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Exorcism of Emily Rose (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2005
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This film is loosely based on actual events of an exorcism that was performed on a German woman and the subsequent negligence trial that proceeded her death. The movie takes place during the trial of the priest who performed the excorcism after Emily's death. As the trial progresses, it flashes back to periods during the exorcism. The Catholic Church that is paying for the defense of the priest also is unwilling to send other priests to testify in the trial of the priest and does not wish for the preist who is on trial to testify on his behalf. The lawyer who is defending the priest during the course of the movie when not at trial comes under demonic attack at night. All in all, the movie, in my personal view, was an excellent movie and worth the money to go see. If you like the original movie "The Excorcist" then you will enjoy this movie.
galenrox said:
I saw that, and I noticed a right wing bias to this film. My girlfriend thinks I'm crazy.:cool:
Think about it, in the movie the bad guy was the christian arguing on the behalf of science, and the good guy was the guy arguing against science on the behalf of religion. The essential message of the movie was "Science bad, religion good."
Other than that, the movie was awesome, I really liked it.

I don't think the movie was arguing so much on behalf of religion as it was trying to demonstrate that science can only go so far in what it can do and that their is power in moral truth and faith. But yeah, I thought it was an awesome movie. You can't go through life only living solely on facts alone as many scientists and some lawyers do.
galenrox said:
True, and the movie did rock.
I dunno though, you can get through life on facts, but it tends to be a fairly miserable and confusing life.

Yeah, exactly.
I didn't see the movie so I can' treally judge too well but I wonder if anyone has considered the possibility that these "possessed souls" might actually just be mentally insane?
FinnMacCool said:
I didn't see the movie so I can' treally judge too well but I wonder if anyone has considered the possibility that these "possessed souls" might actually just be mentally insane?

Heh, with the question you just asked, you most definately should see this movie. The movie goes into that as the prosecution uses medical evidence and testimony to try to demonstrate that she was insane. The defense on the other hand, took a different approach.
FinnMacCool said:
I didn't see the movie so I can' treally judge too well but I wonder if anyone has considered the possibility that these "possessed souls" might actually just be mentally insane?

Yes it is possible and probable. Even in the movie they hinted at the fact that the girl had Epilepsy. There is a scene where she is looking out a window at a lightning storm. This is when she has some unusual visuals and eventually goes into convulsions. People with Epilepsy are prone to seizures and they are triggered by flashes of light. This is why some children cannot play video games. The Epilepsy can be so sensitive that flashes of light from a television can trigger the seizures.

I believe that the movie stayed nuetral as far as was it a possesion or a medical problem. With what I explained above, people with knowledge about these things can easily conclude the girl had a medical problem.

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