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Florida man sentenced to 18 months in prison for Pelosi, AOC death threats (1 Viewer)


Why so serious?
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Jan 2, 2009
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A Florida man was sentenced to 18 months in prison Friday for menacing phone calls in which he threatened to behead House Speaker Nancy Pelosiand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Paul Vernon Hoeffer, 60, of Palm Beach Gardens, pleaded guilty in January to threatening the Democratic lawmakers and Kim Foxx, the top prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois, in a series of phone calls between 2019 and 2020.

Pelosi, D-Calif., was his first target, according to court filings. In one call to her office, he said he would "come a long, long way to rattle her head with bullets" if she doesn't resign. In another, he threatened to cut her head off "jihadist-style."
After a Pelosi staffer transferred him to the U.S. Capitol Police, he was warned that death threats are criminal. Hoeffer responded, “You know how hard it is to prove someone made a threat?”

Florida man sentenced to 18 months in prison for Pelosi, AOC death threats

Freaking psychopath. It’s never acceptable to threaten violence or death on people who disagree with you politically. I hope he enjoys his time behind bars.
A Florida man was sentenced to 18 months in prison Friday for menacing phone calls in which he threatened to behead House Speaker Nancy Pelosiand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Paul Vernon Hoeffer, 60, of Palm Beach Gardens, pleaded guilty in January to threatening the Democratic lawmakers and Kim Foxx, the top prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois, in a series of phone calls between 2019 and 2020.

Pelosi, D-Calif., was his first target, according to court filings. In one call to her office, he said he would "come a long, long way to rattle her head with bullets" if she doesn't resign. In another, he threatened to cut her head off "jihadist-style."
After a Pelosi staffer transferred him to the U.S. Capitol Police, he was warned that death threats are criminal. Hoeffer responded, “You know how hard it is to prove someone made a threat?”

Florida man sentenced to 18 months in prison for Pelosi, AOC death threats

Freaking psychopath. It’s never acceptable to threaten violence or death on people who disagree with you politically. I hope he enjoys his time behind bars.
Good. What an idiot.
The threats were clearly actionable, and well above and beyond typical internet shitposting.

“Pelosi, D-Calif., was his first target, according to court filings. In one call to her office, he said he would "come a long, long way to rattle her head with bullets" if she doesn't resign. In another, he threatened to cut her head off "jihadist-style."

After a Pelosi staffer transferred him to the U.S. Capitol Police, he was warned that death threats are criminal. Hoeffer responded, “You know how hard it is to prove someone made a threat?”

He also left a series of threatening voicemails for Foxx, using racial slurs and threatening to kill her, according to court filings.”
Good. Maybe on the light side, but being stuck in a bathroom with no privacy for 18 months or less (good time) is no picnic.
A Florida man was sentenced to 18 months in prison Friday for menacing phone calls in which he threatened to behead House Speaker Nancy Pelosiand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Paul Vernon Hoeffer, 60, of Palm Beach Gardens, pleaded guilty in January to threatening the Democratic lawmakers and Kim Foxx, the top prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois, in a series of phone calls between 2019 and 2020.

Pelosi, D-Calif., was his first target, according to court filings. In one call to her office, he said he would "come a long, long way to rattle her head with bullets" if she doesn't resign. In another, he threatened to cut her head off "jihadist-style."
After a Pelosi staffer transferred him to the U.S. Capitol Police, he was warned that death threats are criminal. Hoeffer responded, “You know how hard it is to prove someone made a threat?”

Florida man sentenced to 18 months in prison for Pelosi, AOC death threats

Freaking psychopath. It’s never acceptable to threaten violence or death on people who disagree with you politically. I hope he enjoys his time behind bars.
And jail is exactly where he should be.

Though it does remind me of a recent story where the progressive left's desire to protect people from threatening behavior can be shown to be somewhat selective:

A Florida man was sentenced to 18 months in prison Friday for menacing phone calls in which he threatened to behead House Speaker Nancy Pelosiand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Paul Vernon Hoeffer, 60, of Palm Beach Gardens, pleaded guilty in January to threatening the Democratic lawmakers and Kim Foxx, the top prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois, in a series of phone calls between 2019 and 2020.

Pelosi, D-Calif., was his first target, according to court filings. In one call to her office, he said he would "come a long, long way to rattle her head with bullets" if she doesn't resign. In another, he threatened to cut her head off "jihadist-style."
After a Pelosi staffer transferred him to the U.S. Capitol Police, he was warned that death threats are criminal. Hoeffer responded, “You know how hard it is to prove someone made a threat?”

Florida man sentenced to 18 months in prison for Pelosi, AOC death threats

Freaking psychopath. It’s never acceptable to threaten violence or death on people who disagree with you politically. I hope he enjoys his time behind bars.
He stayed on the line to be transferred to the police? And then basically told them "neener neener"?

****in' Florida, man.

He stayed on the line to be transferred to the police? And then basically told them "neener neener"?

****in' Florida, man.

View attachment 67383691
I know Florida is everyone’s favorite state to beat up on, but they don’t have a monopoly on crazy. It just seems like it.
I know Florida is everyone’s favorite state to beat up on, but they don’t have a monopoly on crazy. It just seems like it.
Just because their copyright application hasn't been approved yet..
I know Florida is everyone’s favorite state to beat up on, but they don’t have a monopoly on crazy. It just seems like it.
Part of the reason is by law, all police actions are public records. Therefore, access to actions that are crazy are easier for the media to get.
here he is...

Florida man who issued death threats to Pelosi, AOC sentenced to 18 months  in prison | WFLA
I know Florida is everyone’s favorite state to beat up on, but they don’t have a monopoly on crazy. It just seems like it.
You're right. They share it with Texas.
I know Florida is everyone’s favorite state to beat up on, but they don’t have a monopoly on crazy. It just seems like it.
There's a few other close contenders.
A Florida man was sentenced to 18 months in prison Friday for menacing phone calls in which he threatened to behead House Speaker Nancy Pelosiand Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Paul Vernon Hoeffer, 60, of Palm Beach Gardens, pleaded guilty in January to threatening the Democratic lawmakers and Kim Foxx, the top prosecutor in Cook County, Illinois, in a series of phone calls between 2019 and 2020.

Pelosi, D-Calif., was his first target, according to court filings. In one call to her office, he said he would "come a long, long way to rattle her head with bullets" if she doesn't resign. In another, he threatened to cut her head off "jihadist-style."
After a Pelosi staffer transferred him to the U.S. Capitol Police, he was warned that death threats are criminal. Hoeffer responded, “You know how hard it is to prove someone made a threat?”

Florida man sentenced to 18 months in prison for Pelosi, AOC death threats

Freaking psychopath. It’s never acceptable to threaten violence or death on people who disagree with you politically. I hope he enjoys his time behind bars.

Very good. This kind of behavior is inexcusable and should not be tolerated.
Definitely criminal.

Sounds like he has a screw loose, and needs psychiatric help.
Shouldn't we all be happy about this, anyone making threats like this should face charges for doing so no matter who is being threatened.

Shouldn't we all be happy about this, anyone making threats like this should face charges for doing so no matter who is being threatened.


Sure, except in cases of threats to Republicans, then the statements are ironic, or expressions of larger and overarching frustrations tied to the systemically oppressive, patriarchal, phobic and racist systems....

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