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FBI Recommends No Charges Against Hillary Clinton for Use of Personal [W:234, 1861] (1 Viewer)

Frank Apisa

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Mar 4, 2008
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New Jersey
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The F.B.I. recommended no charges for Hillary Clinton over her use of email as secretary of state, but called it "extremely careless"

Just reported by the NY Times.

The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, on Tuesday said “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information as secretary of state. The F.B.I.’s recommendation will have an enormous impact on the presidential election.
Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. is not recommending charges against Mrs. Clinton to the Justice Department. But he said Mrs. Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” in their use of email.


Re: clinton walks

Smell that fresh air?

Its due to the lack of smoking guns.

Give it up guys, the witch hunt didn't work.

You're kidding, right? Although her actions did not rise to the criminal level IN THE OPINION OF THE FBI, that by NO MEANS shows lack of smoking guns. She was reckless, careless and compromised the security of the United States of America.
Re: clinton walks

The man said she knowingly sent classified information over her server. And then said if it was anyone else, they would have security sanctions.
Re: clinton walks

You're kidding, right? Although her actions did not rise to the criminal level IN THE OPINION OF THE FBI, that by NO MEANS shows lack of smoking guns. She was reckless, careless and compromised the security of the United States of America.

And yet.....

Maybe now we can all obsess on what is in Trump's tax returns.:lamo
Re: clinton walks

They found her to be very careless with top secret information. Nice job, Hillary! Yes, let's put her in the oval office. It'll be interesting to see how she spins this.
Re: The F.B.I. recommended no charges for Hillary Clinton over her use of email

My guess is that this will disappoint some people here.
Re: clinton walks

They found her to be very careless with top secret information. Nice job, Hillary! Yes, let's put her in the oval office. It'll be interesting to see how she spins this.

By dismissing it. "The FBI cleared me of wrong doing. Next question."
Re: clinton walks

I love all the evidence that was listed against her. All the emails all the classified info. The top swcret and above top secret, the fact that her email was hacked or that hostile sources have probably gained control of said information

Then the lamest excuse in history ehe didn't intend to do it. Wth if she didn't intend to do it she wouldn't have.

She grossly ignored multiple warnings and continued to. What a hack of an excuse. Congress need to step in and over ride the doj and arrwst them all of corruption charges.
Re: The F.B.I. recommended no charges for Hillary Clinton over her use of email

My guess is that this will disappoint some people here.

You think?
Re: The F.B.I. recommended no charges for Hillary Clinton over her use of email

The F.B.I. recommended no charges for Hillary Clinton over her use of email as secretary of state, but called it "extremely careless"

Just reported by the NY Times.

The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, on Tuesday said “no reasonable prosecutor” would bring a case against Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information as secretary of state. The F.B.I.’s recommendation will have an enormous impact on the presidential election.
Mr. Comey said the F.B.I. is not recommending charges against Mrs. Clinton to the Justice Department. But he said Mrs. Clinton and her staff were “extremely careless” in their use of email.


Heads at Fox News are exploding in disbelief lol

Madam Pres has a nice ring to it lol
Re: clinton walks

You're kidding, right? Although her actions did not rise to the criminal level IN THE OPINION OF THE FBI, that by NO MEANS shows lack of smoking guns. She was reckless, careless and compromised the security of the United States of America.

In other words, it shows Hillary Clinton's incompetence.
Re: clinton walks

Not a surprise. I heard some of the press conference, wasn't exactly a ringing endorsement for her actions either. Sounded like they were letting her off because there was no precedence for charging a person for doing what she did. They could have charged her under the law, since intent is not necessary.

They threw patreous under a buss for three items in a book he mentioned that were still classified. Whqt do you mean no precedent?
Re: clinton walks

Utter corruption. However, this doesn't make it look any better really.

Told ya the indictment was a GOP wet dream!!

Anyone but Trump

Kick some ass Hillary!!
Re: clinton walks

On the day of her coronation any individual that has ever been fired, fined or even denied a federal job based security clearances should file a lawsuit against the federal government, the democrat party, and the DOJ. No other individual on the planet would be given a security clearance based on the things she did, the lies she told about what she did, etc.

But everyone is TOTALLY shocked that this administrations DOJ covered for her...right?
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Re: clinton walks

They threw patreous under a buss for three items in a book he mentioned that were still classified. Whqt do you mean no precedent?

The General passed classified info to his GF

Big difference in the two cases

Other than Hillary being guilty of what many of us our, careless with emails, nothing to see
Re: clinton walks

So she's too stupid to know whether or not she woupd be handling classified data on her computer but she's presidential material

And multiple servers now ?
Re: clinton walks

Told ya the indictment was a GOP wet dream!!

Anyone but Trump

Kick some ass Hillary!!

Haha....if I do the same thing as her at my job, I can be sued and let go. It is now official that Clinton knowingly sent and dealt with beyond Top Secret information on a non secure line. Yea wet dream, alright.
Re: clinton walks

We all knew it was rigged.
Re: clinton walks

With apologies to the movie "Casablanca"...

...I imagine some people are saying, "We'll always have Benghazi!"
Re: clinton walks


" Any reasonable person should have known "....
Re: clinton walks

Told ya the indictment was a GOP wet dream!!

Anyone but Trump

Kick some ass Hillary!!

Glad to see liberals live up to their mo of supporting political corruption.

List all the evidence on national tv of what she did how she broke the law her continued use of a server in illegal ways the deleting of emails, and then ignore all of it and cite she didn't mean to. As an excuse not to charge her.

Lol ol the political corruption that has taken over our system

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