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Exculpatory Russia evidence about Mike Flynn that US intel kept secret (1 Viewer)

Flynn plead guilty to a felony charge, and was lucky to not get indicted on additional charges...his cooperation was his only saving grace.

He was so scared from the judges condemnation of his betrayal of his country, that Flynn ran scared from the courthouse for fear of a prison sentence, and appears to agree he should cooperate *even more* if possible, to help change the judges opinion of his egregious conduct.

Is this super secret intel referred to by some source, in an opinion piece, gonna change that?

Nope. So what's falling apart? Nothing.
There's clearly evidence both ways. We all just believe what we want to believe. You want to believe that anyone connected to Trump is a perfect angel. Ok fine. I think it's good if he wasn't a Russian stooge.

Exculpatory evidence means that it exonerates the accused. Exculpatory evidence overrules all other evidence. If it didn't, it wouldn't have exculpatory value.
Flynn plead guilty to a felony charge, and was lucky to not get indicted on additional charges...his cooperation was his only saving grace.

He was so scared from the judges condemnation of his betrayal of his country, that Flynn ran scared from the courthouse for fear of a prison sentence, and appears to agree he should cooperate *even more* if possible, to help change the judges opinion of his egregious conduct.

Is this super secret intel referred to by some source, in an opinion piece, gonna change that?

Nope. So what's falling apart? Nothing.

There were no grounds to investigate him. That's one problem.

Another even bigger problem, is that exculpatory evidence was withheld. That's a crime.
There were no grounds to investigate him. That's one problem.

Another even bigger problem, is that exculpatory evidence was withheld. That's a crime.

you have placed me in quite a quandary

who do i believe about flynn being found guilty

you, who insists he is not, or flynn, who has repeatedly told the court that he is

apdst, you make this such a difficult decision

next thing you know, you and your right wing cohort will try to convince us tRump is not responsible for the shutdown, despite that there is video all over the internet of him saying he would be proud to shut the government down
There were no grounds to investigate him. That's one problem.
Another even bigger problem, is that exculpatory evidence was withheld. That's a crime.

Drip drip, Dems have the House now...what are we at...19 investigations into Team Trump....how high do you think House Dems will take that number?
Aren't like 5+ of them criminal investigations? And we still have Mueller with all those redactions and pleas and witnesses...to what? A big nothing at the top, or something?

How many investigations are there into this big "bombshell" you claim? none.

Keep dreaming.
Drip drip, Dems have the House now...what are we at...19 investigations into Team Trump....how high do you think House Dems will take that number?
Aren't like 5+ of them criminal investigations? And we still have Mueller with all those redactions and pleas and witnesses...to what? A big nothing at the top, or something?

How many investigations are there into this big "bombshell" you claim? none.

Keep dreaming.

It's all going to come crumbling down around you. Enjoy it while it lasts.
What is the argument here? That the media somehow has the power to stop a Republican led administration from releasing information that is in the Republican President of the United States' best interest, because the media has an agenda to connect Trump to Russian collusion?

Isn't that a pretty big pill to swallow?

Wow! Another deflection! :lamo
It's all going to come crumbling down around you.
share with us precisely why we should find that prediction credible

Enjoy it while it lasts.
loving every moment of it
almost as much fun as reveling in the increasing despair of the tRump supporters
Exculpatory evidence means that it exonerates the accused. Exculpatory evidence overrules all other evidence. If it didn't, it wouldn't have exculpatory value.

Can you explain what the exculpatory evidence is that exonerates Flynn of lying to the FBI (and lying on his disclosure forms and lying to Pence)?

He's not accused of being a Russian agent. I believe the reason the judge called Flynn a traitor is because he was working to drop sanctions on Russia to improve some business ventures he was involved in. That's why the judge said he sold out his country. Nothing in that article deals with any of that.

The stupid thing about the right-wing criticisms of this case is they don't know all the stuff that was redacted. The judge who called Flynn a traitor and sellout knows the whole story.

When the full Muller report comes out we'll all know what really went down.

And the walls will start crumbling down around Trump. I still say Trump doesn't survive this.
Wow! Another deflection! :lamo

Not at all. I stated the conclusion of the opinion piece and pointed out by implication that the media doesn't have the power to conceal information held by the US government.
As always...ANYTHING but the EMBARRASSIING for the LEFT topic.

Now, comment on caps.

Post when you are addressed.............only 1 “I” in embarrassing.........:2wave:
Exculpatory evidence means that it exonerates the accused. Exculpatory evidence overrules all other evidence. If it didn't, it wouldn't have exculpatory value.

Only in a court of law. As far as that goes, he already pled guilty.
Only in a court of law. As far as that goes, he already pled guilty.

He's the subject of an illegal investigation. A judge can use that plea deal for ass whipe, if he chooses. Withholding exculpatory evidence isn't a good way to get on the judge's good side.
He's the subject of an illegal investigation. A judge can use that plea deal for ass whipe, if he chooses. Withholding exculpatory evidence isn't a good way to get on the judge's good side.

Not to mention a FEDERAL CRIME, as a violation of the Constitutional right to equal protection under the law..etc.
Flynn plead guilty to a felony charge, and was lucky to not get indicted on additional charges...his cooperation was his only saving grace.

He was so scared from the judges condemnation of his betrayal of his country, that Flynn ran scared from the courthouse for fear of a prison sentence, and appears to agree he should cooperate *even more* if possible, to help change the judges opinion of his egregious conduct.

Is this super secret intel referred to by some source, in an opinion piece, gonna change that?

Nope. So what's falling apart? Nothing.

I heard he was protecting anyone going after his son for any reason. :shrug: He "ran scared from the courthouse"? Anyone got video of that.....I want to see that!
I heard he was protecting anyone going after his son for any reason. :shrug: He "ran scared from the courthouse"? Anyone got video of that.....I want to see that!

Being set up by the DOJ/FBI/CIA and having his family threatened as well....

If anyone can see the bull**** that is the foundation of this whole investigation and support it then they will buy anything. This whole process from Comey to Mueller and everyone along the way is as corrupt as it gets.

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