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Feinstein Calls for Inquiry Into Israeli Raid on Aid Flotilla (1 Viewer)

Cold Highway

Dispenser of Negativity
DP Veteran
May 30, 2007
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Newburgh, New York and World 8: Dark Land
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The California Democrat, one of Israel’s most dependable supporters on Capitol Hill, also urged Israel to “reassess” its “forced isolation” of the Gaza Strip and allow more humanitarian assistance and other materials to reach its beleaguered Palestinian population.

Just another waste of tax payer money. This isnt our business, it's Israels and Turkeys. Feinstein must be desperate for political points.

CQ Politics | Feinstein Calls for Inquiry Into Israeli Raid on Aid Flotilla
When i originally posted news about the raid on the flotilla, I said at that time that it would come back to haunt Israel.
I now read that Israel will conduct it's own investigation into that raid but will have 2 independent observers on the investigative board.
The UN suggested it too would be holding an investigation into that incident, Israel has (in my mind) quite correctly refused to attend that investigation.
Just why the UN seeks to hold itself as the Words arbiter in any instance is beyond my understanding.

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