the millions to protect americas interests in ukraine, they probably could not even put ukraine on a map, but only care that food issues are caused by the east west rivalry. South america is also expected to have mass food shortages as well.

It is sad to say but if war and sanctions continue, much of the world will starve, as the world in many areas is far over populated over what their own countries can sustain, and have been reliant on international trade often between russia belarus and ukraine to survive, without them their population numbers can not be sustained. Though the whole world will feel the pinch, europe america canada and parts of asia will be miserable, but the rest of the world could see epic famine as a result of a pissing contest.
I think it's time to eat the grain going to animal agriculture.
Food shortages are expected worldwide, simple as that, russia is the largest exporter of grain, followed closely by ukraine, one is shut off from the world the other has had their infrastructure and farmland destroyed. Now let's add some more hell to it, russia is also the largest exporter of finished fertilizer, followed by belarus and ukraine is a big producer as well, none of these are the largest producer as china holds that title however they are the big exporters, much of the world needs them for their crops.

Now let us go one bigger, in the united states and canada food processing plants have been catching on fire or being stuck by planes magically crashing into them, in a very short time frame. Union pacific said due to being short staffed they were halting private car shipments, only affecting grain and fertilizer, bnsf has essentially said similar. Now the united states gets most of it's finished potash fertilizer from russia but actually produces far more internally, from raw potash from canada, oh wait canadian rail workers are striking blocking potash shipments for fertilizer.

Man this all seems awefully convenient, between floods in china causing china to buy up all excess grain, to the rest of the world either dependant on russia ukraine and belarus for fertilizer or grain to in the west fertilizer suddenly not being shipped during critical planting seasons, and it being nearly the only thing halted. To make it worse europe uses natural gas heavily to make fertilizer off their stockpiles, and have halted most production, either due to sky high gas prices or being completely or partially cut off from gas by russia.

Between war and sanctions, I feel most of the world will blame the west, because people in africa the middle east and asia really are not willing to starve to death by the millions to protect americas interests in ukraine, they probably could not even put ukraine on a map, but only care that food issues are caused by the east west rivalry. South america is also expected to have mass food shortages as well.

It is sad to say but if war and sanctions continue, much of the world will starve, as the world in many areas is far over populated over what their own countries can sustain, and have been reliant on international trade often between russia belarus and ukraine to survive, without them their population numbers can not be sustained. Though the whole world will feel the pinch, europe america canada and parts of asia will be miserable, but the rest of the world could see epic famine as a result of a pissing contest.
I say we can live without that chemical fertilizer and so can the soil. ................. This crummy fertilizer does not nurture the soil. Time to grow your own food.
Fun fact, we produce twice as much nitrogen than the total fertilizers combined. Nitrogen is the biggie. I don't think the Soros E-vile planners are behind floods in China. Sometimes a cigar is just a smelly smoke... ✌️
There is more than nitrogen needed though, nitrogen phosphorous and potassium are the big three, a well rounded soil can get by with just nitrogen for mass production, however mass farming rapidly degrades soil, meaning all 3 are needed for much of the world.

Besides that one of the largest producers of nitrogen fertilizer was shut off from the rest of the united states by union pacific and bnsf, cf industries in texas ships all over the united states and have been basically shut off from shipping as trucking regs make mass shipments of fertilizer near impossible.
I say we can live without that chemical fertilizer and so can the soil. ................. This crummy fertilizer does not nurture the soil. Time to grow your own food.
That is not possible for most the world though, places like egypt turkey most of africa and much of asia have populations far greater than their landmass can support without chemical fertilizers.

In times past more of the us was farmland than now, what changed was chenical fertilizers made farming mre efficient, this had the same effect worldwide. Because in the past you needed 3-10 times the landmass of the amount of crop you were growing depending on the crop, and crops with manure or other natural fertilizers produced lower yields requiring even more farmland.

The reason for needing so much more farmland in the past was simple, crop rotations, crops deplete the soil, and without nature replentishing it, nothing would grow without synthetic fertilizers. In the past they would cycle plots in a way nature could reclaim the unused ones to replentish the soil, then when it came back to that one plots cycle everything would be tilled down again, with fertile soil. Problem is this type of farming which has been practiced for thousands of years requires large amounts of land, meaning places that are very overcrowded and overpopulated are impossible to sustain without chemical fertilizers.
Bartiromo then asked a series of questions, such as "Do you think things will get worse?" and "Do you think food prices will go even higher later this year?"

He warned about an imbalance in world food production, indicating "farmers are paying double for fertilizer, they're planting less and yields will be less."

Unanue then spoke about "30% of the global wheat production in Ukraine goes unplanted." He said the "global food supply chain is a very tight balance. If we interrupt the food production, we will have a food crisis that will send prices through the roof."

The food balance is very tight, even with modern logistics and trade much of the world even before 2020 faced severe hunger. Add to that the fact that much of the world was only kept alive by russia ukraine and belarus and suddenly things hit epic levels of bad, in america people will likely not starve but prices will go high and food choices scarce.

For the third world sanctions and war will likely kill off far more people than anything russia and ukraine could to eachother.
Is it really happening, or just a bad story?

---The Sky Is Falling---

Have a link by chance?
Yes this is a real thing, no it is not a bad story, much of the world's food supply is in russia belarus and ukraine, as well as fertilizer to supply other nations who grow their own, To make it worse india is facing a drought and extreme heat messing up summer wheat crops, and india was one of the few nations who could blunt the blow.

How many sources do you want and on which topic?


This is just two, there are numerous links everywhere, even by many msm sources, despite the fact the msm has tried to be silent on it, they are reporting on it as well, just not putting it in the forefront as anything ukraine war hunters laptop or jan 6 trials seem to be the only thing they deem front page worthy.
There is more than nitrogen needed though, nitrogen phosphorous and potassium are the big three, a well rounded soil can get by with just nitrogen for mass production, however mass farming rapidly degrades soil, meaning all 3 are needed for much of the world.

Besides that one of the largest producers of nitrogen fertilizer was shut off from the rest of the united states by union pacific and bnsf, cf industries in texas ships all over the united states and have been basically shut off from shipping as trucking regs make mass shipments of fertilizer near impossible.
Second two are not annual in tight clay soils- the grain belts are tight clay soils. Not real sure what you mean about 'basically shut off'. We're getting fertilizer in reliable amounts. Anhydrous is the corporate nitrogen fertilizer of choice. I know many wheat farmers who rarely use the last two. Nitrogen is the key. Now stimulating root growth in my Bermuda could use the last two. Corporate farming relies on 'well rounded' soil like tRump relies on facts. A little now and then.

Regulations (the bane of the MAGA world) haven't made fertilizer shipping 'near impossible'. Trying to push the backlog of consumer goods to people so they quit whining and hopefully stop the price upswing is. Canadian railroad having a labor strike is limiting.

FYI Nitrogen is the only fertilizer you have to be careful with. Anhydrous is a highly compressed gas injected into the soil. It is also as dangerous as mustard gas if inhaled. Small leak, derail and it's WWI all over again. The other two have no real 'regulations' on shipping... ✌️
I listened to a fantastic presentation about Hitler. His main concern was "ecological panic."

I don't know if I have this correct: Food was the first political issue.
Second two are not annual in tight clay soils- the grain belts are tight clay soils. Not real sure what you mean about 'basically shut off'. We're getting fertilizer in reliable amounts. Anhydrous is the corporate nitrogen fertilizer of choice. I know many wheat farmers who rarely use the last two. Nitrogen is the key. Now stimulating root growth in my Bermuda could use the last two. Corporate farming relies on 'well rounded' soil like tRump relies on facts. A little now and then.

Regulations (the bane of the MAGA world) haven't made fertilizer shipping 'near impossible'. Trying to push the backlog of consumer goods to people so they quit whining and hopefully stop the price upswing is. Canadian railroad having a labor strike is limiting.

FYI Nitrogen is the only fertilizer you have to be careful with. Anhydrous is a highly compressed gas injected into the soil. It is also as dangerous as mustard gas if inhaled. Small leak, derail and it's WWI all over again. The other two have no real 'regulations' on shipping... ✌️
Cf industries one of the biggest producers was shut off from rail transport through bnsf and union pacific. Fertilizer can be shipped by truck but regs are stricter as even though it is not an explosive by itself, many fertilizers are tracked due to their potential to be used in explosives as well as potential environmental hazards if something happened to the truck and it all spilled out. Besides that shipping by truck is vastly more expensive than by rail, raising costs to farmers which gets passed on to the consumer.

You are right non nitrogen fertilizers have no major restrictions, as nitro fertilizers are the dangerous ones not just to the environment and possibly people from exposure, but also in that it is the number one ingredient worldwide for improvised explosives, the federal govt tracks that stuff quite well, while potash really is not going to be capable of the same harm.

Well rounded soil there is no such thing really, as each crop is specific, even if nutrients are met, one crop may need loose well drained soil to thrive making clay soils poorly suited, while other crops may prefer clay type soils and thrive in their rich environment. But over farming requires fertilizer, as no matter how much you think it is well rounded, crops deplete the soil, so either they need to constantly be fed fertilizer to keep the same fields producing year after year, or they need to use crop rotations and let nature replentish the fields.

The whole crop rotation thing worked as long as mankind has farmed, it allowed crops to grow with minimal or no fertilizer, however corporate farms hate crop rotations unless they can grow something like soy inbetween crops, because they view productivity over landmass as important, however that requires masses of synthetic fertilizers to happen, while crop rotations limit the land to half to a quarter of the total land to a years crops so the rest can replentish itself.
I listened to a fantastic presentation about Hitler. His main concern was "ecological panic."

I don't know if I have this correct: Food was the first political issue.
Food drives the world, companies may see profit, govts can use food to control their population to keep supporting said govt, or control the supply and limit civilian food to ensure larger portions join the military as a way to eat, they can also be used as a way to defeat an enemy without ever bearing arms or marching an army.

Food and water are issues that can change politics, destroy nations, and even be used as a tool. I see no evidence yet of it being a super new world order thing yet, but it certainly looks like it is somewhat coordinated, by who no one knows and for why no one knows, my guess would be someone saw the supply chain already cracking worldwide and saw dollar signs and decided they needed to obstruct it more.
A question why did Biden go to Iowa last week when he bragged about food for fuel (ethanol) doesn't he have a clue or just want votes?
Food drives the world, companies may see profit, govts can use food to control their population to keep supporting said govt, or control the supply and limit civilian food to ensure larger portions join the military as a way to eat, they can also be used as a way to defeat an enemy without ever bearing arms or marching an army.

Food and water are issues that can change politics, destroy nations, and even be used as a tool. I see no evidence yet of it being a super new world order thing yet, but it certainly looks like it is somewhat coordinated, by who no one knows and for why no one knows, my guess would be someone saw the supply chain already cracking worldwide and saw dollar signs and decided they needed to obstruct it more.
You should read up on sand ...


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