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Florida Police Right or Wrong? (1 Viewer)

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Mar 31, 2005
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On March 14, 2005 in St. Petersburg, Florida police were called to Fairmount Park Elementary School after a teacher and assistant principal failed to calm down a five-year-old girl. Videotape clips were released that showed the five-year-old girl on a violent tantrum, which started when the little girl refused to participate in a class activity. The tape showed the girl pulling paper off of a bulletin board, after the teacher tried to place items on the board. It also showed the girl climbing on desktops, and the teacher removing her from the desktop, followed by the girl throwing punches at the teacher. The video ended with the girl sitting calmly in a chair, with police officers approaching her, grabbing her arms, bending her over a table, and placing handcuffs on her with the girl screaming "No."

After watching the video, I believe that there had to be some other way the police officers could have restraint the girl. Not only was she placed in handcuffs, but several reports say that she was placed in the back of a police car, and transported to her mother. For some unknown reason, the mother was contacted and could not leave to pick up her child. Reports also said that the school tried other techniques to calm the child down, but to no avail.

Many of the school officials, and the police department, refuse to make comments about the actions of the police officers. I think that the school is hiding some information from the media. There is no way all this commotion started because she did not want to participate in an activity. If that was the case, then just let her not participate, and let it affect her grade.

So, the question that I am trying to propose is, the actions of the police officers was it right or wrong? Was handcuffs really necessary in this situation? Could there be other ways to restrain the girl?
[moderator action]
Excellent topic - moved from polls forum. No poll was attached.
[/moderator action]

After watching the video, I believe that there had to be some other way the police officers could have restraint the girl. Not only was she placed in handcuffs, but several reports say that she was placed in the back of a police car, and transported to her mother. For some unknown reason, the mother was contacted and could not leave to pick up her child. Reports also said that the school tried other techniques to calm the child down, but to no avail.
A 30 second snippet of a 2 hour event doesn't prove much.
From my understanding of the entire event - this girl deserved it.
By the actions I saw she got what she deserved and I hope her mother makes her aware of that and anyone else involved in her upbringing. If however they choose to tell her she was mistreated and she had a right to behave that way..........my sympathies to the school that has to deal with her again.
I am sorry to have to agree with a conservative, but the little girl was out of control. Mother needs to be taken to court to explain and pay for repairs caused by the child. The School was right to call the police. the police were justified in restraining the child with handcuffs considering the behavior already exhibited by the child. She was and an unknown factor. Caution was the needed in dealing with this girl.

police did well here.
I feel if she was properly disciplined at home she wouldn't have acted this way. I would have taken it a step further and processed her. Try and scare every shred of tantrum out of her.
The problem was that her mom threw an even bigger tantrum. She spew it all over the media too.

The apple didn't fall far from the tree. In that little girls eyes and momma screaming up and down as well - when she got there - the police became the bad guys.

Sad really.
jfrancis said:
On March 14, 2005 in St. Petersburg, Florida police were called to Fairmount Park Elementary School after a teacher and assistant principal failed to calm down a five-year-old girl. Videotape clips were released that showed the five-year-old girl on a violent tantrum, which started when the little girl refused to participate in a class activity. The tape showed the girl pulling paper off of a bulletin board, after the teacher tried to place items on the board. It also showed the girl climbing on desktops, and the teacher removing her from the desktop, followed by the girl throwing punches at the teacher. The video ended with the girl sitting calmly in a chair, with police officers approaching her, grabbing her arms, bending her over a table, and placing handcuffs on her with the girl screaming "No."

After watching the video, I believe that there had to be some other way the police officers could have restraint the girl. Not only was she placed in handcuffs, but several reports say that she was placed in the back of a police car, and transported to her mother. For some unknown reason, the mother was contacted and could not leave to pick up her child. Reports also said that the school tried other techniques to calm the child down, but to no avail.

Many of the school officials, and the police department, refuse to make comments about the actions of the police officers. I think that the school is hiding some information from the media. There is no way all this commotion started because she did not want to participate in an activity. If that was the case, then just let her not participate, and let it affect her grade.

So, the question that I am trying to propose is, the actions of the police officers was it right or wrong? Was handcuffs really necessary in this situation? Could there be other ways to restrain the girl?

DEMON CHILD! Where can I find the clip?
I think that they didn't do enough. I think that A) The mother should have been severely reprimanded, the girl beaten, and the family fined. that is just ridiculous.
galenrox said:
well, now that the nazi/magic card playing lobby has weighed in we can all go home, now can't we!

What i find, sirrah, is that nowadays people tend to have a certain thought pattern that goes like so: Protect the guilty, condemn the innocent. Abortion? Sure, lets go! Woman's choice! Death penalty? What??? They are alive! Sure, they murdered a bus full of children, but death? they don't deserve that? A little girl throwing punches at a teacher? No, handcuffs too harsh. :doh
galenrox said:
like you understand that she's a 9 year old, if even that, right? And thus the punches didn't hurt

Really? So what you are saying is that if someone gives you a strong painkiller, lets say morphein, and then commences to kicking your buttocks. you are fine with that? The point isn't the pain. It is the fact that she was throwing punches at a teacher. That is A) bad parenting B) Disrespectful and C) Absolutely wrong.

, and reacting by handcuffing her seems to be an overt abuse of power, since they were not neccisary.

Necessary or not, it gave her an idea of what happens when you do something like that. You punch a teacher, the officials lock you in cuffs.

The death penalty is wrong for several reasons. For one, there's adherent racism in the system, but you obviously wouldn't have a problem with that!


There's also the belief that we need to take the high road, and not lower ourselves to their level, but then again, you're a nazi, so that wouldn't really apply to you either, so I guess I can see full well why you support it

why put up with a capital offender when you can just purge him? Save yourself the bother.

(except you claim to be Roman Catholic, and the Roman Catholic church has spoken out against the death penalty, and so by supporting the death penalty, you are just as bad in your churches eyes as me, the pro-choice non-catholic).

That teaching on the death penalty is of a single man, and has never been indoctrinated.
Scholastic said:
Really? So what you are saying is that if someone gives you a strong painkiller, lets say morphein, and then commences to kicking your buttocks. you are fine with that? The point isn't the pain. It is the fact that she was throwing punches at a teacher. That is A) bad parenting B) Disrespectful and C) Absolutely wrong.

And if that little girl had taken out a needle of morphein and stabbed the teacher with it, and then proceeded to whoop her ass, then I might agree with you. A little girl throwing a demonistic temper tantrum is alarming but it doesn't require cuffs, thats called excessive force. These cops are trained to wrestle thieves and robbers to the ground, I think they can handle a little girl without the use of cuffs. If you had a baby that hit you in the face, as infants are like to do waving around thier precious little hands, are you going to send them to jail or just have them cuffed?
HTColeman said:
And if that little girl had taken out a needle of morphein and stabbed the teacher with it, and then proceeded to whoop her ass, then I might agree with you. A little girl throwing a demonistic temper tantrum is alarming but it doesn't require cuffs, thats called excessive force. These cops are trained to wrestle thieves and robbers to the ground, I think they can handle a little girl without the use of cuffs. If you had a baby that hit you in the face, as infants are like to do waving around thier precious little hands, are you going to send them to jail or just have them cuffed?

Dude, you have to ask yourself a simple question: Why is this snot nosed brat throwing this temper tantrum? One must come to the following conclusions:

A) She has no fear of authority B) Bad parenting.

Both of these must be remedies. Fear of authority? Lock the little devil in cuffs. Bad parenting? Give her a different show of authority. Blue shirts locking her in cuffs. I still say that she should have recieved a good beating.
Scholastic said:
Dude, you have to ask yourself a simple question: Why is this snot nosed brat throwing this temper tantrum? One must come to the following conclusions:

A) She has no fear of authority B) Bad parenting.

Both of these must be remedies. Fear of authority? Lock the little devil in cuffs. Bad parenting? Give her a different show of authority. Blue shirts locking her in cuffs. I still say that she should have recieved a good beating.

She is somewhere between 5 and 9 years old, do they need a reason to throw a temper tantrum? I mean they get cheese crackers instead of peanut butter and they go flying off the wall. It is not a lack of fear for authority, it is the immaturity of a 5-9 year old girl. Bad parenting, yeah she has bad parenting, so talk to the parent.
HTColeman said:
She is somewhere between 5 and 9 years old, do they need a reason to throw a temper tantrum? I mean they get cheese crackers instead of peanut butter and they go flying off the wall. It is not a lack of fear for authority, it is the immaturity of a 5-9 year old girl.

I'll say to you what i say to everyone who try to use that logic. I say the same of retards. If they cannot be controlled, if they cannot be regulated, then keep them out of the public systems.
galenrox said:
Dude, he's a nazi (check his profile). He probably thinks you're the dude in the picture, which is why he's still talking to you!

Actually, no, i am quite aware of the fact that you are both undesireables. You, sir, are an Aryan that has been tainted by an undesireable culture, and who has lost all of your German pride. (When i say German, i mean heritage of any of the original germanic tribes, including but not limited to the celts, goths, franks, etc) The other is an "african america." I knew that with that accursed word "killa" Why the hell can't black people pronounce the "er"???
Scholastic said:
I'll say to you what i say to everyone who try to use that logic. I say the same of retards. If they cannot be controlled, if they cannot be regulated, then keep them out of the public systems.

Oh....(slowly backing away from the crazy Nazi in the straight jacket)
galenrox said:
so keep 5 to 9 year olds out of the public systems, are you ****ing serious? You know that they do train people specifically to deal with kids of this age, right?

Absolutely! If the state does not have the power to control these hooligans, if the parents are not willing to concede authority to the state over these devils, then yes! They should be kept out! Occasionally, a child deserves to be beaten with a ruler. And they used to do that. But alas, no longer!
Scholastic said:
Actually, no, i am quite aware of the fact that you are both undesireables. You, sir, are an Aryan that has been tainted by an undesireable culture, and who has lost all of your German pride. (When i say German, i mean heritage of any of the original germanic tribes, including but not limited to the celts, goths, franks, etc) The other is an "african america." I knew that with that accursed word "killa" Why the hell can't black people pronounce the "er"???

Oh, you just crossed the mother f****** line. What the hell is an "african american", are you being sarcastic? If so, no need, I am African-American and damn proud. I am a lot more "desireable" than you are, and quite a bit less ignorant. BTW, you will need to capitilize proper nouns such as African American to show proper respect, also, we can pronounce the "er", we just don't to **** you off, and only you.
HTColeman said:
Oh, you just crossed the mother f****** line. What the hell is an "african american", are you being sarcastic?

Political correctness is idiotic. I say "african american" only because i can't use more valid terms.

If so, no need, I am African-American and damn proud. I am a lot more "desireable" than you are, and quite a bit less ignorant.

Mein fuhrer thinks differently. Mein fuhrer states that the most desirable races are those who have been tested and tried throughout time and have yield the best results. These people have built civilizations, have maintained those civilizations, and have brought themselves to very powerful states in the world. Tell me, is "nigeria" one of those powerful countries? I think not. But Britain is.

BTW, you will need to capitilize proper nouns such as African American to show proper respect,

Just be happy i didn't use better terminology.

also, we can pronounce the "er", we just don't to **** you off, and only you.

You don't pronounce the "er." You speak entirely improperly. "I be doin dis" What in God's holy name is that?? "Be doing up in here"?? Pants down to your knees? Kyrie eleison!
Scholastic said:
Political correctness is idiotic. I say "african american" only because i can't use more valid terms.

If you want to try go ahead, but before you do make sure there are at least 15 black people around you so they can hear. Then scream it at the top of your lungs

Mein fuhrer thinks differently. Mein fuhrer states that the most desirable races are those who have been tested and tried throughout time and have yield the best results. These people have built civilizations, have maintained those civilizations, and have brought themselves to very powerful states in the world. Tell me, is "nigeria" one of those powerful countries? I think not. But Britain is.

However, to be logical. You are taking advice from a nazi book, a thriving civilization, about "good societies". Doesn't that seem a little contradictive? Also, African countries were some of the wealthiest countries in the world, until we were raped by people like you, (refering to your mindset, not your race).

Just be happy i didn't use better terminology.
I'm f***** jumping up and down for joy, b****

You don't pronounce the "er." You speak entirely improperly. "I be doin dis" What in God's holy name is that?? "Be doing up in here"?? Pants down to your knees? Kyrie eleison!

And with that, I discontinue entertaining your ignorance
galenrox said:
yeah, I'm German English in background, and as American as you can be (my family has been here from the get go), and I still have more pride in my family's history than you can imagine. I am proud of where my family came from, and I am damn proud that my dad's ancestors got the **** out of Germany and came here in time to beat the **** out of you nazi mother****ers!

German American? I am assuming it was a german that either fled germany during the guilded age or during world war II. Whatever the case, if you truly had pride in your family history, you would uphold it and prevent yourself from being sucked into the filthy culture of the "whigger" and the "gangsta" and not forget certain truths.
However, to be logical. You are taking advice from a nazi book, a thriving civilization, about "good societies". Doesn't that seem a little contradictive? Also, African countries were some of the wealthiest countries in the world, until we were raped by people like you, (refering to your mindset, not your race).

And that illustrates mein fuhrer's point. Your civilizations were those who were based entirely on egoism. Ie, entirely on gaining wealth and sustaining themselves. Ie, Egypt, Assyria, the hittites, Judea, etc. They all failed. Not so with the germanic tribes. They were all about tribal, communal survival. They succeeded. And tell me this: If those countries were able to be "raped," ie, subjugated militarily, do you honestly think that they deserved to exist? I think not.
Scholastic said:
And that illustrates mein fuhrer's point. Your civilizations were those who were based entirely on egoism. Ie, entirely on gaining wealth and sustaining themselves. Ie, Egypt, Assyria, the hittites, Judea, etc. They all failed. Not so with the germanic tribes. They were all about tribal, communal survival. They succeeded. And tell me this: If those countries were able to be "raped," ie, subjugated militarily, do you honestly think that they deserved to exist? I think not.

And so did you just decide to ignore my first point, hoping I would forget? The Nazis, excuse me, nazis aren't really considered a thriving civilization. They were raped, and beaten, and then had their asses served on platter. I guess they just didn't deserve to exist, so their philosophy is quite flawed, huh?
Dein fuhrer is ****ing dead and burning in hell!
And by your logic, if the jews control everything, then wouldn't the jews be the master race?

The jews are parasites. They are worms. they are mongrols of the earth. They are parasites who can do nothing original, and cannot survive on their own. They exist only by leaching on the masters.

Why, do you think he gives a **** what you call him?

It's slang. We're not in english class here, we can speak as we feel proper, because in nonprofessional environments proper is relative.

So says the culture of the whigger.
HTColeman said:
And so did you just decide to ignore my first point, hoping I would forget? The Nazis, excuse me, nazis aren't really considered a thriving civilization. They were raped, and beaten, and then had their asses served on platter. I guess they just didn't deserve to exist, so their philosophy is quite flawed, huh?

You filthy worm. Have you ever looked at WWII War casualties? maybe 15 million max axis soldiers and civilians died....as compared to 40 million allies. The german army was the best. They were defeated only because of numbers. And on the same key, who was it that defeated the germans? Other Aryans. They certainly weren't defeated from an army from Zimbabwe.
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