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Ex-wife of Missouri GOP Senate candidate Eric Greitens alleges he physically abused her and their children (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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"Greitens resigned as governor in 2018 amid allegations of sexual misconduct and has been trying to mount a political comeback in his pursuit of a US Senate seat. A number of his GOP primary rivals called on Monday for him to drop out of the race following the abuse allegations made by his ex-wife.

Sheena Greitens, who now resides in Texas with the former couple's two children, said she grew so afraid of her former husband that she sought to limit his access to weapons and began sleeping in her children's room out of concern for their safety, according to an affidavit filed in the Circuit Court of Boone County in Missouri, as part of her effort to have a custody case moved to Texas."

Sounds like a sweet guy.
He seems like a real Family Values sort of guy. I expect some Q folk will have no choice but to defend him. Cue the whataboutisms and subject changing in 3….
He seems like a real Family Values sort of guy. I expect some Q folk will have no choice but to defend him. Cue the whataboutisms and subject changing in 3….
How blatantly obvious is it that the Q folks, who said that they were after a specific thing and then never go after the people who are actually exposed, is just the old tea party with a bunch more crazies who joined them?

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