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Flat Tax? (1 Viewer)


Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
What is your position on a Flat Tax System?
vauge said:
What is your position on a Flat Tax System?

Flat tax is a fair tax. The rich will still pay more than the poor. What is so bad about that? The income tax is stealing. 63 percent of one's income is wrong and stealing.
I'm for the most part for it. There are some problems with it though.

The big one would be charities. Homeless shelters, churches, habitat for humanity et al would be done a great disservice when the previously tax-deductible donations would now be taxed. That would remove a lot of the reason that people donate to charities to begin with.

I'd also prefer that taxes be taken out of the backend instead of the front end. Instead of coming out of paychecks, goods and services would be taxed.
shuamort said:
I'd also prefer that taxes be taken out of the backend instead of the front end. Instead of coming out of paychecks, goods and services would be taxed.

That describes something called the 'Fair Tax" which has been kicked around by John Linder of Georgia and others for several years now.


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