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Fact-checking President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 29, 2012
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On an island. Not that one!
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I'm not surprised to learn the president* managed to make some untruthful claims in his State of the Union address last night.

Fact-checking President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union address

President Trump’s State of the Union speech once again was chock-full of stretched facts and dubious figures. Many of these claims have been fact-checked repeatedly, yet the president persists in using them. Here, in the order in which he made them, are nearly 30 statements by the president.

“We have created 5.3 million new jobs and importantly added 600,000 new manufacturing jobs.”

Trump often inflates the number of jobs created under his presidency by counting Election Day, rather than when he took the oath of office. There have been almost 4.9 million jobs created since January 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, of which 436,000 are manufacturing jobs, according to the BLS.

Trump's claims ranged from employment to, of course, illegal immigration, to the conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

“More people are working now than at any time in our history — 157 million.”

This is a pretty meaningless statistic. The U.S. population is growing, so of course more people would be employed.

“We have unleashed a revolution in American energy — the United States is now the number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world.”

The notion that “a revolution” in energy began under the Trump administration is wrong. (. . .)

“And now, for the first time in 65 years, we are a net exporter of energy.”

The United States has exported more energy than it has imported since 2015. Trump overstates the impact of his energy policy.
The agitprop surrounding new york's abortion law is adding fuel to the evangelist flame and is sparking an anti-rights policy call.

Trump is usually dishonest.

This was a campaign rally, nothing less, nothing more.
I'm not surprised to learn the president* managed to make some untruthful claims in his State of the Union address last night.

Trump's claims ranged from employment to, of course, illegal immigration, to the conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Nice spin and doing a word smith on his numbers, so 5.3 million vs. 4.9 million is a big lie to you even though the 4.9 million is a record of any President in his first two years of office? My opinion is that the January numbers are skewed and will adjust in February due to the shutdown and you will see closer to 5.3 than 4.9 million. doubt Trump can do anything to gain respect or support from you or any other progressive/socialist/liberal

What you want to ignore is context as usual, population growth obviously didn't occur during 2009-2010-2011-2012 since employment remained below the pre recession levels and in fact was well below what Obama inherited in January 2009 in 2009-2010-2011. You people simply cannot celebrate success and give Trump any credit at all
Nice spin and doing a word smith on his numbers, so 5.3 million vs. 4.9 million is a big lie to you even though the 4.9 million is a record of any President in his first two years of office? My opinion is that the January numbers are skewed and will adjust in February due to the shutdown and you will see closer to 5.3 than 4.9 million. doubt Trump can do anything to gain respect or support from you or any other progressive/socialist/liberal

What you want to ignore is context as usual, population growth obviously didn't occur during 2009-2010-2011-2012 since employment remained below the pre recession levels and in fact was well below what Obama inherited in January 2009 in 2009-2010-2011. You people simply cannot celebrate success and give Trump any credit at all

and "you people" continue to deny reality. For one, the recession hit bottom in 2010, before the climb out of the worst recession since the Great Depression, actually began.

Funny, I don't see the words "big lie" in my OP
and "you people" continue to deny reality. For one, the recession hit bottom in 2010, before the climb out of the worst recession since the Great Depression, actually began.

Funny, I don't see the words "big lie" in my OP

You have been indoctrinated well and liberal advertising has prevented you from seeing reality that the Obama economic policies prolonged the recession and it was hardly the worst recession in U.S history by economic standards. TARP bailed out the banks and that brought us out of the recession as Obama's stimulus spending did absolutely nothing other than save union and public service jobs. this is a private sector economy and yet you ignore that reality.

Amazing how you look at results and not policies. Had Obama implemented a pro growth strategy the results would have been different and you wouldn't be touting this as the worst recession since the Great Depression

By the way we came out of recession in June 2009
and "you people" continue to deny reality. For one, the recession hit bottom in 2010, before the climb out of the worst recession since the Great Depression, actually began.

Funny, I don't see the words "big lie" in my OP

Don't tell us what we can't see, since you wouldn't know it if it landed on you.
I'm not surprised to learn the president* managed to make some untruthful claims in his State of the Union address last night.

Trump's claims ranged from employment to, of course, illegal immigration, to the conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

That's it? That's all you've got?

Trump said 5.3 million jobs created instead of 4.9?

Might be good for TDS'ers to go out and talk a walk and give their seething rage a rest.
That's it? That's all you've got?

Trump said 5.3 million jobs created instead of 4.9?

Might be good for TDS'ers to go out and talk a walk and give their seething rage a rest.

I have read portions of his speach and he pretty much hit it out of the park and why Trump is good at what trump does.
He presents vision and mission what a real business and leader does.

the fact that sanders and them sat with sour faces is good enough for me for a lifetime.

as one reporter says OC sat there pouting like a hurt teenager lmao.
Nice spin and doing a word smith on his numbers, so 5.3 million vs. 4.9 million is a big lie to you even though the 4.9 million is a record of any President in his first two years of office?

It's a meaningless record. For one, the population is still in replacement, so we should expect employment to grow. That he happened to be elected on the tail end of the longest economic expansion in our country's history isn't very impressive....
It's a meaningless record. For one, the population is still in replacement, so we should expect employment to grow. That he happened to be elected on the tail end of the longest economic expansion in our country's history isn't very impressive....

One would have expected employment to grow with the 842 billion dollar Obama stimulus for shovel ready jobs but that didn't happen, did it? As long as economic growth is positive that is something you will continue to tout but context matters except to you.

Largest economic expansion in history and the worst economic recovery in history conflict with each other. Obama's stimulus was mostly govt. spending bailing out unions and public employee a component of GDP and very little incentive to the private sector thus the very low and anemic economic growth. Keep focusing on the results generated and not the policies that generated those anemic results.
One would have expected employment to grow with the 842 billion dollar Obama stimulus for shovel ready jobs but that didn't happen, did it?

Only those who underestimated the severity of the downturn.

Largest economic expansion in history and the worst economic recovery in history conflict with each other. Obama's stimulus was mostly govt. spending bailing out unions and public employee a component of GDP and very little incentive to the private sector thus the very low and anemic economic growth. Keep focusing on the results generated and not the policies that generated those anemic results.

Your opinion is not worthy of a response. My statement was: It's a meaningless record. You can quote and address my statement again if you want. Cowering behind Obama isn't a wise debate strategy.
I'm not surprised to learn the president* managed to make some untruthful claims in his State of the Union address last night.

Trump's claims ranged from employment to, of course, illegal immigration, to the conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

I liked how he referred to it as an "economic miracle". Apparently the man didn't believe what real Republicans did, which is that the foundations of the economy are strong, and we would come out of a recession. We did. Only an idiot thinks a multi-year (8? 10?) turnaround is a "miracle".

I liked how the Sheriff of El Paso embarrassed him after what Trump lied about concerning El Paso.

I think generally speaking it was an okay speech. It was pretty much what I expected.

The big glaring thing to me was the lack of comments on healthcare, which has historically been Americans' biggest concern. And the GOP engaged in monthly votes to repeal the ACA. Only one brief mention that I remember. Is that not a problem anymore (rhetorical question)? This is part of why the GOP lost so badly in the midterms and special elections. "Duh skeery caravans" mean a lot to Trump's base, but most of the country doesn't care. They want affordable healthcare, safe schools for their kids, and not living paycheck to paycheck or worst case scenario, not to have to work lots of jobs to make ends meet.

His delivery was fine. He is good on stage. Not a fan of his style, but it works for him.
I liked how he referred to it as an "economic miracle". Apparently the man didn't believe what real Republicans did, which is that the foundations of the economy are strong, and we would come out of a recession. We did. Only an idiot thinks a multi-year (8? 10?) turnaround is a "miracle".

I liked how the Sheriff of El Paso embarrassed him after what Trump lied about concerning El Paso.

I think generally speaking it was an okay speech. It was pretty much what I expected.

The big glaring thing to me was the lack of comments on healthcare, which has historically been Americans' biggest concern. And the GOP engaged in monthly votes to repeal the ACA. Only one brief mention that I remember. Is that not a problem anymore (rhetorical question)? This is part of why the GOP lost so badly in the midterms and special elections. "Duh skeery caravans" mean a lot to Trump's base, but most of the country doesn't care. They want affordable healthcare, safe schools for their kids, and not living paycheck to paycheck or worst case scenario, not to have to work lots of jobs to make ends meet.

His delivery was fine. He is good on stage. Not a fan of his style, but it works for him.

What was missing for me was a public apology to the American people for being a complete asswipe and shutting the government down for five weeks. It would have been nice if he spoke to that.
What was missing for me was a public apology to the American people for being a complete asswipe and shutting the government down for five weeks. It would have been nice if he spoke to that.

Dare to dream, my friend!

You'll hear a public apology to his wife for the bareback sex he had with a porn star while she was pregnant before that.
Only those who underestimated the severity of the downturn.

Your opinion is not worthy of a response. My statement was: It's a meaningless record. You can quote and address my statement again if you want. Cowering behind Obama isn't a wise debate strategy.

Severity of the recession?? This recession was no worse than the 81-82 recession so your opinion noted as is your inability to understand the failure of the Obama economic policies that led to that slow recovery. The difference between the recovery with both recessions is leadership or the lack of it with Obama. Nothing obviously is going to change your mind on this issue as you continue to show how little understanding you have about human behavior and economic policies affect on that behavior

Your statement shows just how out of touch you are with reality calling the employment numbers meaningless. they certainly aren't meaningless to the 4.9 million Americans newly employed and state and local revenue collections along with individual bank account benefits.
What was missing for me was a public apology to the American people for being a complete asswipe and shutting the government down for five weeks. It would have been nice if he spoke to that.

Another civics challenged liberal who buys rhetoric and ignores reality. No bill was put on the President's desk thus the shutdown was Congressional. Still refusing to admit you are a Democratic Operative who has part of their job being in this forum to spread false information and promote 24/7 Trump bashing
Dare to dream, my friend!

You'll hear a public apology to his wife for the bareback sex he had with a porn star while she was pregnant before that.

Unlike you who cannot get over the past allegations and Trump's personality i will continue to celebrate the successes generated by Trump during the last two years with the best economic results of any President in history for their first two years in office. The liberal ideology promotes misery and you are doing your part
Your statement shows just how out of touch you are with reality calling the employment numbers meaningless.

I clearly stated:

5.3 million vs. 4.9 million is a big lie to you even though the 4.9 million is a record of any President in his first two years of office?

It's a meaningless record. For one, the population is still in replacement, so we should expect employment to grow. That he happened to be elected on the tail end of the longest economic expansion in our country's history isn't very impressive....

I never once called the employment numbers meaningless. I called the record you attribute meaningless. Can you read?

You then decide to deflect to Obama because you have some sort of fetish. It's weird.
I clearly stated:

I never once called the employment numbers meaningless. I called the record you attribute meaningless. Can you read?

You then decide to deflect to Obama because you have some sort of fetish. It's weird.

Unlike you who blame everything on Bush and point to the severity of the recession and not the economic policies that created the worst recovery in history. The measurement record isn't meaningless except to the radical left what wants to prop up the Obama failures. Trump's jobs are full time jobs, Obama's were part time, that is hardly meaningless
Wow, as far as fact-checks go, this one is really scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with stuff to write about.
Dare to dream, my friend!

You'll hear a public apology to his wife for the bareback sex he had with a porn star while she was pregnant before that.

Very true. When one is a god in their own demented mind, ones has never sinned.
Another civics challenged liberal who buys rhetoric and ignores reality. No bill was put on the President's desk thus the shutdown was Congressional. Still refusing to admit you are a Democratic Operative who has part of their job being in this forum to spread false information and promote 24/7 Trump bashing

You pretend to invoke reality yet you ignore the reality that Trump himself proudly claimed responsibility for the shutdown.

Living in that delusional fantasy world with the other Trumpkins has really taken a toll upon you.
You have been indoctrinated well and liberal advertising has prevented you from seeing reality that the Obama economic policies prolonged the recession and it was hardly the worst recession in U.S history by economic standards. TARP bailed out the banks and that brought us out of the recession as Obama's stimulus spending did absolutely nothing other than save union and public service jobs. this is a private sector economy and yet you ignore that reality.

Amazing how you look at results and not policies. Had Obama implemented a pro growth strategy the results would have been different and you wouldn't be touting this as the worst recession since the Great Depression

By the way we came out of recession in June 2009

You post some wild stuff.

A true propagandist of the wingnut right.
I'm not surprised to learn the president* managed to make some untruthful claims in his State of the Union address last night.

Trump's claims ranged from employment to, of course, illegal immigration, to the conflicts in the Middle East and Afghanistan.

I got distracted by Pelosi!

What's up with her mouth? She seemed to be sucking through her dentures, or what!

And you could tell when she didn't agree with Trump - her lips seemed to work overtime! :lamo

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