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execution, not existence. (1 Viewer)


Oct 22, 2005
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Political Leaning
Very Liberal
I do not oppose the War on Terror. Quite the contrary, if I had to, I would be willing to pay higher taxes to support it, considering the terrorist attacks of 9/11. However, I do disapprove of how the war is being fought.

Maybe I am seeing things only through the eyes of a naive common citizen, but from what I have learned about the war, Pentagon leaders seem to be seeing the war as an opportunity to play with their toys. I apologize if that sounded childish, but I cannot think of a better way to phrase it. By this I mean they seem to be using the military as a collection of those small, green, plastic soldier toys that little children play with, taking a "What is the point of having all this neat stuff if we do not get to break it?" attitude. They invest billions of dollars into the war every year and make little progress. It seems as if they are just having fun.

Does anybody else agree with me?
dstebbins said:
I do not oppose the War on Terror. Quite the contrary, if I had to, I would be willing to pay higher taxes to support it, considering the terrorist attacks of 9/11. However, I do disapprove of how the war is being fought.

Maybe I am seeing things only through the eyes of a naive common citizen, but from what I have learned about the war, Pentagon leaders seem to be seeing the war as an opportunity to play with their toys. I apologize if that sounded childish, but I cannot think of a better way to phrase it. By this I mean they seem to be using the military as a collection of those small, green, plastic soldier toys that little children play with, taking a "What is the point of having all this neat stuff if we do not get to break it?" attitude. They invest billions of dollars into the war every year and make little progress. It seems as if they are just having fun.

Does anybody else agree with me?

Too many agree with you.
What seems to be the strategy of the war on terror is to centralize the enemy, who now for the most part are streaming to Iraq in order to fight.

Before, they were spread out and to fight them would have meant expecting a number of countries to agree to having the U.S. on their soil conducting Ops. I doubt that would happen.

As for playing with toys, you might want to have a conversation with some of the soldiers who have been on the ground, fighting fierce urban combat where tracking devices and aerial support are rendered ineffective.

As for the progress being made, the conditions of perspective are always going to hamper claims of its validity. One side will say we're losing, another side will say we're not.
I can agree somewhat. It seems to me that the shrub has made the same mistake as his daddy, not going in far enough, not doing enough damage to the Sunni areas, and making sure that the Iraqi people know for damn certain that they have been not only beaten, but humiliated. Make them beg for peace, and then make them enforce it among their own people.
As it stands now, I would arm the Shia to the teeth, and then move our troops out to a stand off/support position, and instruct the Shia to have at the Sunni tribes and the insurgents from other Arab countries.
If they won't do that, they might just as well put Saddam back in and suffer the consequences accordingly.
The war was wrong to begin with, for there was no substancial link between Iraq and 9-11., thus the war is not being fought over 9-11. Everything else though I agree with, though the Pentagon probably isn't having fun with the country heavily in debt. Now that the war is too expensive though, they have locked thmeselves in this war. We are responsible for what happens to the Iraq people seeing as we completely removed their system of government and have thrown the country into even worse chaos.
VTA said:
Too many agree with you.
What seems to be the strategy of the war on terror is to centralize the enemy, who now for the most part are streaming to Iraq in order to fight.

And I'm sure that the Iraqis are very grateful that we invaded their country so that radical terrorists could stream into their country and blow up their buildings and citizens.
Quick question: Did I say I support the war in IRAQ? I think not. I support the war on terror. I support the war against Bin Laden. I support the slow, painful death to anyone who thinks America is less than superior to God himself.

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