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Fat police lock up Chris (1 Viewer)

I can see the US doing something like this some day.

"Man locked up for eating apples as the insecticide that is used could cause cancer."
There's definitely a fine line here. Chris was on a BBC special that talked about his disease, Prader-Willi Syndrome. This syndrome doesn't create the trigger in the brain that lets it know that the stomach is full. The sufferer of the disease could eat himself to death (remember that first scene from the movie "Seven" where the man was forced to eat until his internal organs went... well you get the picture.)

We've got a dog like that. It's a yellow lab and given her druthers, she'd eat herself to death. She has no idea when she's full and isn't smart enough to make herself proper size portions.

The problem can be seen from both sides about Fat Chris. One side, he's a danger to himself and could be seen as suicidal if he has a blank check at McDonald's. Police typically intervene if a person is standing on a bridge or a rooftop and is ready to jump. That is Fat Chris apparently. On the other side, he's 31. He's an adult and as an adult he should be allowed to make his own fatty choices and choose to live or die by the burger. Neither Chris nor his family have requested the police to intervene.

I can't speak for the UK and the propensity for lawsuits there, but here in the USA, the police could be sued for not intervening should they see someone in Chris' predicament. I work for an insurance company and we used to insure doctors and hospitals until recently. The lawsuits got out of hand and it was far from cost effective. I remember quite a few cases where a hospital released an adult patient on his own volition only to have that person commit suicide. Who did the family blame? The hospital. The patient wanted to leave and the hospital let him. It's f :censored ing ridiculous, but there you have it.

As such, I can see the police erring on the side of caution since we live in a world of people shrugging off personal responsibility for their actions.
shuamort said:
We've got a dog like that. It's a yellow lab and given her druthers, she'd eat herself to death. She has no idea when she's full and isn't smart enough to make herself proper size portions.

I put this up just to razz :p some people.
I have a yellow lab/retriever that did that with water when she was a pup. She would drink an entire bucket of water if you let her. We had kidney tests and blood work done on her - turned out it was psychological (according to vet) he theorized she thought the water was a treat and wanted to get as much as she could before it was 'taken' away. We had to give her ice cubes for 2 months. Strange.

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