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Excellent exposing of Pam Bondi by Rachel Maddow (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Some forgotten, some I hadn't heard, by far the best info I've seen with other media almost ignoring her.

I stopped at 1:20 minutes. So, Rachel Maddow now channels Hedda Hopper? Oh, good grief, Charlie Brown!
I stopped at 1:20 minutes. So, Rachel Maddow now channels Hedda Hopper? Oh, good grief, Charlie Brown!
I'll have to admit that was funny. 🤣 I made it to over 3 minutes and still didn't hear why Pam Bondi is a bad pick. I have respect for Maddow but she is starting to ramble like Tucker Carlson.
Pam Bondi is only a marginally better AG candidate than Matt Gaetz. She will be a rubber stamp for 99% of the vindictive, malicious shit that Trump wants to do.

The Democrats in the Senate need to make her confirmation process as unpleasant and nasty as possible....not likely with worthless, wishy-washy Dick Durbin and Chuck Schumer leading the "fight".
I stopped at 1:20 minutes. So, Rachel Maddow now channels Hedda Hopper? Oh, good grief, Charlie Brown!
Maddow doesn't like Bondi, what a shocker. Maddow spread so much BS that she knows is not true.
Three and a half minutes of torture (listening to that voice...the dripping snarkasm...looking at that smirk...) before she said anything about Bondi.

Sorry, I'm not going to go through that FOUR MORE TIMES.

Hey. Craig234. How about just listing those four other things Maddow so desperately thinks I need to know about Bondi. The first one really turned out to be a dud. I mean...she got the job to run a PAC after Lewendowski got fired. Big deal.

btw, why does Maddow have a hard time saying the word "ass"?
I'll have to admit that was funny. 🤣 I made it to over 3 minutes and still didn't hear why Pam Bondi is a bad pick. I have respect for Maddow but she is starting to ramble like Tucker Carlson.
I didn't read a book about the dangers of something and still don't see why it's a danger. Ya, that's how that works. If she has a rambling approach, it's not like Tucker Carlson and is excellent reporting.
Watch it all, it starts slow, the first point is some background and a pretty telling story about trump chair Corey Lewindowski. The next few are pretty important things about Bondi.
Didn’t Rachel Maddow push the Russia Collusion Hoax? She works for MSDNC, so she must have.
I wouldn’t trust Maddow any more than I would trust any other cable news host. They’re all propagandists for one side or the other, and she’s one of the worst.

Didn’t Rachel Maddow push the Russia Collusion Hoax? She works for MSDNC, so she must have.

She accurately reported on the issues, which did not include a hoax, but numerous wrongs and crimes. trump's cult, though, are trained like seals to bark 'hoax hoax hoax'.

I wouldn’t trust Maddow any more than I would trust any other cable news host. They’re all propagandists for one side or the other, and she’s one of the worst

And anti-vaxxers don't trust the best doctors and call them the worst.

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