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Fear of Brussels drove Swiss referendum result, says politician (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2018
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And Roger Koeppel said he was already focusing on another showdown with the bloc, over whether Switzerland should enter into a wide-ranging institutional framework accord which critics fear would bind it to EU rules in numerous areas. The Swiss People’s Party (SVP) forced a referendum on an EU agreement in a bid to reduce immigration to a country where foreigners make up a quarter of the population. However, voters decisively rejected the idea by 62 percent to 38 percent.

LOL fear.. yea right. The only one projecting fear is this moron and his party. The same party, if I am correct, that used fear to ban minarets in Switzerland, despite they already being banned via building regulations...
If the majority of Swiss people decline to limit immigration into their beautiful, peaceful, & charming nation, then that is their right.

Presumably, they have seen what has happened to France, Sweden, England, etc. and have no qualms about their decision.

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