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Feds say Yale discriminates against Asian, white applicants (1 Viewer)


Feb 26, 2020
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Sunny south
Political Leaning
Feds say Yale discriminates against Asian, white applicants - SFGate

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Justice Department investigation has found Yale University is illegally discriminating against Asian American and white applicants, in violation of federal civil rights law, officials said Thursday.

In other words, blacks have black privilege.

Asian/White kids have no privlage.
Feds say Yale discriminates against Asian, white applicants - SFGate
WASHINGTON (AP) — A Justice Department investigation has found Yale University is illegally discriminating against Asian American and white applicants, in violation of federal civil rights law, officials said Thursday.
In other words, blacks have black privilege.
Asian/White kids have no privlage.

Dang! It took only a little over 4 years ... /s

I can't remember how the Harvard suit ended ... filed 6 years ago.
Feds say Yale discriminates against Asian, white applicants - SFGate

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Justice Department investigation has found Yale University is illegally discriminating against Asian American and white applicants, in violation of federal civil rights law, officials said Thursday.

In other words, blacks have black privilege.

Asian/White kids have no privlage.

Okay, but you know this will just mean even fewer whites if priority is given for grades and test scores. Asians kick ass at those things.

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