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Feb 28, '22 Letter to Rep Carolyn B. Malone from Archivist of the U.S. - Concerning DJT Removing Classified Documents from WH to Mar-a-Logo Resident (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
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Dec 1, 2020
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Unfortunately, this letter didn't give me the hope that one would expect to read between the NARA and the Chairwoman Committee on Oversight and Reform of the House of Representatives. Yes, to some degree it did but it also seemed to also suggest some ho-hum enthusiasm by the AJ/DOJ, Next week might shed more light on the progress of this matter.

3. Please provide a detailed description of the contents of the recovered boxes, including any inventory prepared by NARA of the contents of the boxes. If an inventory has not yet been completed, please provide an estimate of when such an inventory will be completed. Answer: NARA staff are in the process of inventorying the contents of the boxes, which we expect to complete by February 25. Because the records in the boxes are subject to the Presidential Records Act (PRA), any request for information regarding the content of the records will need to be made in accordance with section 2205(2)(C) of the PRA

5. Is NARA aware of any additional presidential records from the Trump Administration that may be missing or not yet in NARA’s possession? Answer: NARA has identified certain social media records that were not captured and preserved by the Trump Administration. NARA has also learned that some White House staff conducted official business using non-official electronic messaging accounts that were not copied or forwarded into their official electronic messaging accounts, as required by section 2209 of the PRA. NARA has already obtained or is in the process of obtaining some of those records.

7. Has the Archivist notified the Attorney General that former President Trump removed presidential records from the White House? If not, why not? Answer: Because NARA identified classified information in the boxes, NARA staff has been in communication with the Department of Justice
I think you need to correct the date in the title....should be Feb. 18, 2022?
I think you need to correct the date in the title....should be Feb. 18, 2022?
Time for one of my Grrrrrs. Hate making a typo and coming back to it long after the edit has timed out. Appreciate the heads up and being the 2nd post right under the op, most folks will see that it was supposed to be the 18th - today.
Too much to read. I'll let Fox News distill it down for me.
Yeah, a classified paper trail either down DJT's WH toilet or to Mar-a-Lago.

Zaid, you may recall, was a central figure in Trump’s first impeachment saga over an infamous Ukrainian phone call the former president regarded as “perfect.” An employment attorney as well, Zaid represented both Alexander Vindman and, later, the top impeachment witness’s brother, Yevgeny Vindman, among others.

In response to his initial tweet, Zaid allowed that Trump “could claim to have” declassified the records in question and noted that he certainly “had the power to” do so–but said there wouldn’t be “a paper trail” of any such declassification efforts regardless.

The prospect of the 45th president potentially gaining unauthorized access to information that is said to have been classified at the time it was removed from the White House–or allowing others such access–presented something of a stark relief sort of exercise in alleged political hypocrisy.

Well illustrated!!


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