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Florida's don't say gay passes House... (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
Political Leaning
What a sad state, and a truly sad state of affairs. The GOP there are passing laws from the 20th century not the 21st century. Once again showing they are NOT the party of inclusion, and they don't like minorities other than themselves.

Equality Florida condemned the bill’s passage on Thursday, saying it was done “despite overwhelming public outrage” and claiming the move would turn the state into a bastion of “censorship and surveillance.”
“If signed into law, these bills will have disastrous impacts on classrooms and workplaces,” the group said in a statement. “They will turn Florida into a surveillance state and give the government broad license to censor conversations about American history, the origins of racism and injustice, and the existence of LGBTQ people.”

Can you summarize just what the bill does?
What a sad state, and a truly sad state of affairs. The GOP there are passing laws from the 20th century not the 21st century. Once again showing they are NOT the party of inclusion, and they don't like minorities other than themselves.

Equality Florida condemned the bill’s passage on Thursday, saying it was done “despite overwhelming public outrage” and claiming the move would turn the state into a bastion of “censorship and surveillance.”
“If signed into law, these bills will have disastrous impacts on classrooms and workplaces,” the group said in a statement. “They will turn Florida into a surveillance state and give the government broad license to censor conversations about American history, the origins of racism and injustice, and the existence of LGBTQ people.”

Authoritarians gonna authoritarian
Can you summarize just what the bill does?
its another GOP wedge issue:

The bill specifically targets kindergarten through third grade classrooms and seeks to bar discussions that are deemed “not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.” State Rep. Joe Harding (R), who introduced the legislation, said it was about “empowering parents,” adding that students won’t be barred from speaking about LGBTQ issues.
What a sad state, and a truly sad state of affairs. The GOP there are passing laws from the 20th century not the 21st century. Once again showing they are NOT the party of inclusion, and they don't like minorities other than themselves.

Equality Florida condemned the bill’s passage on Thursday, saying it was done “despite overwhelming public outrage” and claiming the move would turn the state into a bastion of “censorship and surveillance.”
“If signed into law, these bills will have disastrous impacts on classrooms and workplaces,” the group said in a statement. “They will turn Florida into a surveillance state and give the government broad license to censor conversations about American history, the origins of racism and injustice, and the existence of LGBTQ people.”

Florida. Why is it always Florida (when it's not Texas)?

They are appealing to the sick and twisted morons.
The bill specifically targets kindergarten through third grade classrooms and seeks to bar discussions that are deemed “not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.”

Hmmmm. Well I see nothing wrong with that.

But how many 1st grade teachers are really holding classroom discussions about homosexuality and "transgenderism" etc?

So basically this is another nothingburger: a "law" that in actuality doesnt change anything, but gives GQP "culture warriors" something to emote and cheer about.
Hmmmm. Well I see nothing wrong with that.

But how many 1st grade teachers are really holding classroom discussions about homosexuality and "transgenderism" etc?

So basically this is another nothingburger: a "law" that in actuality doesnt change anything, but gives GQP "culture warriors" something to emote and cheer about.
This goes right along with what you said: One of my young 18-year-old friends (Astronomy get together) has a mom in the public school system.
She actually laughed the other day when talking about this new Florida bill. "You know, I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about"
"About the only sex talk I've ever used is something like "Becky.. please stop lifting up your dress" or Robbie, pull up your zipper" :)
its another GOP wedge issue:

The bill specifically targets kindergarten through third grade classrooms and seeks to bar discussions that are deemed “not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.” State Rep. Joe Harding (R), who introduced the legislation, said it was about “empowering parents,” adding that students won’t be barred from speaking about LGBTQ issues.
Seems like all discussions SHOULD be barred from being had if they are not age appropriate, this is a dumb hill to plant your flag on as it is a good thing and also sad AF that this had to be legislated to be kept out of teacher/administration control.
This goes right along with what you said: One of my young 18-year-old friends (Astronomy get together) has a mom in the public school system.
She actually laughed the other day when talking about this new Florida bill. "You know, I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about"
"About the only sex talk I've ever used is something like "Becky.. please stop lifting up your dress" or Robbie, pull up your zipper" :)
So criticize it then for being a bill in search of a problem but solidifying the fact that there can be repercussions if you PUSH that envelope by law, is not a bad thing in and of itself.
Hmmmm. Well I see nothing wrong with that.

But how many 1st grade teachers are really holding classroom discussions about homosexuality and "transgenderism" etc?

So basically this is another nothingburger: a "law" that in actuality doesnt change anything, but gives GQP "culture warriors" something to emote and cheer about.
And something for DNC to whine about right?

Seems like that's all politics these days.
I seriously wonder if any of these legislators ever talked to any of the actual people they are legislating against? Every gay or trans adult knew they were gay or trans long before reaching the 'legal' age, some came to the realization even before reaching school age.

If these kids do have an issue, how can they have an open, non-judgmental discussion about who they are, with laws against their core convictions and an entire country saying they are sick, demented, mentally ill, when even the topic has even been criminalized?

Who is being harmed besides the child who NEEDS to sort things out? Just remember, with each of these laws passed, the country is gaining the precedence of going after you; you may very well be next - remember that when supporting oppression of who someone is and only want to live their life with the same freedoms as you, but cannot.
Hmmmm. Well I see nothing wrong with that.

But how many 1st grade teachers are really holding classroom discussions about homosexuality and "transgenderism" etc?

So basically this is another nothingburger: a "law" that in actuality doesnt change anything, but gives GQP "culture warriors" something to emote and cheer about.
Well, then the answer to this is to tell your typical liberal progressive educators, especially in elementary and high schools, to BACK OFF with sappy ideas on gender, sexuality, and social justice. Take San Francisco's recent vote to recall 3 school board members by a 70% voter margin. Those were NOT conservative culture warriors in liberal San Francisco saying NO MORE! They were mainly democrat parents tired of their children being subjected to indoctrination and not math, science, and language. I believe the last straw is SF was when the school board removed testing as a criteria for advanced placement schools, and instituted a lottery. Mainly due to Asian kids being so much better at actually studying and trying hard, and EARNING all the best spots. Because actually succeeding due to effort is "not fair", it is racism as the SF school board suggested.

All across this country PARENTS are taking back public eduction for these Marxist trained social justice progressives. From Florida to California, parents are saying ENOUGH!
I seriously wonder if any of these legislators ever talked to any of the actual people they are legislating against? Every gay or trans adult knew they were gay or trans long before reaching the 'legal' age, some came to the realization even before reaching school age.

If these kids do have an issue, how can they have an open, non-judgmental discussion about who they are, with laws against their core convictions and an entire country saying they are sick, demented, mentally ill, when even the topic has even been criminalized?

Somehow I doubt this is going to be a big issue to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders.

They'll be a'ight. (y)
Well, then the answer to this is to tell your typical liberal progressive educators, especially in elementary and high schools, to BACK OFF with sappy ideas on gender, sexuality, and social justice. Take San Francisco's recent vote to recall 3 school board members by a 70% voter margin. Those were NOT conservative culture warriors in liberal San Francisco saying NO MORE! They were mainly democrat parents tired of their children being subjected to indoctrination and not math, science, and language. I believe the last straw is SF was when the school board removed testing as a criteria for advanced placement schools, and instituted a lottery. Mainly due to Asian kids being so much better at actually studying and trying hard, and EARNING all the best spots. Because actually succeeding due to effort is "not fair", it is racism as the SF school board suggested.

All across this country PARENTS are taking back public eduction for these Marxist trained social justice progressives. From Florida to California, parents are saying ENOUGH!



Well, then the answer to this is to tell your typical liberal progressive educators, especially in elementary and high schools, to BACK OFF with sappy ideas on gender, sexuality, and social justice. Take San Francisco's recent vote to recall 3 school board members by a 70% voter margin. Those were NOT conservative culture warriors in liberal San Francisco saying NO MORE! They were mainly democrat parents tired of their children being subjected to indoctrination and not math, science, and language. I believe the last straw is SF was when the school board removed testing as a criteria for advanced placement schools, and instituted a lottery. Mainly due to Asian kids being so much better at actually studying and trying hard, and EARNING all the best spots. Because actually succeeding due to effort is "not fair", it is racism as the SF school board suggested.

All across this country PARENTS are taking back public eduction for these Marxist trained social justice progressives. From Florida to California, parents are saying ENOUGH!
So why reef on a bunch of LGBT kids that thinks Marxism has something to do with an antique toy manufacturer?

Keep in mind the only ones being truly suppressed are the children; vilified to the point of actually committing suicide. They end their existence mainly because of crap like these laws and the people supporting them. You, yes you are the main reason these people are committing homicide - against themselves, not the ones who are the actual killers...
So why reef on a bunch of LGBT kids that thinks Marxism has something to do with an antique toy manufacturer?

Keep in mind the only ones being truly suppressed are the children; vilified to the point of actually committing suicide. They end their existence mainly because of crap like these laws and the people supporting them. You, yes you are the main reason these people are committing homicide - against themselves, not the ones who are the actual killers...
What on earth are you on about?
PARENT'S should be having those conversations as needed, not the teachers.
What a sad state, and a truly sad state of affairs. The GOP there are passing laws from the 20th century not the 21st century. Once again showing they are NOT the party of inclusion, and they don't like minorities other than themselves.

Equality Florida condemned the bill’s passage on Thursday, saying it was done “despite overwhelming public outrage” and claiming the move would turn the state into a bastion of “censorship and surveillance.”
“If signed into law, these bills will have disastrous impacts on classrooms and workplaces,” the group said in a statement. “They will turn Florida into a surveillance state and give the government broad license to censor conversations about American history, the origins of racism and injustice, and the existence of LGBTQ people.”

Your source presents a message so biased that it can only be viewed as propaganda.

Children in K-3 really don't have any understanding that would justify the teaching of Gender diversity.

It is ridiculous that our educators, proven to be incapable of teaching the basic 3R's, are even considering teaching this tripe.
Somehow I doubt this is going to be a big issue to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders.

They'll be a'ight. (y)
I was one of those 1st 2nd and 3rd graders; it was a big enough issue that it severely affected my entire 68 year long life, and made so much of my existence miserable (on the inside, I HAD to hide it) for so many years. My parents were so 4-square, dead-set against anything but their anti-LGBT way of thinking, I never trusted them or felt the unconditional love kids (and adults) need, over some thing that is not changeable and out of my hands completely. Instead, I developed a strong (justifiable) distrust for most everyone I have ever known, save for a precious few who understood.

As an outlet for all the pain, rather than kill myself, I beat the hell out of anyone who crossed me, and tried successfully to be the Macho Hard Ass everyone, including my parents thought I should be. Both went to their graves without ever knowing who I truly was or how I truly felt. To this day I still hate them for it. And I'm not alone.
See my post #21
I am still not understanding how allowing teachers, not parents, as the sounding boards for the children who want and need to have the conversations that you desired is the right call?
Clearly you see that as ok, but I don't.
You needed someone to listen, and I get that however, that someone is one or both of your parents. Grandparents, uncles, aunts, someone not the teachers. Not that they couldn't be that person, but it certainly doesnt need to be a class wide discussion.

The lack of parenting is a big issue, not just here, it is even bigger with education. Are we willing to take kids away from 'parents who cannot or do not parent' so that their child has the best outcome? If not, then they don't need to be replaced with this issue either.
how about queer......or lesbian...butch.....or homosexual (well that's too long so just homo).....fag?......or my personal favorite ....'friend of Dorothy'........

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