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Ex Russian Official says "Putin's Days are Numbered! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
Here is an interview done 10 days ago with the ex-minister of energy in Russia

and here is a report from 8 hours ago that Putin has begun to blame and get rid of his own people. 150 people that previous were working with Putin have been purged or put in jail.

I have to agree that Putin's days are numbered.
wouldn't that be grand?

the world would then be rid of two wanna be dictators within a couple of years.
Putin’s imprisonment or death would be good news for the world, but I’m not gonna hold my breath waiting for either to happen.
I wouldn't say that they're numbered yet. I think this is wishful thinking by a lot of Putin's exiled foes and Western security analysts who are seeing this through the lens of their own biases. This is not at all to say that Putin won't eventually find himself staring down the barrel of a revolution - that's absolutely possible. I just don't see any evidence that things are quite that dire for him.

To be sure, Putin's ability to make foreign war has been severely hampered, but he still has enough firepower at his fingertips to make war closer to his border. I'm just astounded that he went for all of Ukraine as his first move. I'll never understand that.
He is one strange dude.

Obviously, he lacks a conscience.

What has happened to the Ukrainian people and to thousands of Russian boys is horrific.

Yet he has no remorse and is now preparing to smash Ukrainian forces in eastern Ukraine, with the help of a general who has the reputation of being a butcher.

How in the world can his mistress let him touch her, and how can his daughters bear to look at him?

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