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Favorability of Trump’s GOP Lowest in Bloomberg Poll’s History (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 1, 2011
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Lower Hudson Valley, NY
Political Leaning
Favorability of Trump’s GOP Lowest in Bloomberg Poll’s History - Bloomberg Politics

[h=1]Favorability of Trump’s GOP Lowest in Bloomberg Poll’s History[/h]
Just 32 percent of Americans view the Republican Party favorably as it prepares to formally nominate Donald Trump for president, the latest Bloomberg Politics national poll shows, the lowest level recorded since the poll’s inception in September 2009.

The Democratic Party, by contrast, is seen favorably by 49 percent. Congress is viewed favorably by just 24 percent, the lowest since March 2010 and a response that found near bipartisan agreement in the poll.

Those views will not only shape the presidential race between Trump and Hillary Clinton, they could spill over into down-ballot contests that that will determine control of Congress and governorships after November.

Well done, rightwingers!!! :lol:
That favorability deficit is YUUGE!!!
Kinda hilarious, but the fact it's only been going since 2009 makes it less hilarious.
I am sitting here watching a Trump speech on TV. He has a very good chance to win this election. This is the first time in my life I have been sad for my country.
I am sitting here watching a Trump speech on TV. He has a very good chance to win this election. This is the first time in my life I have been sad for my country.

Were you born after 9/11 or did you just miss it?
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I am sitting here watching a Trump speech on TV. He has a very good chance to win this election. This is the first time in my life I have been sad for my country.

Trump has 0% chance of winning this election
Well done, rightwingers!!! :lol:

Bloomberg News's political bias is evident in the stories they choose to put on the front page and the article headlines their main editors write. It's pretty clear they lean left.
quoting polls,i can make a poll say what i want,BLOOMBERG is as bias as it's gets,who did they poll what was the sample,what where the questions and how where they phrased,come on man.

run don run
Bloomberg News's political bias is evident in the stories they choose to put on the front page and the article headlines their main editors write. It's pretty clear they lean left.
quoting polls,i can make a poll say what i want,BLOOMBERG is as bias as it's gets,who did they poll what was the sample,what where the questions and how where they phrased,come on man.

run don run

Trump and the Trumpettes are a big, beautiful bouquet of Delicate Flowers who constantly cry about how they're being victimized by the Big,Bad Media

All of your questions are answered at the link, but I don't expect Trumpettes to actually read or care about facts
Trump has 0% chance of winning this election

That number....

Trump is a national embarrassment.

Don't worry. He will not be elected because Americans became so *****fied and needy to be loved that the idea of a guy who may piss off illegal Latinos and Muslims is too scary for the trembling American weasels to contemplate.

To the liberals, a flower given to the enemy is always better than a speeding bullet.

A perfect case of the Stockholm syndrome.
I am sitting here watching a Trump speech on TV. He has a very good chance to win this election. This is the first time in my life I have been sad for my country.

Ugh. There isn't enough alcohol in the entire world to help me process that thought and not want to punch my walls.
Sorry I mentioned it, but I hate it about as much as you do.
Ugh. There isn't enough alcohol in the entire world to help me process that thought and not want to punch my walls.
I am sitting here watching a Trump speech on TV. He has a very good chance to win this election. This is the first time in my life I have been sad for my country.

Trump is not going to win in November, in fact this will be the worse beating the repubs have ever experienced.
Trump is not going to win in November, in fact this will be the worse beating the repubs have ever experienced.

And deservedly so. There is no "repubs".

The US two-party scam is just that - a scam for the gullible. The RINO's were just not good enough actors for the role and dropped all the facade after 2012 and 2014 by giving away the store to Obongo.

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