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Feds advertise safe zones for illegals (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
Political Leaning
Just about any illegal alien can avoid arrest by following these simple rules, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) advertises in a post on its website’s homepage.

Providing a virtual "how-to" guide for illegal aliens in its “Sensitive Locations FAQs,” CBP explains that immigration laws are not to be enforced at any of a wide range of designated “sensitive locations” – so that illegal aliens may be “free” to live their lives “without fear or hesitation”:

U.S. Border Protection Agcy. Advertises SAFE ZONES for Illegal Aliens | MRCTV

Totally unacceptable.
The Mexican government also provides their citizens with instructions on how to break US law.

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