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Family Thought Unvaxxed 13-Year-Old Beat COVID–Then She Died (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2012
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How tragic !

Another young teen dies from Covid 19.

She was unvaccinated and thought she was recovering from her Covid symptoms when she took a turn for the worse and died.
Family Thought Unvaxxed 13-Year-Old Beat COVID–Then She Died
Kensey Dishman thought she was in the clear as she returned to school after quarantining. Then she was found “slumped against the wall” in a bathroom.

mehhh! 1 teen death. No biggie.

Actually, over 660 children ages ( 5 to 18 ) year olds have died from Covid 19.

But since she was not related to you, you consider her death as “No biggie.”

Maybe , just maybe or perhaps 🤔… her relatives were a bit more grief stricken than you.
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Mom and stepdad, fully vaxxed, encouraged her to get vaxxed as well. Dad was proud his asthmatic daughter was pro choice.
Actually, over 660 children ages ( 5 to 18 ) year olds have died from Covid 19.

But since she was not related to you, you consider her death as “No biggie.”

Maybe , just maybe or perhaps 🤔… her relatives were a bit more grief stricken than you.
i think you missed the sarcasm tag /s
How tragic !

Another young teen dies from Covid 19.

She was unvaccinated and thought she was recovering from her Covid symptoms when she took a turn for the worse and died.
Family Thought Unvaxxed 13-Year-Old Beat COVID–Then She Died
Kensey Dishman thought she was in the clear as she returned to school after quarantining. Then she was found “slumped against the wall” in a bathroom.

She was obese and at high risk. Her parents are to blame for feeding her like a cow.
She was obese and at high risk. Her parents are to blame for feeding her like a cow.

A lot of our fabulous trumpturds are obese. MORBIDLY obese even. And older.
And insistent on not getting vaccinated.

Heh heh heh heh heh heh.
I support it. :sneaky:(y)
From the article:

The coroner said that there was still no official cause of death, but the body had been released Friday morning.

So saying she died from Covid is premature.
A jump to declaring it was the result of not being vaccinated is the go to response. I found it interesting point the father made.

He added, “There’s gonna be people that’s going to say bad things no matter what you do. But, you know, I want it to be very clear that some may make us out to be evil or the bad guys, but she believed it was everybody’s personal choice.”
People like to dance on the graves of the dead…apparently even children.

Is that what you see when you look at that OP?

Someone "dancing on the grave" of a child?

You make a lot of really ignorant sounding posts here. Did anyone ever tell you that? I'll bet they have.

Its ALMOST as if you are doing everything you can to be willfully obtuse. Almost.
Extremely sad that her life was cut way too short.
From the article:

The coroner said that there was still no official cause of death, but the body had been released Friday morning.

So saying she died from Covid is premature.

It sure sounds like some big mystery... Are blood clots common in 13 year olds?

Is that what you see when you look at that OP?

Someone "dancing on the grave" of a child?

You make a lot of really ignorant sounding posts here. Did anyone ever tell you that? I'll bet they have.

Its ALMOST as if you are doing everything you can to be willfully obtuse. Almost.
Bringing a post of a teenager dying from Covid when there is no cause of death listed (and it says so) is dancing on the grave for a purpose.

I don’t believe at all that it is meant to mourn her death.

If I’m willfully ignorant, what is calling this death Covid related when not even a coroner has said that?
It sure sounds like some big mystery... Are blood clots common in 13 year olds?

If she took birth control, they’re a potential side effect. And teens and kids do die of blood clots annually, pre-Covid and still now.
If she took birth control, they’re a potential side effect. And teens and kids do die of blood clots annually, pre-Covid and still now.

LMAO..... Just a coincidence that she died within weeks of contracting COVID... Why are you desperate for it to be anything other than COVID?
Extremely sad that her life was cut way too short.

Yeah, looking at her picture it was bound to be cut way short.

Its really sad that some people allow themselves and/or their children to get that big. I'm not trying to be mean, but she was not going to live a long life at the rate she was going.
The parents are ignorant, they allowed her to get that big and knowing that she has asthma did not make sure she was vaccinated.
The father says "she made her own choice", well 13 year olds aren't supposed to be making their own choices IDIOT, thats what a PARENT is for. Ignorant parents raise ignorant offspring.

Its pretty disappointing, having it illustrated over the past 5 years just how ignorant so many of the people in the USA are. Well, its ****ing shocking is what it is. Ya knew people were dumb but holy shit, who knew just how dumb?

Take care of your bodies people, dont get morbidly obese.
You would also do well to take advantage of vaccines to help prevent disease when possible. Didnt used to have to tell people this stuff, but as the regression of the Reality TeeVee society marches on, you have to state the obvious now.
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LMAO..... Just a coincidence that she died within weeks of contracting COVID... Why are you desperate for it to be anything other than COVID?

Willful ignorance is a requirement at this point for these folks.
I have no idea wtf is up with that. "I will be as willfully stupid as I possibly can, its my new political ideology."
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A jump to declaring it was the result of not being vaccinated is the go to response. I found it interesting point the father made.

A responsible and fit parent knows that a 13 year old doesnt make their own decisions, especially regarding medical issues.

That guy is an ignoramus, and his kids are ignoramuses as might be expected. The fathers parents were in all likelihood ignoramuses as well.

Ah...."rural Kentucky", yeah well thats no shock.

Oh well, its her life, and his kid. They made their decisions. She won't be bothered with making any more decisions, but you'll have that. No skin off my nose at this point. Their lives.

Actually, over 660 children ages ( 5 to 18 ) year olds have died from Covid 19.

But since she was not related to you, you consider her death as “No biggie.”

Maybe , just maybe or perhaps 🤔… her relatives were a bit more grief stricken than you.
660 out of tens of millions.

You have no clue just how large the United States is do you?
It sure sounds like some big mystery... Are blood clots common in 13 year olds?
Probably more common than recovering from Covid, returning to school, and then dying of covid.

Without an actual cause of death, this story is just fearmongering or click bait for the dancing on graves crowd.
660 out of tens of millions.

You have no clue just how large the United States is do you?
If that is your logic, then no one should ever be vaccinated against meningitis. Hell, if that is your logic, we should not bother to vaccinate anyone for rabies or tetanus.
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this story is just fearmongering or click bait for the dancing on graves crowd.

They must be saying "dancing on graves crowd" on FOX "news" now, because I've now seen several of our fabulous "conservative" posters use that term.


So predictable. FOX reports, they repeat. Its ****ing truly bizarre and creepy at this point. So creepy.
They must be saying "dancing on graves crowd" on FOX "news" now, because I've now seen several of our fabulous "conservative" posters use that term.


So predictable. FOX reports, they repeat. Its ****ing truly bizarre and creepy at this point. So creepy.
You'll have to let me know. I don't get any of my news from the TV.

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