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Fentanyl bill in California stalled, Democrat senators fear more criminals would go to jail. (1 Viewer)

Arghhh. So this thread on fentanyl legislation in California has swung to the Trump documents case.

What are the charges? That Trump refused to return them when asked, that he lied about the location of documents to the FBI, and he conspired with others to hide (& relocate) the documents.

Pence, Biden, & Trump all had documents they weren't supposed to. Pence & Biden returned them right away & didn't resist searches.
Says Republicans who voted for an actual rapist and fraudster and crook and traitor.

And some of those Republicans even deny that they're republicans. Go figure.
Says Republicans who voted for an actual rapist and fraudster and crook and traitor.

And some of those Republicans even deny that they're republicans. Go figure.
What we are seeing here represents 1-different approaches to dealing with a problem. Both approaches are defensible. 2- And also we see the democrats bad!” approach, involving posting an inflammatory sentence or two, that doesn’t deal with any complexity a problem displays.
I dont get it. All 3 were cited for taking classified docs, and all were returned eventually. So why are you so focused on the orange man?
I dont get it. All 3 were cited for taking classified docs, and all were returned eventually. So why are you so focused on the orange man?
Because the orange man lied about the documents, ignored a subpoena, and had to have the government raid his place to retrieve them. There is a difference between the orange(s) man, Donald, and Pence/Biden, apples. Get back when Pence or Biden face a court over documents retention.
Youre basically saying that if the DOJ orders you to do something, you must comply or else face endless lawfare. Again: all docs were returned eventually. He had his reasons to keep them at first, but he acquiesced in the end. Someone doesnt deserve deserve to get prosecuted because one argued to keep some docs.
No, one should either comply with a subpoena or challenge it. That’s the way our system works. Trump did neither. He didn’t “acquiesce at the end.”
No, one should either comply with a subpoena or challenge it. That’s the way our system works. Trump did neither. He didn’t “acquiesce at the end.”
If thats the case then why is the DOJ telling its lawyers to ignore subpoenas by Congress with regards to Hunter Biden?

Agreed. But I can see the DOJ’s point. But this isn’t a search for withheld documents. As far as I know, Hunter has complied with all the requirements of the law in his cases.
Agreed. But I can see the DOJ’s point. But this isn’t a search for withheld documents. As far as I know, Hunter has complied with all the requirements of the law in his cases.
Riight. your double standard is showing again.
You support Joe's influence on the DOJ to protect his son. Thats pure corruption, and you love it.
Show me how Biden influenced the DOJ in this case.
The DOJ is under his administration, so stop making excuses for corruption.
Under Biden, as under all presidents, the DOJ is not the president’s personal lawyer, with the prez keeping his distance from DOJ decisions, tho Trump seems to want to change that — Cf. his firing of Sessions for the latter’s recusal
Under Biden, as under all presidents, the DOJ is not the president’s personal lawyer, with the prez keeping his distance from DOJ decisions, tho Trump seems to want to change that — Cf. his firing of Sessions for the latter’s recusal
If you knew anything about the DOJ, youd know that the AG is the head of it, and he reports directly to the POTUS.

If you knew anything about the DOJ, youd know that the AG is the head of it, and he reports directly to the POTUS.

View attachment 67507048
Yes, and unlike with other cabinet posts, there has been a long-standing tradition of AG’s keeping distance from the President with respect to whom to charge with what.
Yes, and unlike with other cabinet posts, there has been a long-standing tradition of AG’s keeping distance from the President with respect to whom to charge with what.
LMAO, if you believe that,I got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
Im not surprised, and neither is anyone else.
Actually, if you search the question of the relationship between the president and the DOJ, you will find that Trump was different, believing that the Attorney General was like his personal lawyer, and that this was unusual.
Actually, if you search the question of the relationship between the president and the DOJ, you will find that Trump was different, believing that the Attorney General was like his personal lawyer, and that this was unusual.
Funny you say that when the DOJ is currently acting like Biden's personal crony.
Funny you say that when the DOJ is currently acting like Biden's personal crony.
And your proof of that is? Oh, I forgot, Trump said so, and he never lies.

Are the state courts also acting on orders from Biden?
And your proof of that is? Oh, I forgot, Trump said so, and he never lies.

Are the state courts also acting on orders from Biden?
If you think all these dem prosecutors arent working together to stop Trump from running, then I dont know what to tell you.
I dont get it. All 3 were cited for taking classified docs, and all were returned eventually. So why are you so focused on the orange man?
Because 2 notified the proper authorities when they were discovered and immediately returned them. 1 tried to hide it, lied about having them, refused a subpoena and had to have them seized by the FBI via warrant.
He didn’t acquiesce. He was raided by the FBI because he unlawfully defied a subpoena to return them.

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