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EX Pfizer V P confirms Vaxx Program a Criminal Conspiracy (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 10, 2021
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Political Leaning

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them


But not to worry.
This story doesn't align with the 'news' (political propaganda) media's political agenda and political activism, so it isn't going to get the time of day.
One scientist gets dementia and you guys go nuts.


The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

More bat-shit whack-a-doo.

Don't even sully the Covid forum anymore, all you post is conspiracy claptrap.

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

We don't need the help of non-existent magical beings, we have protected ourselves from a deadly virus.

The ones who need loads of help surviving are those who fell into the lies and nonsense of the anti-vaxx extremist movement.

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

Bitshit again?
Please, no one listen to the OP. She spreads massive misinformation that could cost you your life and break your family.

An Iranian who hated America couldn't do a better job.

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

Peter McCullough
Of course the US government will kill off hundreds of thousands of their taxpayers and severely reduce their revenue
Bitshit again?
Fancy having an international giant of this field in you .
Tell us about your academic and expert background . Do you hob nob with Luc Montagnier the Nobel Prize winner who holds an identical position?
How many papers have you published in this area?
How many top academic and/or commercial positions have you held ?

Speak up. Did you say , None ?

Or are you one of those people who shuts off after reading a headline because any intellectual extra effort to seek truth would simply involve too much effort.
Have you ever made any post here which adds to a discussion or gives extra or new information on any subject ?
Tragically none that I have ever seen.

Obviously this Topic was guaranteed to bring out the irrationality of Gullibles and this is the one area that I have noticed you excel in .But you are in good company with fellow posters who also rushed to their own intellectual doom as fast as moths fly to a lighted candle.

But not to worry.
This story doesn't align with the 'news' (political propaganda) media's political agenda and political activism, so it isn't going to get the time of day.
The one responder so far with an intelligent reply .

You are right to the extent that just over two years have passed since this clear cut information first became available.
But matters have slowly developed and criminal proceedings have now commenced in several places .
Because of the truth content there is absolutely no doubt that everything will be finally revealed and there will be terrible consequences once the Gullibles and Sheeple finally realise how they have been 'played'.

Covid itself has broken down completely as a narrative and once it becomes no longer possible to hide the deaths and injuries ( latest by May at a guess ) all hell will break out and the subject of the Killer Shots will become all consuming .

Taking on the Establishment has been a near impossible task because of the millions ( literally) who are entrained to the top scum . But MSM itself is close to being broken and remarkable changes are going to happen in the next few months .
Others can attempt to ridicule and intimidate ad infinitum . It all rolls off me . It is what I expect from those who are narrow and brittle and cannot abide change .

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

You'll believe any amount of bullshit if it happens to trigger the remaining synapse in your conspiracy-befuddled mind. Any idea when my injected Bill Gates 'bio-weapon' might be activated? :ROFLMAO:
The one responder so far with an intelligent reply .

You are right to the extent that just over two years have passed since this clear cut information first became available.
But matters have slowly developed and criminal proceedings have now commenced in several places .
Because of the truth content there is absolutely no doubt that everything will be finally revealed and there will be terrible consequences once the Gullibles and Sheeple finally realise how they have been 'played'.

Covid itself has broken down completely as a narrative and once it becomes no longer possible to hide the deaths and injuries ( latest by May at a guess ) all hell will break out and the subject of the Killer Shots will become all consuming .

Taking on the Establishment has been a near impossible task because of the millions ( literally) who are entrained to the top scum . But MSM itself is close to being broken and remarkable changes are going to happen in the next few months .
Others can attempt to ridicule and intimidate ad infinitum . It all rolls off me . It is what I expect from those who are narrow and brittle and cannot abide change .
What Covid-induced deaths and injuries? Could we have some data please? Oh but I forgot; you don't understand what 'evidence' is given your historical reluctance to provide anything resembling facts. You need to stop this absurd conspiratorial crap. It's dangerous; how does it feel being part of the problem?
If this was actually an effort to sterilize people i’d be with ya but that isnt the case.
I am a member of the conspiracy but I broke free. The chips are for mind control.
Well, I got the 3 shots. Total of about 45 minutes out of my life. Haven't caught any type of Virus or Covid, so...If it actually was a scam,
it didn't cost me hardly anything. Lot more scams going on that would be way more expensive..
But now you can't get pregnant!!!

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

Yeah, an allergy and respiratory researcher who had ZERO to do with vaccine research. He didn't work at the very top, he headed an allergy department in England.

The 'compliants' and 'gullibles' suck down the anti-vaxxers BS and then use a spoon to get every drop... ✌️
Fancy having an international giant of this field in you .
Tell us about your academic and expert background . Do you hob nob with Luc Montagnier the Nobel Prize winner who holds an identical position?
How many papers have you published in this area?
How many top academic and/or commercial positions have you held ?

Speak up. Did you say , None ?

Or are you one of those people who shuts off after reading a headline because any intellectual extra effort to seek truth would simply involve too much effort.
Have you ever made any post here which adds to a discussion or gives extra or new information on any subject ?
Tragically none that I have ever seen.

Obviously this Topic was guaranteed to bring out the irrationality of Gullibles and this is the one area that I have noticed you excel in .But you are in good company with fellow posters who also rushed to their own intellectual doom as fast as moths fly to a lighted candle.
Irrationality? You're the one expecting us to accept this guy's word on blind faith. He didn't show you evidence of any crime. Is that how you want people arrested? No proof, just an accusation? Guilty until proven innocent?

Show me the evidence. That's all you've ever had to do.
Fancy having an international giant of this field in you .
Tell us about your academic and expert background . Do you hob nob with Luc Montagnier the Nobel Prize winner who holds an identical position?
How many papers have you published in this area?
How many top academic and/or commercial positions have you held ?

Speak up. Did you say , None ?

Or are you one of those people who shuts off after reading a headline because any intellectual extra effort to seek truth would simply involve too much effort.
Have you ever made any post here which adds to a discussion or gives extra or new information on any subject ?
Tragically none that I have ever seen.

Obviously this Topic was guaranteed to bring out the irrationality of Gullibles and this is the one area that I have noticed you excel in .But you are in good company with fellow posters who also rushed to their own intellectual doom as fast as moths fly to a lighted candle.
Peter McCullough was never employed at Phizer
More proof that your posts are pure bullshit
It's no problem. The magically expanding Earth will swallow the conspiracy with chakras with healing energy and crystal eggs you can put in your vagina, courtesy of Paltrow.

The greatest and most evil criminal conspiracy our species has faced .

And still there will be Compliants and Gullibles who will not listen to a world expert who worked for Pfizer at the very top whom , without reservation and with dozens of reasons , tells you this was pre planned criminal action .

God help those that have been Vaxxed but were too lazy and ignorant to first check on what was going to happen to them

And there is Monica again...

You really need to start doing your homework. It makes you look clever when you actually know what you talk about as opposed to looking so incredibly f-ing stupid when you read what you want to hear.

Here the first three links when I google your narrative.

- https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-health-coronavirus-idUSL2N2N72CS
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Yeadon
- https://www.thejournal.ie/debunked-mike-yeadon-pfizer-covid-19-vaccines-5447489-May2021/


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