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Fact Check: Trump Skews Record On Biden Harris Economy (1 Viewer)

Old 'N Chill

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DP Veteran
Jun 24, 2019
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I've never known of any character sitting in the White House, claiming they represent our country as president, to lie and deceive so much. Trump is the most corrupt president ever to serve in office. He is Impeached, and his presidency is a major failure. The only way he can win again is with the help of his lover, Mr. Putin....he cannot win any election in the United States without cheating.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump greeted the Democratic presidential ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris this past week with a litany of distortion and falsehoods, raging against cases of voting fraud where they didn’t exist and declining to quash conspiracy theories about Harris’ eligibility for office.

Trump also misrepresented Biden’s position on taxes, again minimized the coronavirus threatand exaggerated his own record on the economy.
A look at some of the past week’s rhetoric and the facts:

AP FACT CHECK: Trump skews record on Biden-Harris, economy | PBS NewsHour Weekend
I've never known of any character sitting in the White House, claiming they represent our country as president, to lie and deceive so much. Trump is the most corrupt president ever to serve in office. He is Impeached, and his presidency is a major failure. The only way he can win again is with the help of his lover, Mr. Putin....he cannot win any election in the United States without cheating.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump skews record on Biden-Harris, economy | PBS NewsHour Weekend

Point of Information.

Fact Checks are no longer trustworthy.


That is just one example of many which shows that what we once thought was a valid source of "factual evaluation" is really just as biased as most of the MSM is.

Most of the time it seems, as pointed out in the video example, that "fact-checkers" will frame the question in such a way as to either undermine the target of the fact check to declare "it is false," or if an allegation by a preferred source against the target of the fact check that "it is true."

Soooo, nice story, but I no longer trust MSM and social media "faux-fact checking."
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Trump is a massive liar. Trump supporters don't care.

Don't forget who they are.
Point of Information.

Fact Checks are no longer trustworthy.


That is just one example of many which shows that what we once thought was a valid source of "factual evaluation" is really just as biased as most of the MSM is.

Most of the time it seems, as pointed out in the video example, that "fact-checkers" will frame the question in such a way as to either undermine the target of the fact check to declare "it is false," or if an allegation by a preferred source against the target of the fact check that "it is true."

Soooo, nice story, but I no longer trust MSM and social media "faux-fact checking."

You don't trust MSM fact checking, but you do know the show you love IS Main Stream Media......so fake news is okay as long as it's on the Fux TV show? Does FUX do any fact checking, or are they too afraid their corruption and bias toward Trump would be exposed?

You don't trust MSM fact checking, but you do know the show you love IS Main Stream Media......so fake news is okay as long as it's on the Fux TV show? Does FUX do any fact checking, or are they too afraid their corruption and bias toward Trump would be exposed?


This is the problem with responses like yours. "You do know the show you love IS Main Stream Media so...Fux TV..." is both a projection of your own assumption bias and a fallacious loaded question.

Moreover, the citation of my response in a different thread that you posted has nothing to do with "fact-checking," but rather "breaking news."

My response was merely a point of information. To point out that "fact-checking" is simply no longer reliable due to how most "frame" the "facts" they are allegedly checking in order to push their own political agendas.
This is the problem with responses like yours. "You do know the show you love IS Main Stream Media so...Fux TV..." is both a projection of your own assumption bias and a fallacious loaded question.

Moreover, the citation of my response in a different thread that you posted has nothing to do with "fact-checking," but rather "breaking news."

My response was merely a point of information. To point out that "fact-checking" is simply no longer reliable due to how most "frame" the "facts" they are allegedly checking in order to push their own political agendas.

Too funny.
This is the problem with responses like yours. "You do know the show you love IS Main Stream Media so...Fux TV..." is both a projection of your own assumption bias and a fallacious loaded question.

Moreover, the citation of my response in a different thread that you posted has nothing to do with "fact-checking," but rather "breaking news."

My response was merely a point of information. To point out that "fact-checking" is simply no longer reliable due to how most "frame" the "facts" they are allegedly checking in order to push their own political agendas.

The problem with responses like yours is that they evasive at best. Of course I know that your thread wasn't related to fact checking. It was referring to your use of MSM, and a reminder that you are a big fan of the MSM 'news' show FUX. You do love it, and it is main stream media.

You never did answer if they fact check anything they allege on their show, or anything Trump lies about. You won't even consider the facts in the OP, because Trump supporters are allergic to anything that is true or shows their new leader in a bad light or that shows anyone who opposes the traitor in a positive light. You love pushing your political agenda, even if it means denying reality and the truth. THAT is the problem with many of your responses, they are biased and meaningless.
The problem with responses like yours is that they evasive at best. Of course I know that your thread wasn't related to fact checking. It was referring to your use of MSM, and a reminder that you are a big fan of the MSM 'news' show FUX. You do love it, and it is main stream media.

You never did answer if they fact check anything they allege on their show, or anything Trump lies about...

1. There is no "news show FUX." You must be referring to the News ORGANIZATION "FOX News." They have a number of different "shows" on that channel.

2. The fact that you have to negatively re-label things only serves to further demonstrate your own political animus and confirmation bias.

3. My "thread" was citing a news article from one of the sources I use. It is not the "exclusive" source, as I have cited other "news organizations" over the years...hence my response that your assumption it is my only source is projection.

4. I don't concern myself with whether or not ANY "news source fact-checks." That's because, as shown time and again in my responses to threads over the years...I do my own "fact-checking." Usually from citations in the articles/reports provided by members who posted an OP.

5. In this case I chose not to "fact-check" because it is based on biased fact-checking, and thus not "news." It is just more of the Left's typical commentary and opinion on what someone is alleged by such "fact-checkers" to have gotten wrong.

...because Trump supporters are allergic to anything that is true or shows their new leader in a bad light or that shows anyone who opposes the traitor in a positive light. You love pushing your political agenda, even if it means denying reality and the truth. THAT is the problem with many of your responses, they are biased and meaningless.

6. As usual with your side of the argument, you have to go down the moral panic road using personal attacks to emphasize your own assumed moral superiority.

When one does that, it means they have no argument. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Now, once again I have to refer members like yourself to my tagline... :coffeepap:
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Here's Trump being brutally honest:

That Trump would then later decide to become a Republican despite knowing and criticizing their god awful policies speaks volumes to what an opportunistic piece of **** he truly is.
1. There is no "news show FUX." You must be referring to the News ORGANIZATION "FOX News." They have a number of different "shows" on that channel.

2. The fact that you have to negatively re-label things only serves to further demonstrate your own political animus and confirmation bias.

3. My "thread" was citing a news article from one of the sources I use. It is not the "exclusive" source, as I have cited other "news organizations" over the years...hence my response that your assumption it is my only source is projection.

4. I don't concern myself with whether or not ANY "news source fact-checks." That's because, as shown time and again in my responses to threads over the years...I do my own "fact-checking." Usually from citations in the articles/reports provided by members who posted an OP.

5. In this case I chose not to "fact-check" because it is based on biased fact-checking, and thus not "news." It is just more of the Left's typical commentary and opinion on what someone is alleged by such "fact-checkers" to have gotten wrong.

6. As usual with your side of the argument, you have to go down the moral panic road using personal attacks to emphasize your own assumed moral superiority.

When one does that, it means they have no argument. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

Now, once again I have to refer members like yourself to my tagline... :coffeepap:

Let's save us both a lot of time and bypass your senseless doubletalk babbling. You reject any fact checks that show your new 'leader' as a corrupt, deceptive liar. You're not alone, there are still some who honor Trump more than truth, country or their fellow man. Good luck with keeping your head in the sand, hope it works out for you, if it doesn't, I really don't care.


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