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Farmer Who Voted for Donald Trump Worried About Mass Deportation Plan (1 Viewer)

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻
Well he gets what he votes for, which in this case is not enough workers for next harvest.
Tell me. How does it work? How does an illegal get a Social Security number?
At the swap meet. A fake one. The employer collects taxes, even social security. The worker gets no benefit, no return.
He will probably just do some showy raids in blue states for the low foreheads every once in awhile and call it a day.
They already are in CA right in the middle of of citrus season
He can console himself knowing Donald will have made eggs and gas really cheap.

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻
Boo hoo. Now he has to hire legal immigrants instead. Slave labor should end!
And if poor Americans can afford food they should do what? Be expected to starve quietly?
Hungry people don't like to be told to "just eat cake"......
If Trump does mass deportation he will have to import one laborer for every ery one he deports. He will have to do that immediately or the US ag industry will collapse and bring the entire US economy down with it
Perhaps that is what he wants.
And if poor Americans can afford food they should do what? Be expected to starve quietly?
MAGA last year:


MAGA now:

"Git another job if'n yew caint afford eggs n gas! Or go without! Bootstrap it, yew *****!"
the Dems would have passed that yesterday

Trump and Maga idiotically want to deport them all.
From what I heard they want to deport those here illegally who have committed crimes. When someone here illegally has committed a crime warranting a jail sentence I think deportation should be mandatory. I think they should be banned from entering this country. We need to send a message that if you want to come to this country and become an American you need to do it legally or you are not wanted. This ignorant policy of rewarding bad people for bad behavior needs to end. Especially when so many law abiding people are waiting and wanting to come here.

I think to be fair we need to issue visas first to those entering legally applying for a visas. Those with no respect for our laws who have circumvented our laws will go to the back of the line. So if your here illegally and and you want to resolve the problem best to sneak back to your home country and do it the right way. Otherwise we will send you back and not let you back in. I want law abiding immigrants coming to this country like my ancestors not criminals. It is sad the democrats and their complete debacle of this situation has sent a message that circumventing our laws is the right way to do things.
The price of cotton went up after the Civil War too. Should we bring back slavery so that we can keep prices down?
Is that MAGAt logic at play here?
But if they contribute to America's productivity as a global ag superpower, then they've probably done their job and then some. That's what people will never understand: economists put out a lot of data, but they often fail to grasp the true value of various things that exist within an economy. If half the workforce that produces our food supply is illegal, I'd argue that illegal immigrants have more value than the vast majority of the rest of the population, including millionaires who were born and raised here because they managed to succeed as a service entrepreneur or trade stock on Wall St.

Food productivity > services.

Good response to those who claim "red" areas are parasitic on "blue" areas.
Good response to those who claim "red" areas are parasitic on "blue" areas.

FTR, I never would say this and yeah, think it's ridiculous. Income, tax revenue, nominal GDP are all well and good, but value is something completely different. What is GDP for? What is the GDP from?
At the swap meet. A fake one. The employer collects taxes, even social security. The worker gets no benefit, no return.
Oh yes! I'm sure the farmer, who knows his workers are illegals and can't get a real SSN, just keeps intentionally filing erroneous information returns and eating the penalties! :rolleyes:
Oh yes! I'm sure the farmer, who knows his workers are illegals and can't get a real SSN, just keeps intentionally filing erroneous information returns and eating the penalties! :rolleyes:
There are no penalties. They have the info on file pay taxes accordingly.

No one is fined
Tell us more about how making french fries demands a "living wage," but we should be wary about enforcing immigration laws because your heirloom tomatoes might cost more if you have to pay someone more than 18k a year.
I think the wages of both need to go up.
The price of cotton went up after the Civil War too. Should we bring back slavery so that we can keep prices down?
“I have more complaints on grocery. The word ‘grocery,’ it’s a sort of simple word. But it sort of means, like, everything you eat. The stomach is speaking, it always does. And I have more complaints about that ― bacon, and things going up double, triple, quadruple.”

The stomach is speaking alright.
No. It's irrelevant.

They aren't getting fined.
Then something tells me they don't file those W-2s. Same way drug dealers often don't pay taxes. Like with most things, I'm sure there are exceptions, but I doubt the day laborers standing in parking lots in the morning have fake Social Security cards with them. :rolleyes:
Then something tells me they don't file those W-2s
no they do.

the farmers , for the most part, stay above board.
. Same way drug dealers often don't pay taxes. Like with most things, I'm sure there are exceptions, but I doubt the day laborers standing in parking lots in the morning have fake Social Security cards with them. :rolleyes:
They don't need them. Employers don't need to collect that info on labor that they pay less then $600.

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