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Fitzgerald to Seek New White House Indictments (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
The second phase of the Valerie Plame investigation is just about at an end, and according to [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]John C. Eckenrode, who has just retired as the lead FBI investigator in the case, indictments will be handed down against Karl Rove, Steven Hadley or both. My bet is that, since Rove has been cooperating in the investigation, he will receive a get out of jail free card, or face reduced charges. According to sources close to the case, indictments should be coming out in about a month, or even less. I also find it interesting that Andrew Card is resigning in the same time frame. There may be something there too, but that is just speculation. We will find out within a month.

Article is here.
Mod note:

Moved to "Political scandal du jour"
danarhea said:
The second phase of the Valerie Plame investigation is just about at an end, and according to [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]John C. Eckenrode, who has just retired as the lead FBI investigator in the case, indictments will be handed down against Karl Rove, Steven Hadley or both.

The sourece says "one or both", doesn't know if either? Not very convincing is it.

From your source

"[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Details about the latest stage of the investigation began to take shape a few weeks ago when the lead FBI investigator on the leak case, John C. Eckenrode, retired from the agency and indicated to several colleagues that the investigation is about to wrap up with indictments handed up by the grand jury against Rove or Hadley or both officials, the sources said."
This guy is supposedly leaking information about a federal investigation and doing so openly? Isn't that against the law?

[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Hadley and Rove remain under intense scrutiny, but sources said Fitzgerald has not yet decided whether to seek charges against one or both of them."

And now the story changes to Fitzgerald hasn't even decided yet? Well which is it? Even less convincing now.

Think I'll wait till Fitzgerald says what he will or will not do.

Hmmm, while something like this would make my day, I have found that many stories that come from "truthout" don't prove to be true. This is not to insult the one and only danarhea. This is just my personal observation (which can be easily verified ;)).
I'm gonna wait for the formal indicments to come out.
danarhea said:
The second phase of the Valerie Plame investigation is just about at an end, and according to [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]John C. Eckenrode, who has just retired as the lead FBI investigator in the case, indictments will be handed down against Karl Rove, Steven Hadley or both. My bet is that, since Rove has been cooperating in the investigation, he will receive a get out of jail free card, or face reduced charges. According to sources close to the case, indictments should be coming out in about a month, or even less. I also find it interesting that Andrew Card is resigning in the same time frame. There may be something there too, but that is just speculation. We will find out within a month.

Article is here.

A day in the life of Karl Rove - Should I resign, or wait to be indicted?
It would be my dream come true to get rid of this scumbag of an excuse for a human being. Rove is a disgrace to America.

hipsterdufus said:
It would be my dream come true to get rid of this scumbag of an excuse for a human being. Rove is a disgrace to America.

Nothing makes me smile more than a jealous liberal. :mrgreen: :smile: :2razz: :D
KCConservative said:
Nothing makes me smile more than a jealous liberal.
Why do you say that Hip is jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of someone like Rove? Quite contrary to being jealous it seems that hipster completely dispises of Rove.:shrug:
jfuh said:
Why do you say that Hip is jealous? Why would anyone be jealous of someone like Rove? Quite contrary to being jealous it seems that hipster completely dispises of Rove.:shrug:

jfuh, I was just wondering why KC would infer from hipster's post that he is jealous of Rove. What is there to be jealous of? No matter how brilliant he was in getting Bush to be president, he did it in ways that are so immoral and devoid of any human deceny, that I could never be associated with that kind of behavior.
aps said:
jfuh, I was just wondering why KC would infer from hipster's post that he is jealous of Rove. What is there to be jealous of? No matter how brilliant he was in getting Bush to be president, he did it in ways that are so immoral and devoid of any human deceny, that I could never be associated with that kind of behavior.
Babe, I've no idea. If I had the slightest inkling I wouldn't have asked him.
I mean here's Rove, so much pent up anger against liberals and moderates that he'll do any kind of low blow politic to get his guy elected. Run for Texas Govenorship in 1996 and then the 2000 elections.
Now it's clear that he's also ousting his own ppl so that he won't have to go to prison, for long.
KCConservative said:
Nothing makes me smile more than a jealous liberal. :mrgreen: :smile: :2razz: :D

alert alert KC thread derailer - KC thread derailer alert alert
hipsterdufus said:
alert alert KC thread derailer - KC thread derailer alert alert
How do you figure? Your post indicated your obvious jealousy of Rove, so I commented on it. Rove was the architect of both Bush elections. That's gotta sting.
aps said:
Hmmm, while something like this would make my day, I have found that many stories that come from "truthout" don't prove to be true. This is not to insult the one and only danarhea. This is just my personal observation (which can be easily verified ;)).

Since their source is none other than [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]John C. Eckenrode, who was the lead FBI investiagor in the case, I would say that the article is pretty credible. Does it have to be printed by a mediawhore for it to be credible?[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]
danarhea said:
Since their source is none other than [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]John C. Eckenrode, who was the lead FBI investiagor in the case, I would say that the article is pretty credible. Does it have to be printed by a mediawhore for it to be credible?[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

Well, kind of. I have a hard time thinking that if a story as important as this is true, other more well-known mediawhores are not reporting it as well. Other articles you have cited to from truthout have not been proven to be true. I certainly didn't mean to insult you. I don't give much value to articles cited by some of the right-wing media outlets either.
aps said:
Well, kind of. I have a hard time thinking that if a story as important as this is true, other more well-known mediawhores are not reporting it as well. Other articles you have cited to from truthout have not been proven to be true. I certainly didn't mean to insult you. I don't give much value to articles cited by some of the right-wing media outlets either.
Excellent point. What would you or dana say if I posted newsmax articles all day?
KCConservative said:
Excellent point. What would you or dana say if I posted newsmax articles all day?

Ahhhhh, I could not remember the name of the right-wing media that I don't give much credence to--it's newsmax!!

I think dana is mad at me. :shock: ;)
hipsterdufus said:
A day in the life of Karl Rove - Should I resign, or wait to be indicted?
It would be my dream come true to get rid of this scumbag of an excuse for a human being. Rove is a disgrace to America.


Photoshopped Pictures? Come on you're better then that.
Pacridge said:
Photoshopped Pictures? Come on you're better then that.
Look around. That is about all hipster does. He loves his funny pictures.
aps said:
Ahhhhh, I could not remember the name of the right-wing media that I don't give much credence to--it's newsmax!!

I think dana is mad at me. :shock: ;)

Because they post news you don't want to hear? They don't do a lot of their own reporting, most is just gathered from the news media in general.
jfuh said:
so much pent up anger against liberals and moderates that he'll do any kind of low blow politic to get his guy elected.

And how is it that you are aware of his emotional state?
Stinger said:
Because they post news you don't want to hear? They don't do a lot of their own reporting, most is just gathered from the news media in general.

No, sir. I don't have any respect for a website that labels itself as providing "America's News" where there are advertisements showing a picture of Hillary Clinton in a circle with a line through it saying, "Re-Defeat Communism." What the hell is that? There is another advertiestment saying it has, "The Largest Selection of Liberal-baiting Merchandise on the Net!" Yeah, I'm going to give some news media with taht kind of horse$hit no credibility whatsoever. I don't like "The Nation" since it's clearly partisan. NewsMax sucks.
aps said:
No, sir. I don't have any respect for a website that labels itself as providing "America's News" where there are advertisements showing a picture of Hillary Clinton in a circle with a line through it saying, "Re-Defeat Communism." What the hell is that? There is another advertiestment saying it has, "The Largest Selection of Liberal-baiting Merchandise on the Net!" Yeah, I'm going to give some news media with taht kind of horse$hit no credibility whatsoever. I don't like "The Nation" since it's clearly partisan. NewsMax sucks.

I subscribe to NM. Seriously, it's a laugh a minute. A lot of their stuff is nothing more then an Ad they kind of put out there like it's a new article.


I think for a while they were really pushing Pat R's life extending shakes.
Pacridge said:
I subscribe to NM. Seriously, it's a laugh a minute. A lot of their stuff is nothing more then an Ad they kind of put out there like it's a new article.


I think for a while they were really pushing Pat R's life extending shakes.
I don't know which is greater...

The laugh factor of some of these websites or the sad factor of those who gulp them down...

From the "Tips for debate" thread...

Tips for debate said:
SOURCES - Sources provided from the members of this forum are primarily to back up their claims or statements with articles, surveys, or just plain information in general. However, some of these sources are deemed "not credible" or "unreliable" to other members.

You wanna lose credibility fast?...Use partisan websites as your source and you're off to a good start. TRY to keep to the reliable places the general public acknowledges as legitimate. One good way to find out if a website is bias is to go to the "About Us" section (if they have one) and see what their intentions are. There are some that are obvious (Rush Limbaugh & Moveon,org) and some that you'll find, with time, that are purely agenda driven but not well known (newsmax, truthout, mediamatters, mediaresearch). Believe me. There are plenty out there. Try to avoid using them.

Also, try to avoid using Op-Ed pieces. They are, for the most part, more opinion-driven then fact-driven. Just because somebody wrote something doesn't mean its necessarily true.
cnredd said:
I don't know which is greater...

The laugh factor of some of these websites or the sad factor of those who gulp them down...

From the "Tips for debate" thread...
What you and others believe to be partisan websites have hit a few home runs.... Raw Story, for instance, which has been scooping the mediawhores constantly by from a few days to more than 2 weeks. The stories are out there. However, the mediawhores, in their efforts not to offend those who by advertising from them, are usually mute until so many Americans, through blogs and other web sites know the story. Nobody knew about Jack Abramoff until the Liberal blogs exposed it. Nobody knew about the Dubai ports deal until Conservative blogs exposed it. Only when scooped to the extent that the mediawhores looked silly by not giving us these news items that the stories finally hit the mainstream media.

Add to that the fact that, sometimes, the mediawhores get scooped so badly that they out and out plagarize the material directly from the websites which scooped them. This story, for instance:

From Raw Story

From AP the following day

Here is the story about it from Larisa Alexandrovna
. Since the issue has made its rounds, AP agreed to give Raw Story the credit if Raw Story agreed to take down its down scathing articles about AP, which had been getting a huge amount of hits on the internet. Yes, AP had to eat crow, and Raw Story is the website which broke that story.

There was quite a stink about that one, and the stink still fills the air after 2 weeks. Yet this is not an isolated instance. The mediawhores are more concerned with profits than news, so they can no longer be trusted to give accurate information.

Yes, I have quoted blogs instead of the mediawhores quite often, and a few times, after the flaming has died down and the stories all but forgotten, I have been able to say "I told you so", because the feces hit the fan to the point where the MSM had no choice but to finally make a story out of those stories.

This will be one of those cases, where sometime in the near future, I will once again be able to say "I told you so", and dont get mad if I gloat. Yes, the story comes from Truthout, but guess who the source is? John C. Eckenrode, who was the lead FBI investigator in the case. He is who you should be paying attention to, not whether the article is part of the MSM, which have been getting their collective butts kicked by the blogs for a while now.

Yes, this story has not been picked up yet, but it will be when the indictments are issued. At that time, I will gloat once again and say "I told you so". Then maybe you will learn something..... Or maybe not, and I will have another future opportunity to gloat over yet another issue.
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