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Farmer Who Voted for Donald Trump Worried About Mass Deportation Plan (1 Viewer)

no they do.

the farmers , for the most part, stay above board.

They don't need them. Employers don't need to collect that info on labor that they pay less then $600.
Oh yes and I'm sure if it's a job that stretches for a few days they got those cards ready just in case it exceeds the threshold. :rolleyes:
Oh yes and I'm sure if it's a job that stretches for a few days they got those cards ready just in case it exceeds the threshold. :rolleyes:
Many probably do.

But it's not as regulated as you seem to think.

If you pay a day laborer a 100 or a 150 bucks for a day's labor you probably have no info on him. They don't fill out applications.

If you end up hiring the same guy a few other times and goes over $600, it's not noticed.

On The other hand if your income from contracts is X and you can't show pay to permanent employees comensurate with that you will get audited and in trouble with the IRS
Many probably do.

But it's not as regulated as you seem to think.

If you pay a day laborer a 100 or a 150 bucks for a day's labor you probably have no info on him. They don't fill out applications.

If you end up hiring the same guy a few other times and goes over $600, it's not noticed.

On The other hand if your income from contracts is X and you can't show pay to permanent employees comensurate with that you will get audited and in trouble with the IRS
You don't need to show anything unless you get audited, period.
What's your point?
You don't need paperwork on people you pay less then $600.

If you hire him once in a year for a total of $100, or nine times in the same year for a total of $900, there is no way to prove one way or the other, the employer may not even know. You don't jeep that kind of info.

It's only a problem in an audit if badly abused to the point where there is no paperwork attached to a significant portion of your labor cost.
You don't need paperwork on people you pay less then $600.
What does this have to do with paying taxes? That's just an information reporting threshold for 1099s. Income recipients (illegals) are still required to report the earnings even if under $600.
If you hire him once in a year for a total of $100, or nine times in the same year for a total of $900, there is no way to prove one way or the other, the employer may not even know. You don't jeep that kind of info.

It's only a problem in an audit if badly abused to the point where there is no paperwork attached to a significant portion of your labor cost.
What does this have to do with paying taxes? That's just an information reporting threshold for 1099s. Income recipients (illegals) are still required to report the earnings even if under $600.
We were talking about employers
We were talking about employers
I was talking about employers employing W-2 employees (this is the arrangement where the employer pays 50% of the federal employment taxes). You are talking about 1099 contractors (contractor pays 100% of employment taxes). Either way the taxes ain't getting paid, so either the employer is happy because he doesn't have to pay them or he's happy the worker doesn't have to as it leads to the worker bearing lower wages since the take-home is higher.
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I was talking about W-2 employees. You are talking about 1099 contractors. Either way the taxes ain't getting paid.
But day laborers arent w2 employees.

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻
**** him. Enjoy the pain you stupid ****
Democrats: "We found this one guy and he is now the broad brush for all generalizations and conclusions. You're welcome."

Everyone else: Turn this shit off. I'm tired of the gaslighting.
I mean we can just go back to his first term as evidence but you do you
But day laborers arent w2 employees.
They could be. It's sort of a grey area. https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/irs/refunds-and-payments/reporting-day-workers-for-tax-purposes/

Either way at the end of the day it's just a question of who is supposed to withhold and remit the taxes. The amount of tax that is supposed to be remitted is still about the same. Either the employer is benefiting from not paying the taxes, or he's benefiting from being able to pay the employee less because he knows the employee won't pay any tax to the government.
They could be. It's sort of a grey area. https://www.hrblock.com/tax-center/irs/refunds-and-payments/reporting-day-workers-for-tax-purposes/

Either way at the end of the day it's just a question of who is supposed to withhold and remit the taxes. The amount of tax that is supposed to be remitted is still about the same. Either the employer is benefiting from not paying the taxes, or he's benefiting from being able to pay the employee less because he knows the employee won't pay any tax to the government.
What happens with lots of illegals is that they work, employer withholds taxes, pays them, including social security but the illegal immigrant doesn't get benefits.

What happens with lots of illegals is that they work, employer withholds taxes, pays them, including social security but the illegal immigrant doesn't get benefits.

It's not impossible. I'm just saying it's unlikely. Why would the typical employer who knows he is illegally employing an illegal then improperly fill out a W-2 to remit taxes? It's like a crack dealer reporting his business income on Schedule F.
It's not impossible.
Of course not.

Its extremely common. They pay billions into social security.
'm just saying it's unlikely. Why would the typical employer who knows he is illegally employing an illegal then improperly fill out a W-2 to remit taxes? It's like a crack dealer reporting his business income on Schedule F.
You are misunderstanding the process. Read the article. It explains it
Of course not.

Its extremely common. They pay billions into social security.

You are misunderstanding the process. Read the article. It explains it
Your article doesn't even discuss what we were talking about: employers who know they are hiring illegals:
Only a handful of U.S. states require employers to check an employee’s eligibility and their SSN
Your article doesn't even discuss what we were talking about: employers who know they are hiring illegals:
They don't know.

They may suspect. But if the paperwork is in order...
"I didn't realize they'd eat my face," says woman who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.
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The OP is literally about a farmer who is worried about how mass deportation will affect his business. He knows!

they know 50% of the ag workforce is illegal, including their own In the broad sense.

But they don't knowingly hire individual illegals, that would be illegal, they hire people with the right paperwork.......but they know it's likely many of them are illegal.

Listen to him.

1:20 to 2:15

they know 50% of the ag workforce is illegal, including their own In the broad sense.

But they don't knowingly hire individual illegals, that would be illegal, they hire people with the right paperwork.......but they know it's likely many of them are illegal.

Listen to him.

1:20 to 2:15

Well of course he's not gonna directly admit on camera to a crime! :rolleyes:

Oh sure he doesn't know he hires illegals, but he knows in two days there won't be food if they're deported!
Well of course he's not gonna directly admit on camera to a crime! :rolleyes:

Oh sure he doesn't know he hires illegals, but he knows in two days there won't be food if they're deported!

Now you are getting it.

Now you are getting it.
I'm getting you don't want to do anything about your precious illegals, and you're willing to take ridiculous positions to accomplish this.
I'm getting you don't want to do anything about your precious illegals, and you're willing to take ridiculous positions to accomplish this.
What I'm the world are you talking about?

How did you get from our conversation to that?


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