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Ex-Fox News Director Indicted for Allegedly Flouting Sanctions Against Oligarch Known as Putin’s ‘Soros’ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
I am just shocked, shocked I tell you...

An ex-Fox News director helped launch a Russian TV network for an oligarch sanctioned for enabling Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea—and lied about it to the FBI this year, federal prosecutors claimed on Thursday.

The producer, Jack Hanick, boasted on his LinkedIn profile about his director positions on two major TV networks then under the control of a late Fox News bigwig. When working for CNBC in 2015, Hanick said he directed “Straight Forward with Roger Ailes,” who was then that network’s president. Hanick got his Fox News gig the same year Ailes became that network’s CEO.

Fox spokeswoman Caley Cronin says that Hanick was a weekend director before his departure in 2011. His LinkedIn page has a notable gap between Hanick’s activities between his employment that year and 2018.

“Closely Tied to Russian Aggression in Ukraine”

Federal prosecutors claim that’s because Hanick spent the interim helping out Konstantin Malofeyev, a man nicknamed Vladimir Putin’s “Soros.” Also known as Malofeev, the oligarch was sanctioned in 2014—and reportedly worked with Hanick to create a network called Tsargrad TV.

I am just shocked, shocked I tell you...

An ex-Fox News director helped launch a Russian TV network for an oligarch sanctioned for enabling Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea—and lied about it to the FBI this year, federal prosecutors claimed on Thursday.

The producer, Jack Hanick, boasted on his LinkedIn profile about his director positions on two major TV networks then under the control of a late Fox News bigwig. When working for CNBC in 2015, Hanick said he directed “Straight Forward with Roger Ailes,” who was then that network’s president. Hanick got his Fox News gig the same year Ailes became that network’s CEO.

Fox spokeswoman Caley Cronin says that Hanick was a weekend director before his departure in 2011. His LinkedIn page has a notable gap between Hanick’s activities between his employment that year and 2018.

“Closely Tied to Russian Aggression in Ukraine”

Federal prosecutors claim that’s because Hanick spent the interim helping out Konstantin Malofeyev, a man nicknamed Vladimir Putin’s “Soros.” Also known as Malofeev, the oligarch was sanctioned in 2014—and reportedly worked with Hanick to create a network called Tsargrad TV.

Should I be surprised?
the right wing cannot exist without killing people and other mountains of corruption
Amazing the emphasis on his former employment at Fox News, especially since he hasn't worked there in 11 years.

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