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Federal anti gay marriage amendment moves forward. (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Pacific NW
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Very Conservative
Not good news for the proponents of gay marriage...


by Paul Johnson 365Gay.com Washington Bureau Chief

Posted: November 9, 2005 5:00 pm ET

(Washington) The federal marriage amendment was approved by a Senate sub-committee Wednesday and is likely to go to a vote of the full Judiciary Committee next week.

The sub-committee voted 5 - 4 along party lines to pass the amendment, called the "Marriage Protection Act". It defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman.
How pathetic. We might as well go back to segregation since certain individuals don't seem to think that all citizens should be treated equally.
aps said:
How pathetic. We might as well go back to segregation since certain individuals don't seem to think that all citizens should be treated equally.

I could care less, really, about who can get married, and when, and how, etc. If two people want to marry, marry. I don't need a constitutional amendment to make myself and my husband superior to any other couple that choose to unite. Though I will say this... I CAN see the point against homosexual marriage (especially with males) and reproduction (unless they discover men can somehow carry babies, and then... oh won't we women be happy then! KIDDING)

BUT, having made agreement there, is it really that big of a deal? Does the constitution HAVE to define what marriage is? And wouldn't amending the constitution in regards to marriage, make the document that is precious to all of us exclusionary, as did the 2/3's amendment in regards to blacks?

Food for thought, don't get panties in a bunch. Pretty soon all the "limp wristed liberal" remarks shall fly, unnecssarily I might add, but tis the norm for some on this thread.
aps said:
How pathetic. We might as well go back to segregation since certain individuals don't seem to think that all citizens should be treated equally.

We are treated equal wjen it comes to marriage.......a man or a woman can marry anyone of the opposite sex......Gays and Polygamists and other groups want special rights..............
I peronsally am not for a federal constitutional amendment..I think its a states issue and each state can have their own amendment which is what is happening now........
aps said:
How pathetic. We might as well go back to segregation since certain individuals don't seem to think that all citizens should be treated equally.

I know of some African Americans who would be very offended by you comparing their four hundred year fight for equal rights to that of a group of people identified by their sexual preference.......

But that is another thread.........
Its a pity we need to further alienatea chunk of our population, but, as Fark would say.................................................

Stll no Cure for Cancer

in other words...they take on this, while Issues that may actually make a difference to peoples lives....are brushed aside.
Navy Pride said:
I know of some African Americans who would be very offended by you comparing their four hundred year fight for equal rights to that of a group of people identified by their sexual preference.......

But that is another thread.........

Not to sound rude, but I don't care of they are offended. Those currently living probably have no idea what their ancestors went through.
What is so wrong with homosexual marriages?
When did it become ok for the government to try to invoke laws based on religious beliefs?

People that are against it really have nothing to do with the two people that want to get married, don't know them and don't want to know them but want to tell them what they can and cannot do. You who are against it are just pressing your religious beliefs on another person who does not chare those beliefs.

If in my religion marriage to the same sex has the same significance as marriage to the opposite sex who are you to tell me I cannot follow my beliefs?

Homophobes just can't deal with the fact that everyone doesn't feel the way they do on homosexuality they need to try and have the governments invoke laws to stop it, even though these beliefs are purely religious in nature.
aps said:
Not to sound rude, but I don't care of they are offended. Those currently living probably have no idea what their ancestors went through.

That may be true of some but the ones I know are very aware of their heritage, much more then most caucasians I would say........
tecoyah said:
Its a pity we need to further alienatea chunk of our population, but, as Fark would say.................................................

Stll no Cure for Cancer

in other words...they take on this, while Issues that may actually make a difference to peoples lives....are brushed aside.

To you its not important, judging by the amendments passing to many it is.........
Homophobes just can't deal with the fact that everyone doesn't feel the way they do on homosexuality they need to try and have the governments invoke laws to stop it, even though these beliefs are purely religious in nature.

As I have said many time To me it has very little to do with religion.....

Isn't it ironic though becasue when someone has a difference of opinion on the issure the liberals like you start with the homophobe and bigot name calling.....

That is the sad part.....
Navy Pride said:
I know of some African Americans who would be very offended by you comparing their four hundred year fight for equal rights to that of a group of people identified by their sexual preference.......

But that is another thread.........

First....four hundred years ago....
'The Ones you know", (freakin wont even address the Psycology behind this statement) Had no Family in this country....since there was no country.

Second.... The reply addressed a policy that has bearing on the issue in question (which you avoided addressing as usual), and seemed to compare an attitude of the past with a situation we currently face as a country.

I would guess there were many people in the first half of the last century that had minds which worked much as yours does.....and were the creators of segregation in the first place. Perhaps if you explained something other than Religious Dogme. or personal preference that was effected by Same sex Marriage, we would have a starting point for debate. If not.....then whats the point, other than spewing hatred for people that differ from yourself.
Navy Pride said:
As I have said many time To me it has very little to do with religion.....

Isn't it ironic though becasue when someone has a difference of opinion on the issure the liberals like you start with the homophobe and bigot name calling.....

That is the sad part.....

1. A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.
2. A strong fear, dislike, or aversion.

1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
2. Behavior based on such a feeling.

I see no difference in calling someone who is attracted to the same sex as gay or homosexual and someone who dislikes homosexuals as homophobes. It is not name calling, it is an all inclusive title describing that person’s view on the topic.

What is your stance that homosexuality should be illegal if not based on religious beliefs? Most stances are that God created man and woman, not man and man; or the purpose of marriage, in its Christian context, is to reproduce. Both of these beliefs are religious in nature.
Perhaps if you explained something other than Religious Dogme. or personal preference that was effected by Same sex Marriage, we would have a starting point for debate. If not.....then whats the point, other than spewing hatred for people that differ from yourself.

You don't know me........I hate no one.......You left wingers call us the intolerant ones and when we have a disagreement you immediately start throwing out the insults.........

I have explained my reasoning on gay marriage many times in this forum........You are relatively new here you need to go back and read some of the threads...........
Navy Pride said:
You don't know me........I hate no one.......You left wingers call us the intolerant ones and when we have a disagreement you immediately start throwing out the insults.........

I have explained my reasoning on gay marriage many times in this forum........You are relatively new here you need to go back and read some of the threads...........

Im sorry....I didnt see the insult, and if indeed you did, it was unintentional. I did however point out the irrational behavior towards Homosexual choice, if there was no Dogmatic reasoning behind it. I would also note the complete dismisal of my request, (other than to go look for myself), and can only assume this means you have no interest in debate.....no problem.
As for intolerant....uh....well look carefully at what you post, it seems obvious to me, if not blatant. The entire reasoning behind this thread is to seemingly celebrate the denial of marriage rights to a large group of American citizens, because they are different from your percieved norm. That, at least to me Shows intolerance. Seriously....reflect on what this projects to anyone who hears it, and then tell me you are tolerant of Gay people.

*Edit- was it the word "Spew" that was insulting?
Gibberish said:
What is your stance that homosexuality should be illegal if not based on religious beliefs? Most stances are that God created man and woman, not man and man; or the purpose of marriage, in its Christian context, is to reproduce. Both of these beliefs are religious in nature.

The issue of marriage and bringing children into the world is hardly exclusive to the Christian world. If it was, why didn't Christ have something to say on the homosexual issue?
The OT is mostly for the Jews, the NT is for Christians. Digging around in the OT is hardly productive to any issues that were addressed by Christ, even less issues that were not. Certainly there are no Christian churches on the planet today that advocate living according to the Levitical rules.
He gave us new laws, upon which hang all the old laws. He did that because so many at that time were looking for loopholes in the old laws.
Human nature hasn't changed much in the last 2000 years.:(
UtahBill said:
The issue of marriage and bringing children into the world is hardly exclusive to the Christian world. If it was, why didn't Christ have something to say on the homosexual issue?
The OT is mostly for the Jews, the NT is for Christians. Digging around in the OT is hardly productive to any issues that were addressed by Christ, even less issues that were not. Certainly there are no Christian churches on the planet today that advocate living according to the Levitical rules.
He gave us new laws, upon which hang all the old laws. He did that because so many at that time were looking for loopholes in the old laws.
Human nature hasn't changed much in the last 2000 years.:(

Agreed. My point is that certain homophobes use the thought that the bible says God wants man and woman to reproduce so they twist this logic to say God is saying homosexuality is wrong since the union cannot reproduce. Of course this is just one stance given by homophobes. Christianity seems the be the religion that creates a majortiy of the homophobic population, which is why I used this religion as my example.
Gibberish said:
Agreed. My point is that certain homophobes use the thought that the bible says God wants man and woman to reproduce so they twist this logic to say God is saying homosexuality is wrong since the union cannot reproduce. Of course this is just one stance given by homophobes. Christianity seems the be the religion that creates a majortiy of the homophobic population, which is why I used this religion as my example.
Adam and Eve were told to multiply and replenish the earth, but they didn't know how, supposedly, until after eating from the tree of knowledge.
And God did create one man and one woman, again, supposedly. There was no mention of daughters, yet Cain married someone. Was there more than one creation situation? Who knows?
But if we are to believe that failing to multiply is a sin, does that lead to the thought that all sex for purposes other than procreation is a sin? I think not. God gave man, and a few lesser animals, the ability to enjoy sex for fun and recreation, and I have to believe that He did so for a reason. Certainly a man won't hang around after impregnating his mate if that one time is the only sex he can expect from her until she is "in season" again.
I don't presume to speak for God, or question Him, or question/judge His other children for their sins of ommission or commission. I am thinking that according to what Christ said, I would be in more trouble for that than for not multiplying.
UtahBill said:
I don't presume to speak for God, or question Him, or question/judge His other children for their sins of ommission or commission. I am thinking that according to what Christ said, I would be in more trouble for that than for not multiplying.

This is, in my belief, is exactly what God is teaching us. It is also what Jesus taught. The world would be a better place if religious followers thought more like this.

Many "people of God" tend to think it is there duty to judge others and force them in the "right" direction. I believe know one should be forced into believing a certain way or living a life in a way seen by others but not wanted by the individual. If it makes them happy and whole as a person and does not harm or danger other people what is so wrong?

I always understood humans to be the only creatures that practice sexual activities as recreation? Though I have not researched and it is possible that I received this knowledge by my High school football coach/Science teacher.
Gibberish said:
Though I have not researched and it is possible that I received this knowledge by my High school football coach/Science teacher.

OK...this was just freakin' funny....thanx
Gibberish said:
I always understood humans to be the only creatures that practice sexual activities as recreation? Though I have not researched and it is possible that I received this knowledge by my High school football coach/Science teacher.
Some chimps, they have very little conflict in the group because there is no fighting over females. One very happy troop of monkeys, from what I hear.
Damn....I wanna be a Chimp.....

*makes his wife read the article*

Puts ice on his cheek
tecoyah said:
Damn....I wanna be a Chimp.....

*makes his wife read the article*

Puts ice on his cheek
If she brings home a chimp for you, I hope it is a female....
tecoyah said:
Im sorry....I didnt see the insult, and if indeed you did, it was unintentional. I did however point out the irrational behavior towards Homosexual choice, if there was no Dogmatic reasoning behind it. I would also note the complete dismisal of my request, (other than to go look for myself), and can only assume this means you have no interest in debate.....no problem.
As for intolerant....uh....well look carefully at what you post, it seems obvious to me, if not blatant. The entire reasoning behind this thread is to seemingly celebrate the denial of marriage rights to a large group of American citizens, because they are different from your percieved norm. That, at least to me Shows intolerance. Seriously....reflect on what this projects to anyone who hears it, and then tell me you are tolerant of Gay people.

*Edit- was it the word "Spew" that was insulting?

I will agree with you on your last paragraph..........I hope every state adopts and amendment to protect the sanctity of marriage.........As I have said many times I favor civil unions with the same benefits that married people get...........I have gay friends that feel the same way.........They just want to live their lives in peace and harmony like all Americans and are embarrassed by a small group of militant gays who they say don't speak for them and wish they would just shut up........

Because you have a difference of opinion on gay marriage does not make you a homophobe or bigot becasue I am neither............

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