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FBI reports on KKK infiltrating police forces (1 Viewer)

Northern Light

The Light of Truth
DP Veteran
Jan 7, 2013
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Political Leaning
FBI's warning of white supremacists infiltrating law enforcement nearly forgotten

"A federal court found that members of a Los Angeles sheriffs department formed a Neo Nazi gang and habitually terrorized the black community. Later, the Chicago police department fired Jon Burge, a detective with reputed ties to the Ku Klux Klan, after discovering he tortured over 100 black male suspects. Thereafter, the Mayor of Cleveland discovered that many of the city police locker rooms were infested with “White Power” graffiti. Years later, a Texas sheriff department discovered that two of its deputies were recruiters for the Klan."

Well this is interesting, and effing creepy!

What if a few of the bad apples in the police forces are actually networked to racist organizations? Kind of disturbing to think about, especially because the FBI has known for years.
If this a legitimate FBI document, and it is supposedly UNCLASSIFIED as it says, then why is it so redacted? I can't find it on their web site, although they have a good amount of data regarding white supremacists on their site.

All the other stories that I looked at on this subject, link back to the web site you posted in the OP, and the supposed FBI report is on some cloud storage site, and not an official government web page.

Although I have no doubt that white supremacists may wish to infiltrate police departments, since historically (and by that I mean 40 plus years ago and longer) white supremacy groups had infiltrated police departments, or in some cases, controlled the departments. I don't feel that this problem is as prevalent as it once was.

However, even if the report is a true and legitimate document, it is more concerned with white supremacists gaining access to internal and secure areas and information rather than those people acting out to harm other people in a racist way, such as killing blacks.

If anyone has a link to a government site with this document, please post it.

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