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Fabled E.T. Landfill Discovered (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 4, 2013
Reaction score
Charleston, South Carolina
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
E.T. Found In New Mexico Landfill

In 1982, Atari released "E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial."

Widely considered to be one of the worst video games ever made (even by 1980s standards, it had horrible controls, bad graphics, and bugs that made the plot unfinishable), E.T. was actually a contributing factor in the games industry crash of 1983 and the subsequent bankruptcy of Atari Inc in 1984. It was so bad, as a matter of fact, that, until recently, urban legend had it that Atari's executives even went so far as to bury all remaining copies of the game in the middle of the desert in secret so as to not be bothered with the expense of proper disposal.

Well... Apparently, the legend has now officially been confirmed. Excavators actually found all of the cartridges (millions of them, if sources are to believed) in a New Mexico landfill.

Yay nerd lore! :lamo
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