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EXPLOSIVE VIDEO: Malia Obama CAUGHT On Camera Smoking ‘Pot’ (1 Viewer)


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Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
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Malia Obama Smoking Pot Claims Video After Lollapalooza Twerking | Radar Online

As Radar reported, Malia, 18, skipped the Democratic National Convention in July 2016 to party it up with her friends at Lollapalooza in Chicago. Onlookers posted shocking videos of her twerking half-naked and shaking her butt all over social media, but only Radar has this bombshell video of her puffing away on what an eyewitness claims was a marijuana cigarette!

I wonder if the Secret Service needs to test it before they let her smoke it?
I'll cut her some slack. She's just a young lady exploring her newfound freedoms. Beside, if I had her parents, I'd want to be as stoned as possible.
I've never smoked pot. I'm not against it, just never did it, mostly because I had to take drug tests all the time in my line of work, and I just never really cared to try it.

However, if the Obama's had been my parents, I would probably be dead from heroine overdose by now in an attempt to relieve the pain.
An 18 year old had a marijuana cigarette at a music festival?!?!?!

What has this world come to?
An 18 year old twerking and smoking a dubbie. In America of all places! That is truly shocking.

Well, an 18 year old with her own secret service detail because her father is POTUS. There is a bit of a distinction there.
Now, get the popcorn and wait to see what Trump is going to say about it.
I'll cut her some slack. She's just a young lady exploring her newfound freedoms. Beside, if I had her parents, I'd want to be as stoned as possible.

Why would you want to be as stoned as possible if you had her parents?
I certainly hope it was the finest green.

I'm sure our first Rastafarian POTUS taught her well. :)

Malia Obama Smoking Pot Claims Video After Lollapalooza Twerking | Radar Online

I wonder if the Secret Service needs to test it before they let her smoke it?

Damn now she will be marching with the red army, killing people to fund her fix, and never hold a job. (insert all bad propoganda/lies about weed here)

Seriously who cares, no one had died from smoking the stuff, A good portion of the country smokes the stuff and hides it so well most people have no clue, and not to mention for every pothead out there, stock prices for cheetos go up.

I would be more worried about the twerking half naked thing, thats like bad publicity.
Since every member of the First Family get a 24/7 SS escort - where the hell were they?? Were they standing by while she broke a fed. law?? Like it or not, pot is still a fed. controlled substance and for the SS agents to simply stand by while she breaks a fed. law is mind-boggling. If I was Barack Obama - Father, I'd be ripping up some SS asses and finding them new positions guarding the latrines at Miguel's House of Burritos.
I'm sure our first Rastafarian POTUS taught her well. :)

A majority of Americans have tried marijuana and also support legalization. "Haha, that person smoked pot!" isn't exactly a killer jab anymore.
Since every member of the First Family get a 24/7 SS escort - where the hell were they?? Were they standing by while she broke a fed. law??

Was she on federal land and/or did she cross state lines while smoking the joint?

The feds can't arrest you for smoking pot on state land.
Why would you want to be as stoned as possible if you had her parents?

Overprotective, mostly to preserve a family image. Imagine all the schooling she has, imagine her never able to say anything she wants because there is probably someone somewhere undercover trying to use her words against her father.
Since every member of the First Family get a 24/7 SS escort - where the hell were they?? Were they standing by while she broke a fed. law?? Like it or not, pot is still a fed. controlled substance and for the SS agents to simply stand by while she breaks a fed. law is mind-boggling. If I was Barack Obama - Father, I'd be ripping up some SS asses and finding them new positions guarding the latrines at Miguel's House of Burritos.

It isn't illegal to smoke pot. It is only illegal to possess it. :lol:
A majority of Americans have tried marijuana and also support legalization. "Haha, that person smoked pot!" isn't exactly a killer jab anymore.

I smoked for 30+ years. That's why I cut her some slack.
I have a feeling there are going to be a few butts chewed in the SS.

Kids will be kids. It is the SS job to prevent this from becoming public.


This secret service has had some issues (hookers, drug parties, etc). There's also the likelihood that they didn't want to make a scene hustling her out of there because that would have GUARANTEED the incident would make the news. This way it's just in a rag.

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