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Farmer Who Voted for Donald Trump Worried About Mass Deportation Plan (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

Lead or get out of the way
DP Veteran
Apr 18, 2013
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Tony DiMare, a tomato farmer with operations in several states, voted for and supports President-elect Donald Trump but is now concerned about the incoming president's mass deportation plan and its impact on the agricultural workforce. Trump heavily campaigned on stricter immigration, and one of his flagship policies— a mass deportation program— is expected to be rolled out soon after he takes office next week. Economists and lobbying groups have warned that Trump's mass deportation plan could be very costly and harm farm production by greatly impacting the labor pool. DiMare, who operates 4,000 acres of tomato farms in Florida, Texas, and California, supports Trump's plans to stop illegal border crossings and deport migrants who have committed serious crimes. However, he told the Financial Post that the country still needs a workforce and that the mass deportation plan would strain an industry heavily reliant on labor. Nearly half of agricultural workers in the U.S. are undocumented immigrants, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Several different industries and sectors have raised concerns about Trump's potential mass deportations, from human rights groups to farming and restaurant industry advocates. The American Immigration Council predicts that the one-time mass removal policy could cost the U.S. at least $315 billion. The council suggests that long-term, deporting 1 million individuals annually would "average out to $88 billion annually, for a total cost of $967.9 billion over the course of more than a decade." Specific to the farming industry, the American Business Immigration Coalition (ABIC) suggests agricultural output will fall between $30 and $60 billion if the policy is carried out. Undocumented immigrants make up close to 42 percent of agricultural workers in the country, according to the USDA. Mass deportations could disrupt essential farm operations, creating significant challenges for American farmers who rely heavily on this workforce.

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻
I'm sure he'll get some MAGAts to work his fields so they can afford eggs.
Farmers have exploited these people, and the people have exploited America. It's time to right this injustice. Food will cost whatever food costs. If we need a new guest worker program then this will provide impetus for that.

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻
DiMare should be thankful he's not in jail for hiring illegal aliens.
I'm familiar with this industry. Migrant workers have been picking the tomatoes for my entire life. If a tomato farmer voted for someone who said many times that he planned to deport his workforce, then that was exceptionally stupid. He'll probably get to keep his workers in the end, but they will cost more due to reduced supply, and he might have to spend a lot on bribes.

Again, stupid. He's probably a faux addict.
He'll probably get to keep his workers in the end, but they will cost more due to reduced supply, and he might have to spend a lot on bribes.
Yeah, sucks when you can't pay slave wages to the migrants.
Gee Tony, were you not paying attention at the positions of your favorite candidate? I'm not sure about you, but it was pretty clear to me this is the intention of the incoming administration, who in its presence has an anti-immigration demagogue. Caveat emptor Tony. Bon chance! You could think of this as an opportunity to find native born workers who I'm sure will be convinced that working outdoors for long hours at low pay is what they want rather than working indoors for better pay and benefits at a retail company.

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻
DiMare is a patriot. He voted for what is best for the country over what is best for him personally.

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻

Yep, that farmer wants interior federal immigration law enforcement (to continue to be) ignored for his ‘undocumented’ workers to avoid having to offer enough compensation to attract and retain other (legal) workers.
Farmers have exploited these people, and the people have exploited America. It's time to right this injustice. Food will cost whatever food costs. If we need a new guest worker program then this will provide impetus for that.

Hmm… how is that different from federally sanctioning this foreign ‘guest’ worker exploitation?
Hmm… how is that different from federally sanctioning this foreign ‘guest’ worker exploitation?
The offical guest workers at least went through an immigration vetting process and they have some legitimacy standing on America soil. Furthermore they don't work in fear of getting found out. This fear is what makes them susceptible to getting exploited, not just by the employ yer but by everyone.

The high costs incurred in Trump's plan to institute a mass deportation of migrants was discussed ad nauseum during the 2024 election campaign.

Here we have a Trumpian business owner - Tony DiMare -who grows tomatoes in 3 states. DiMare wants it both ways. Out with the undocumented migrant workers, except for his annual undocumented work force of course.

Now DiMare is having some buyers remorse regarding the 2024 election. Too bad. You voted for Trump. I hope all of your tomatoes whither on the proverbial vine. 🎻
Good. He should be concerned, especially since the trump licker voted against his own interests, and for a criminal racist traitor. His vote should affect his tomatoes and his bank account, he asked for it and he deserves it.:poop:

What I'm concerned about is all the Patriotic 🇺🇸 Americans who did not vote for the criminal coup inciter, and will have much more serious concerns about how he will destroy their country and their lives.
I'm familiar with this industry. Migrant workers have been picking the tomatoes for my entire life. If a tomato farmer voted for someone who said many times that he planned to deport his workforce, then that was exceptionally stupid. He'll probably get to keep his workers in the end, but they will cost more due to reduced supply, and he might have to spend a lot on bribes.

Again, stupid. He's probably a faux addict.
No probably about it. That's a definite 10-4.
The offical guest workers at least went through an immigration vetting process and they have some legitimacy standing on America soil. Furthermore they don't work in fear of getting found out. This fear is what makes them susceptible to getting exploited, not just by the employ yer but by everyone.

They work in fear of being ‘traded’ for another ‘guest’ worker willing to put up with the meager pay and/or crappy working (and often living) conditions offered by their ‘sponsoring’ employer.
DiMare is a patriot. He voted for what is best for the country over what is best for him personally.
Yes, because increased food cost is what's best for the US, maybe it will decrease obesity!
DiMare is a patriot. He voted for what is best for the country over what is best for him personally.
That's right! Food is too expensive, and by getting rid of the labor force that produces food, the cost of food will come down. Everybody but the farmer benefits. Isn't that right, @eman623?
Yes, because increased food cost is what's best for the US, maybe it will decrease obesity!

Let’s get rid of enforcing other US labor laws and have even lower costs for goods and services. ;)
Let’s get rid of enforcing other US labor laws and have even lower costs for goods and services. ;)
I'm good with enforcing laws...just understand that food prices will increase.

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