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Farmer Who Voted for Donald Trump Worried About Mass Deportation Plan (1 Viewer)


There are reasons those people dont work......you don't honestly think those people are going to pick tomatoes for 12 hours a day in 110 degree heat do you? Even if the price is right?

Plus I thought grocery proces were a big deal to you?

You all howled about it for the lasylt for years. No big deal now I guess.
At the risk of being redundant I will restate that the AG industry needs to find ways to attract workers from the available labor pool. Do you support sweatshops too?
All the ones who are whining about their slave labor being deported
Nobody is whining about slave labor being deported. Are you capable of conversing in anything other than over-the-top bullshit hyperbole? Or is it just an irresistible impulse with you?
At the risk of being redundant I will restate that the AG industry needs to find ways to attract workers from the available labor pool. Do you support sweatshops too?
At the risk if being redundant, I will restate that if ag takes millions of workers out of other sectors of the economy then those sectors will fail.

We are at full employment. You can't take 11 million workers out without comming up 11 million workers short.


Think it through
Nobody is whining about slave labor being deported. Are you capable of conversing in anything other than over-the-top bullshit hyperbole? Or is it just an irresistible impulse with you?
That's pretty funny that you would choose this thread to argue that. Are you a comedian 🤣
That's pretty funny that you would choose this thread to argue that. Are you a comedian 🤣
He is correct.

Democrats want to make them legal, with better wages and benefits.

Can you converse without lying?
At the risk if being redundant, I will restate that if ag takes millions of workers out of other sectors of the economy then those sectors will fail.

We are at full employment. You can't take 11 million workers out without comming up 11 million workers short.


Think it through
Maybe they can recruit burecrats from DC 🤣
Yes it is.
Blanket amnesty isn’t a common sense solution to the complex issue of illegal migrants living in our country.

I’m not for any measure that allows every illegal migrant, without exception, to remain in our country.
The legal process doesn't work. It takes decades.
Throwing our hands up and giving in doesn’t fix the problem.
Our economy needs young strong labor mow, not 10 15 years down the road when they are middle aged. That should be fixed too.
Getting rid of the 180 day prohibition against seeking employment would be a good first step.
But all the good people that have been living here and contributing should be allowed to stay. Put on a path to citizenship.

They've earned it.
Here, we have some agreement.

A proper first step, IMO, would have to be a careful screening process to determine those “good people” that have been here some (tbd) minimum length of time that have been contributing to their communities and the economy.
Obviously. When you resort to silly non answers like that.
I don't continously answer the same question over and over because you didn't like the answer I gave you the first time you asked
I don't continously answer the same question over and over because you didn't like the answer I gave you the first time you asked
You were proved wrong.

You resorted to silliness instead of acknowledging it.
You were proved wrong.

You resorted to silliness instead of acknowledging it.
I was not proven wrong. You just don't like my answer because it does not cater to tolerating illegal immigrants continuing to illegally occupy our lands and deny jobs to American citizens.
That is false.

They are a net gain.

They contribute more than they get.

How many times do you need to be proven wrong on that?
Completely false. It is a huge loss. Why do you think all these cities have a massive shortfall trying to deal with it? They are flooding the school who cannot meet the ESL class demands. The hospitals are overwhelmed in the emergency rooms. Everything is bad about it financially.

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