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Final ratings: Trump 34.9m, hillary 33.3m... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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I didn't watch a minute of either convention and am fairly amazed that many people actually did.
The real stunner is how poorly Obama did. I think what Hillarys numbers mean is that just as many had suspected she has run out of lives, she no longer has the ability to "rebrand" herself, we have decided that we know her, and for most of us that means that we have decided that we dont like her.....and we are not open to her trotting out yet another act.

Thus is a Huuuge problem for her.

For comparison Obama did 38 million in 08 and 36 million in 12.

We dont like Hillary, that is all there is too it.
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Two solid-ish weeks of political conventions culminated in Thursday's final outing for the Democrats. Hillary Clinton capped off the fourth night of the DNC with a history-making acceptance of her party's nomination during an address to the Philadelphia crowd — and a TV audience that came in just shy of Donald Trump's seven day earlier.

TV Ratings: Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech Falls Just Shy of Trump's With 33 Million Viewers - Hollywood Reporter

Just shy? I didn't realize in the rating game, a 1.6 million viewer difference equated to "just shy" of anything.
Two solid-ish weeks of political conventions culminated in Thursday's final outing for the Democrats. Hillary Clinton capped off the fourth night of the DNC with a history-making acceptance of her party's nomination during an address to the Philadelphia crowd — and a TV audience that came in just shy of Donald Trump's seven day earlier.

TV Ratings: Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech Falls Just Shy of Trump's With 33 Million Viewers - Hollywood Reporter
And that is with the help of paid seat fillers, because the Bernie people just would not stop booing at the corruption.
Just shy? I didn't realize in the rating game, a 1.6 million viewer difference equated to "just shy" of anything.

4.6% is something.

Acceptance speech ratings in million of viewers near real time:

38.2 2008
35.7 2012
33.3 2016

38.9 2008
30.3 2012
34.8 2016

Trump beat both Hillary and Romney, which is significant.
4.6% is something.

38.2 2008
35.7 2012
33.3 2016

38.9 2008
30.3 2012
34.8 2016

Apparently not when you're on the wrong side of the numbers. Then it's important to down play the numbers so the simple minded can nod in unison.
Apparently not when you're on the wrong side of the numbers. Then it's important to down play the numbers so the simple minded can nod in unison.

Team Hillary has spent the entire run trying to explain away the lack of interest in their campaign. They were really hoping to be able to stop getting jammed up by that observation after putting together what they assumed was going to be a much better and much better received convention than what Team Trump did.

It did not work out that way.

Two solid-ish weeks of political conventions culminated in Thursday's final outing for the Democrats. Hillary Clinton capped off the fourth night of the DNC with a history-making acceptance of her party's nomination during an address to the Philadelphia crowd — and a TV audience that came in just shy of Donald Trump's seven day earlier.

TV Ratings: Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech Falls Just Shy of Trump's With 33 Million Viewers - Hollywood Reporter

So there are 1.6 million more stupid people that watched chump than watched herself?
Two solid-ish weeks of political conventions culminated in Thursday's final outing for the Democrats. Hillary Clinton capped off the fourth night of the DNC with a history-making acceptance of her party's nomination during an address to the Philadelphia crowd — and a TV audience that came in just shy of Donald Trump's seven day earlier.

TV Ratings: Hillary Clinton's DNC Speech Falls Just Shy of Trump's With 33 Million Viewers - Hollywood Reporter

Probably because conservatives - who tend to be older than liberals - are more likely to get their news from TV than from the internet. In other words, television ratings in and of themselves are not as accurate as you seem to think.
Team Hillary has spent the entire run trying to explain away the lack of interest in their campaign. They were really hoping to be able to stop getting jammed up by that observation after putting together what they assumed was going to be a much better and much better received convention than what Team Trump did.

It did not work out that way.

Actually despite the Republican convention not bringing their A-LIST talent, they still be Hillary with every establishment organization imaginable rooting for her. The 1.6 million difference is not as significant as the fact that Trump beat Hillary with the JV roster.
I didn't watch a minute of either convention and am fairly amazed that many people actually did.

who could listen to that women screech like that for 5 minutes let alone 15 or 20.
man they had her on the nightly news and I could barely stand her finger nail on a chalk board.
nasal toned I think I am better than everyone else voice.

my ears were bleeding.
Actually despite the Republican convention not bringing their A-LIST talent, they still be Hillary with every establishment organization imaginable rooting for her. The 1.6 million difference is not as significant as the fact that Trump beat Hillary with the JV roster.

RCp average has it a tie.
the last time I check trump was leading by .9.

that is bad news for Hillary. at one point she was up 14 points and has basically lost a 14 point lead.
Actually despite the Republican convention not bringing their A-LIST talent, they still be Hillary with every establishment organization imaginable rooting for her. The 1.6 million difference is not as significant as the fact that Trump beat Hillary with the JV roster.

That is my point, on paper the Clintons had a much better guest list than the Trumps, and by every measure of standard politics the Team Clinton roster performed much better than Team Trumps, but the fan reaction did not show it when the stars got up to speak. Yes night one and two did better for the D's than the R's, but after it is all over we have to deal with the fact that neither Obama nor Clinton had the fan support that Team Trump had, the R's won nights 3 and 4. Call me crazy if you must, but I would much rather win nights 3/4 than 1/2.

Team Clinton can sniffle all they want about how there is no accounting for taste, but that will not help them win in Nov.
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