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Fauci thrown under the bus (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 11, 2021
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Everyone is sick of this little twerp even democrats. He really just needs to STFU.

“ Obviously the judiciary has an important role to play," White House COVID Coordinator Ashish Jha said on Sunday’s "State of the Union." "What you heard out of the administration, out of the Department of Justice, is the assessment that this is an incorrect decision and the DOJ is now appealing this decision."

Everyone is sick of this little twerp even democrats. He really just needs to STFU.

“ Obviously the judiciary has an important role to play," White House COVID Coordinator Ashish Jha said on Sunday’s "State of the Union." "What you heard out of the administration, out of the Department of Justice, is the assessment that this is an incorrect decision and the DOJ is now appealing this decision."

Yeah...this latest spew from Fauci was stinkier than his usual crap. Imagine...saying that ANY part of the government should be above judicial review.

Not even the Democrats can make that shit smell good.
Everyone is sick of this little twerp even democrats. He really just needs to STFU.

“ Obviously the judiciary has an important role to play," White House COVID Coordinator Ashish Jha said on Sunday’s "State of the Union." "What you heard out of the administration, out of the Department of Justice, is the assessment that this is an incorrect decision and the DOJ is now appealing this decision."

Well we've got the Faux Noise spin, anybody got a link to what really happened?
Yeah...this latest spew from Fauci was stinkier than his usual crap. Imagine...saying that ANY part of the government should be above judicial review.

Not even the Democrats can make that shit smell good.
Yes lets have political hacks making all our health care decisions in the future. What could go wrong with that?
My hope is that Fascist Fauci will retire when the Republicans take over Congress in mid-terms. It would be a blessing for the country. That man has no credibility left. But he can look forward to be investigated by Republicans over his politicization of his office.
Yeah...this latest spew from Fauci was stinkier than his usual crap. Imagine...saying that ANY part of the government should be above judicial review.

Not even the Democrats can make that shit smell good.
They cannot cover up Fauci's arrogance. Not that they'd even want to.
Everyone is sick of this little twerp even democrats. He really just needs to STFU.

“ Obviously the judiciary has an important role to play," White House COVID Coordinator Ashish Jha said on Sunday’s "State of the Union." "What you heard out of the administration, out of the Department of Justice, is the assessment that this is an incorrect decision and the DOJ is now appealing this decision."

I'm confused about why people are angry at him.

Can you explain, I literally haven't been paying attention.
They say the decisions should be driven by science but refuse to show any of the science they base their decisions on.
Never. We're just supposed to press the "I believe" button every time. Sad that I get most of my studies and data from other countries.
You know what America should've done? Put Covid-19 decisions up for a national vote (as many times as necessary), with all of the relevant science included, so people that know nothing about epidemiology could have a say in the decisions. Because that's what American representative democracy is all about.

Yes, that's sarcasm.
Yes lets have political hacks making all our health care decisions in the future. What could go wrong with that?
This isn't about "healthcare decisions". It's about whether the CDC is abiding by the law.

Anyway, I'd rather individuals make their own healthcare decisions than have a government agency make it for them.
This isn't about "healthcare decisions". It's about whether the CDC is abiding by the law.

Anyway, I'd rather individuals make their own healthcare decisions than have a government agency make it for them.

Translation: "I'd rather that individuals be able to make the worse pandemic we've had in ages worse."
In an ideal world, the elected officials would assign CDC the duty of coming up with a plan to mitigate this or that infectious disease, then have them implement it when the time comes.

Did that occur, it would not be a case of some unchecked government agency going against the people, but rather the elected representatives of the people delegating a difficult task to the experts in that area.
This isn't about "healthcare decisions". It's about whether the CDC is abiding by the law.

Anyway, I'd rather individuals make their own healthcare decisions than have a government agency make it for them.
The CDC is for the Left, yet another work around Congress.
This isn't about "healthcare decisions". It's about whether the CDC is abiding by the law.

Anyway, I'd rather individuals make their own healthcare decisions than have a government agency make it for them.
LOL What law covers mandates implemented to protect the public health? The judge that made that decision should be impeached. We were warned that she was unqualified and this decision proves it. I'd rather you lived on a deserted island too. The rest of us realize that HC professionals are the ones who should be making decisions during a pandemic.
Most Americans probably agree that Dr. F. should take a well-deserved retirement.

At a White House reception, he should be awarded a medal for his services, especially during the COVID tragedy.

It is really time for him to pack it in.

He will no doubt miss the spotlight, but go he should.

It is time for another person to take his position, someone with another personality and perhaps a new perspective on this tragedy that has struck the world.

Since it is 2022, his successor should be a lady of color. Maybe an Asian? (It might lessen the violence against Asians that is being committed by ignoramuses.)
Most Americans probably agree that Dr. F. should take a well-deserved retirement.

At a White House reception, he should be awarded a medal for his services, especially during the COVID tragedy.

It is really time for him to pack it in.

He will no doubt miss the spotlight, but go he should.

It is time for another person to take his position, someone with another personality and perhaps a new perspective on this tragedy that has struck the world.

Since it is 2022, his successor should be a lady of color. Maybe an Asian? (It might lessen the violence against Asians that is being committed by ignoramuses.)

Try to find one with his knowledge and experience.
The little jerk off needs to be locked up.

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