According to, reported April 28, a parent was arrested over gay content in children's school book. David Parker, 42, refused to leave his son's elementary school Wednesday after the boy brought home a book from the school featuring gay characters. Mr. Parker was arrested for trespassing at Estabrook Elementary School and he spent one night in jail. The book his son brought home was titled, "Who's In The Family?" which introduces children to different types of families, including a family with two fathers. After finding this book, Mr. Parker became highly upset. According to the report, the father said that he was told by the school that he had no right to control whether his child is taught about gay marriages. Mr. Parker, was undecided if his son was going to return to the school.
This man's son found this book at school, and brought it back home. If the child had any questions about the book, he could have asked his father. It is the father's right to teach his child about gay marriages, however, the father should not pass his views on the topic to the child. Teaching them about something, and making them have the same view as you do, is two completely different things. I do not think that the man should have been arrested for his actions, but then again, maybe he should have made his statement and his opinion a little different when confronting the school.
I wonder what the school board had to say about the book. Did they find any problems with a book that talks about gay unions? Is it wrong for our children to understand what gay unions are?
This man's son found this book at school, and brought it back home. If the child had any questions about the book, he could have asked his father. It is the father's right to teach his child about gay marriages, however, the father should not pass his views on the topic to the child. Teaching them about something, and making them have the same view as you do, is two completely different things. I do not think that the man should have been arrested for his actions, but then again, maybe he should have made his statement and his opinion a little different when confronting the school.
I wonder what the school board had to say about the book. Did they find any problems with a book that talks about gay unions? Is it wrong for our children to understand what gay unions are?