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Fattest Cities--what's up Texas? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 25, 2005
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Political Leaning
Here is the list of the 25 fattest cities in the United States. Notice that of them, 5 are in Texas. That Tex-Mex stuff will get you everytime. :lol:

1. Chicago
2. Las Vegas
3. Los Angeles
4. Dallas
5. Houston
6. Memphis, Tenn.
7. Long Beach, Calif.
8. El Paso, Texas
9. Kansas City, Mo.
10. Mesa, Ariz.
11. Indianapolis
12. San Antonio
13. Fort Worth, Texas
14. Miami
15. Detroit
16. Columbus, Ohio
17. Oklahoma City
18. Cleveland
19. Wichita, Kan.
20. Charlotte, N.C.
21. San Diego
22. Fresno, Calif.
23. Philadelphia
24. San Jose, Calif.
25. New York

Oh sweet Jesus, I knew there was a reason I started to get a gut when I moved to Chicago. I swear, it's not me, there is something in the water, I swear there is.:(

Seriously though, the food here is just incredible, and there is a restaurant every two steps you take, and they are all brilliant.:blowup:
Deegan said:
Oh sweet Jesus, I knew there was a reason I started to get a gut when I moved to Chicago. I swear, it's not me, there is something in the water, I swear there is.:(

Seriously though, the food here is just incredible, and there is a restaurant every two steps you take, and they are all brilliant.:blowup:

LOL Deegan, I almost made a comment about Chicago because I read a post earlier today from you about how your state will never be red. ;)
aps said:
LOL Deegan, I almost made a comment about Chicago because I read a post earlier today from you about how your state will never be red. ;)

What's worse is this, the top four are were my companies most popular showrooms are located, I visit all four frequently.:doh :3oops:
aps said:
Here is the list of the 25 fattest cities in the United States. Notice that of them, 5 are in Texas. That Tex-Mex stuff will get you everytime. :lol:

1. Chicago
Looks like Oprah's off her diet...
How in the heck is Charlotte on that list? Most everyone I've seen here is way skinny.....which makes me feel like a heifer. :(

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