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Exercise Your Democratic Rights While You Still Can (1 Viewer)


New member
Feb 16, 2006
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Political Leaning
Exercise YOUR Democratic Right

Hello This is The MadMan of MadMan At Large Productions urging you to Exercise Your Democratic Rights while we still can! We have a comedy sketch called "4 Comedians Of The Apocalypse" up for an Online Audience Award Vote!
This hilarious, edgy sketch is a pointed commentary on the Media "Talking Heads" Of our current cultural and political climate. It is important for us to bring this one home so these important statements can find a wider audience! Please help it only takes a second! Here are the instructions to vote:

GO TO: www.mobilemediafest.com
Vote for "4 Comedians" (There is no pic)

You can also watch it there. If you would like to know more about us, go to www.madmanatlarge.com. Forward this to your Constituents! Thanks in advance! Consider it your random act of kindness for the day (and we need more of these in the world)!

We hope none of you find this posting rude or inappropriate. If so, We apologize. We just think it's Important to Rally The Base in these times so the message gets the wider exposure our country needs right now.

Thank you. If you would like to contact us (we are open to political discussion of any kind), feel free (no pun intended) at maddvoter1@yahoo.com


The MadMan

:spam: Save the speach for your signature dude.
Thanks for coming all the way from the future to tell me that. But you weeren't specific. What part should be in my signature? Oh, did you vote?
maddvoter1 said:
Thanks for coming all the way from the future to tell me that. But you weeren't specific. What part should be in my signature? Oh, did you vote?
Add a link and a lingo to your favorite website. You can put it in part or in whole, I don't care. It doesn't matter what you put there just as long as it represents you. Yes I did vote!
Thanksfor voting, dude! We appreciate it. I still don't quite understand what "lingo" is but I guess you mean put the link in my signature space. I will look into it.
maddvoter1 said:
Thanksfor voting, dude! We appreciate it. I still don't quite understand what "lingo" is but I guess you mean put the link in my signature space. I will look into it.
What qoute or what saying that means something to you, is your lingo.

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