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Florida man blames Putin for why he was speeding during traffic stop (1 Viewer)


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“I just found out that Putin just said he’s gonna launch nuclear thermal war against the world, and I was trying to get back to my house to find out what’s going on,” the man said. “I’m freaking out.”

The traffic stop took place on Feb. 24, the same day that Putin launched an invasion of Ukraine and warned other countries that any attempt to interfere would lead to “consequences you have never seen.”
Good excuse. Ticketed for both speeding & running a light, it's obvious he was in a hurry.'
I wish the Officer would have gone-along with that reality.
"You didn't hear? They've already launched the hydrogen bombs. 'bout an hour from now, nothing will matter. There won't be a ticket for obvious reasons."
I wish the Officer would have gone-along with that reality.
"You didn't hear? They've already launched the hydrogen bombs. 'bout an hour from now, nothing will matter. There won't be a ticket for obvious reasons."
The 1930s Orson Welles radio broadcast of HG Wells' 'War of the Worlds.' Many people had bad reactions to a sudden 'alternate reality.'
Vlaidimir Putin had not specifically threatened nuclear warfare against the United States yet. Is the driver a prophet?
Why didn't he just show the officer his panties?
Creative, still gets the ticket, but better than most "Florida Man" articles.
"Florida man" is the key here.
I wish the Officer would have gone-along with that reality.
"You didn't hear? They've already launched the hydrogen bombs. 'bout an hour from now, nothing will matter. There won't be a ticket for obvious reasons."

Creative, still gets the ticket, but better than most "Florida Man" articles.

How do you know he was 'making up an excuse'? It is Florida, after all!

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