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Fixing the nomination backfires on Hillary (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 22, 2012
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St. Petersburg
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On the opening day of the Democratic National Convention, the ragtag coalition of liberals that Mr. Sanders is supposed to deliver to Hillary Clinton heckled from the convention floor. They marched in the streets. They protested outside the arena.

They refused to go quietly.


They erupted into expletive-laden taunts of the party’s chairwoman, issued acid denunciations of Mrs. Clinton and, most vividly of all, offered a lukewarm and recalcitrant reaction to his prime-time endorsement of Mrs. Clinton. “Bernie for president!” a few shouted. “We are so disappointed!” a woman yelled.

For the Sanders faithful, piercing disappointment was the unmistakable theme of the day.

“Hell no, D.N.C.! We won’t vote for Hillary!” his supporters yelled to Democratic delegates as they walked into the convention hall on Monday night. “Lock her up!” they screamed from the streets.

Revolutions rarely end quietly. It was a lesson that Mr. Sanders seemed to absorb on live national television, with his face betraying surprise and his wagging finger pleading for peace, while his backers shouted over him at a Center City rally on Monday afternoon. “We want Bernie!” they screamed, when he explained his endorsement of Mrs. Clinton.

Leesha Fagan, center, a Bernie Sanders delegate from Michigan, protested inside the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia as Democrats began their convention.© Josh Haner/The New York Times Leesha Fagan, center, a Bernie Sanders delegate from Michigan, protested inside the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia as Democrats began their convention. Mr. Sanders appealed for unity, mentioning Mrs. Clinton’s name 15 times in his speech late Monday, and declaring that “Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States.”

But his most loyal supporters were hungry for more combat.

“I’m booing now, and I’m going to boo for four more days,” said Jody Feldman, a delegate from California, as she sat on the convention floor.

Liz Maratea, 31, a delegate from New Jersey, said she refuses to lay down arms and accept Mrs. Clinton as the nominee. “She has the moral depth of a thimble,” Ms. Maratea said. “Are we supposed to take this, or are we supposed to rise up?”

Bernie Sanders, Leader of a Revolt, Now Must Put One Down
The democratic national convention still has three nights.

Unity will prevail.

Doubtful. Crooked Hillary screwed Comrade BS and his supporters.

Anyone in the party of corruption that doesn't tow the party line is shut down. Just like your average communist country.
It won't backfire, it will work. She's going to get the nomination.
Yea, but she will lose the election.

That's not a forgone conclusion, and actually, I think she is well more likely to win than Trump.
Bernie started this revolution, and for that I thank him. However, it seems to have moved past him at this point.

I hope they can keep the momentum going, it would be great for the Democrat party to shed the establishment of corruption.

It would have been awesome to see a Sanders Warren ticket.
That's not a forgone conclusion, and actually, I think she is well more likely to win than Trump.

True, I'm not really making a prediction but if she does lose it wont be by much and it will be because she and the DNC screwed Sanders.
Doubtful. Crooked Hillary screwed Comrade BS and his supporters.

Anyone in the party of corruption that doesn't tow the party line is shut down. Just like your average communist country.

Which is funny cause they shut down the socialist...
True, I'm not really making a prediction but if she does lose it wont be by much and it will be because she and the DNC screwed Sanders.

Possibly. I think if she does lose, she would have to retire from the public spotlight. There'd be no coming back from a loss to Trump.
Possibly. I think if she does lose, she would have to retire from the public spotlight. There'd be no coming back from a loss to Trump.

I don't think she could even run again based on all the lies and corruption that has come to light, its too late to replace her now, but I agree if she don't win this time its curtains for her.
I don't think she could even run again based on all the lies and corruption that has come to light, its too late to replace her now, but I agree if she don't win this time its curtains for her.

Lies and corruption cannot stop a Clinton.
Which is funny cause they shut down the socialist...

Comrade BS wasn't shut down for being a socialist, hell Crooked Hillary is too. He and his supporters were shut down because they opposed corruption.
Comrade BS wasn't shut down for being a socialist, hell Crooked Hillary is too. He and his supporters were shut down because they opposed corruption.

Bernie's ideas aren't corrupt?
Which is funny cause they shut down the socialist...

communism is authoritarianism, not socialism... it just pays homage to socialism, to placate the masses who wish for such a thing.
I don't think she could even run again based on all the lies and corruption that has come to light, its too late to replace her now, but I agree if she don't win this time its curtains for her.

Never underestimate the stupidity of leftists.
communism is authoritarianism, not socialism... it just pays homage to socialism, to placate the masses who wish for such a thing.

Socialism. especially DEMOCRATIC socialism is nothing more than "Bribing the voters with gold from the treasury"

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