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Everyone here sucks except: (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
We can't stop here this is bat country!
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
These are the only people who answer direct lines of questioning and back up their statements with facts but I'm still more right than you'll ever be so nana naa na na:

Gyst (our fights with Islamic-fascism not Islam)
Teach with a capital T (my brain is still bigger though math isn't my strong point)
Iriemon (you're still wrong but atleast you can answer a question)
Kelzie (you're wrong cuz I'm always right) PS what are you wearing? lmfao
Skilmatic (answers questioning but said answers are lacking in facts, more facts please)
Billo (still way wrong on the UN but hay so was FDR)
jailman (not gonna out but you're the hope for your cause)
Galenrox (good on the economy but you're still not a libertarian)

I know there is more of you out there and for the rest of you people I'm going to find you and naw on your ****ing skulls, cuz it still hasn't gotten weird enough for me.

If I've left anyone out well then **** you, you suck!
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
prior omissions and oversights of those who do not suck: cnredd (needs to post more or run the risk the risk of being forgotten)

Not too long before I start a thread called "The 4000 Post Club"...

And then close it off to everyone else 'cause I'll be the only member!...:2wave:

BTW - Moderators have the ability to change everything in a member's profile...I'll get up to 3,997 posts and Kelzie'll change it to "6"...:doh
cnredd said:

Not too long before I start a thread called "The 4000 Post Club"...

And then close it off to everyone else 'cause I'll be the only member!...:2wave:

ya I edited it but quit disagreing with me or run the risk of landing on my new thread: those who most certainly do suck:mrgreen: . eg imp canuck lucid and all other lunatics et al.

ha ha **** the doomed
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
ya I edited it but quit disagreing with me or run the risk of landing on my new thread: those who most certainly do suck. eg imp can luc and lunatics et al.

ha ha **** the doomed
When have I disagreed with you?...
cnredd said:
When have I disagreed with you?...

in that you disagreed that you don't post enough because as I have always said I'm always right and I'm always right cuz I myself have said that I'm always right and if I'm always right than how can my previous assertion that I'm always right be wrong? How can you deny that logic? but I digress is there a rule against making an: 'outting the nazis and expected nazis,' thread in the basement?
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
in that you disagreed that you don't post enough because as I have always said I'm always right and I'm always right cuz I myself have said that I'm always right and if I'm always right than how can my previous assertion that I'm always right be wrong? How can you deny that logic? but I digress is there a rule against making an: 'outting the nazis and expected nazis,' thread in the basement?
Have I mentioned that the Basement is an unmoderated forum?...;)
cnredd said:
Have I mentioned that the Basement is an unmoderated forum?...;)

Then I'm out to out the nazis; those who confess to their nazi ideology and those who spout nazi propaganda unwittingly which in my opinion is even worse, this is going to have to wait till tomorrow though because judging by the sheer amount of nazi infiltration on this sight it could take hours and I gotta crash now.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
These are the only people who answer direct lines of questioning and back up their statements with facts but I'm still more right than you'll ever be so nana naa na na:

Gyst (our fights with Islamic-fascism not Islam)
Teach with a capital T (my brain is still bigger though math isn't my strong point)
Iriemon (you're still wrong but atleast you can answer a question)
Kelzie (you're wrong cuz I'm always right) PS what are you wearing? lmfao
Skilmatic (answers questioning but said answers are lacking in facts, more facts please)
Billo (still way wrong on the UN but hay so was FDR)
jailman (not gonna out but you're the hope for your cause)
Galenrox (good on the economy but you're still not a libertarian)

I know there is more of you out there and for the rest of you people I'm going to find you and naw on your ****ing skulls, cuz it still hasn't gotten weird enough for me.

If I've left anyone out well then **** you, you suck!

Just so everyone can see....and laugh and point.

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
By the bye I submit to your superior intelect: Neo-liberalism - belief in the power of the free unregulated market as opposed to strict regulation of the state over labor and capital (my words but I'm smart and it catches the drift), however, in the U.S. the term liberalism takes on a whole different meaning due to the new deal and our long history of laissez faire economics.

In case anyone was following the heated debate about the true meaning of liberalism....that's right. I won. :mrgreen:
Kelzie said:
Just so everyone can see....and laugh and point.

In case anyone was following the heated debate about the true meaning of liberalism....that's right. I won. :mrgreen:

no, actually the term liberal has a certain duality, economic-liberalism/neo-liberalism is a relatively new term reflecting the push for progressive change (there's that word again) for deregulating the post soviet and socialist planned economies throughout the world. But still the fact remains that it is a term foriegn to the U.S. because the push for a free market is old in the U.S. (which means here it's conservative) but new for much of the rest of the world so actually we're both right. The U.S. isn't wrong because here liberalism is a push for progressive change towards a more regulated economy as opposed to the European economies who are pushing for a progressive change towards less regulation. It changes in due to context because like I said before it is a term relaying a meaning of change in a progressive direction while conservatism is maintaining the status quo.
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Trajan Octavian Titus said:
no, actually the term liberal has a certain duality, economic-liberalism/neo-liberalism is a relatively new term reflecting the push for progressive change (there's that word again) for deregulating the post soviet and socialist planned economies throughout the world. But still the fact remains that it is a term foriegn to the U.S. because the push for a free market is old in the U.S. (which means here it's conservative) but new for much of the rest of the world so actually we're both right. The U.S. isn't wrong because here liberalism is a push for progressive change towards a more regulated economy as opposed to the European economies who are pushing for a progressive change towards less regulation. It changes in due to context because like I said before it is a term relaying a meaning of change in a progressive direction while conservatism is maintaining the status quo.

Freaking A. You're using the wrong kind of "liberalism" again. The rate of change liberal DOES NOT mean the same thing as an economic liberal. Or a social liberal for that matter.

And actually, the word "liberal" used to mean less sanctions and government control of the economy until LBJ and the like hijacked it. According to Scarecrow blah blah anyway. I didn't do the research, so if it was a different time, blame him.

So, you're still wrong.
Can you please submit facts with that conjecture? :rofl
Kelzie said:
Freaking A. You're using the wrong kind of "liberalism" again. The rate of change liberal DOES NOT mean the same thing as an economic liberal. Or a social liberal for that matter.

And actually, the word "liberal" used to mean less sanctions and government control of the economy until LBJ and the like hijacked it. According to Scarecrow blah blah anyway. I didn't do the research, so if it was a different time, blame him.

So, you're still wrong.

No kernel sanders yer wrong momma's right!
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
No kernel sanders yer wrong momma's right!

Dumb ass. :lol:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Smart Ass. :(

I can live with that.

What's with the sad face? Did I hurt your feelings? Do you need a tissue?;)
teacher said:
Musings 101..

Ha! Nothing wears me down. I can go all night. *cough*
teacher said:
Musings 101..

lmfao are you making these on a scanner using a collage style or can you do it straight on the computer screen?

This gave me an idea but I don't want to steal your thunder, you should start a comics thread complete with a story line and the whole shabaz it would be like the comics section of a newspaper everyone could submit things from political cartoons to a cast and crew of DD.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
These are the only people who answer direct lines of questioning and back up their statements with facts but I'm still more right than you'll ever be so nana naa na na:

Gyst (our fights with Islamic-fascism not Islam)
Teach with a capital T (my brain is still bigger though math isn't my strong point)
Iriemon (you're still wrong but atleast you can answer a question)
Kelzie (you're wrong cuz I'm always right) PS what are you wearing? lmfao
Skilmatic (answers questioning but said answers are lacking in facts, more facts please)
Billo (still way wrong on the UN but hay so was FDR)
jailman (not gonna out but you're the hope for your cause)
Galenrox (good on the economy but you're still not a libertarian)

I know there is more of you out there and for the rest of you people I'm going to find you and naw on your ****ing skulls, cuz it still hasn't gotten weird enough for me.

If I've left anyone out well then **** you, you suck!

Did teach put you up to this...its JALLMAN...two L's, no jail involved. teach made the same mistake. funny thread...glad I'm on the good side of this one. As for the comic idea...its like...all the people who dont suck can be like the Justice League...and all the people who do suck can be the villains...ok, I'm a geek...
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
lmfao are you making these on a scanner using a collage style or can you do it straight on the computer screen?

This gave me an idea but I don't want to steal your thunder, you should start a comics thread complete with a story line and the whole shabaz it would be like the comics section of a newspaper everyone could submit things from political cartoons to a cast and crew of DD.

Well since you ask...I draw on paper then scan. As my files grow it gets quicker. I open files under paint and type text. I'm limited to J-peg at 97 k's because I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm sure there are killer ways to manipulate the data but I don't know.I'm getting better and quicker and finding shortcuts but I'm sure there's a better way to do this. Go with any idea you got. Use my drawings or whatever. I don't care. The more fun the better. All this started when Ayran posted a picture of Hitler and I wanted to show the two of them banging. I bet he's sorry now. Blue eyes my ass. I see people post huge pictures that must have gobs of data in them but I haven't figured that out yet. I'll get there but pointers are welcome. But don't give me that. "open your such under such and compress such to this format and then...." right over my head. BTW I have a story line in the TT thread. Posts 530, 535, 541. Got a little side tracked with the Nazi's, pyramids, and this. And the DP three stooges which I just must have Canuck as Curly. But whatever you got, roll with it. Make this place a little funner. Beer good...
Originally Posted by jallman:
Did teach put you up to this...its JALLMAN...two L's, no jail involved
Is that like j' allman (the way Pauly Shore used to pronounce his name)?
Originally posted by teacher:
But don't give me that. "open your such under such and compress such to this format and then...." right over my head.
How the f_ck can anything be over your enlarged half-dome? I guess its not so massive after all!

P.S. Your my bitch! My dog bitch! Now, bark like a dog! A big dog!! Now, tongue my balls. On second thought, don't tongue my balls. Hey, I said don't tongue my balls!!!!!!!!

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