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Florida Man Politics (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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Interesting conclusion, policy or talking points. I know this guy isn’t for everyone. He has a questionable past, but he always has interesting and on point arguments. It’s one of the shorter ones and doesn’t go in the direction that you initially think it will…

We need more pro 2nd A Democrats, without a doubt.

Dems have to open their tent enough to accept pro 2nd A supporters, as well as Right to Life supporters. Those two groups have to at least be made to feel they are understood and respected. We can't be demonizing gun owners and those that do not believe in abortion.

I know the above is a tall order. But, I see those two issues as the biggest impediment for Dems going forward.
Well spoken and interesting fellow. Liked the "Well..DeSantis is over fighting..ah... (Pause)......Micky Mouse.. :)

I love that the bill was sponsored on April 20th! ;)

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