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Ex-Rand Paul Aide Pardoned By trump Is Charged With Funneling Russian Money Into 2016 Election (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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Political Leaning
This time? The story was from last year

From this story
"The announcement came on Monday via an unseal indictment from 9 September."

From a story dated: Sep 20, 2021, 8:18 PM
"In an unsealed indictment, dated September 9,"

Someone had posted this on the breaking news forum as well but there is no new information that we can find
Pretty inefficient laundering. Russian gives creep $100,000, creep keeps $75,000 and gives $25,000 to candidate (apparently trump).
This time? The story was from last year

From this story
"The announcement came on Monday via an unseal indictment from 9 September."

From a story dated: Sep 20, 2021, 8:18 PM
"In an unsealed indictment, dated September 9,"

Someone had posted this on the breaking news forum as well but there is no new information that we can find
The indictment is from September, not the story. The indictment was just unsealed. The story is from two days ago.

This is new information.
The indictment is from September, not the story. The indictment was just unsealed. The story is from two days ago.

This is new information.

As I pointed out it is not, the indictment was unsealed in the September 20th 2021 article
As I pointed out it is not, the indictment was unsealed in the September 20th 2021 article
At a glance, your link and the one in the OP look the same. I mistook them as such. Yes, interesting why another author chose to re-report the story.

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