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Evangelicals Breaking With Bush on Climate (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
"For by Him (Christ) all things were created: things in heaven and on earth." (Col. 1:16)

An ever increasing number of evangelical Christians are making our environment a political issue, and why not? Didnt God create the heavens and the earth, and didnt he intend man to be caretakers of his creation? From a Biblical perspective, fouling the earth is tantamount to spitting on God. From a logical perspective, fouling the earth hurts the quality of life for our children and our childrens' children.

The site for "Christians and Climate" is here. You can find news items, join a mailing list, read their mission statement, which is based on Biblican principles, and take political action.

With allies as varied as environmentalists, evangelicals, and even CEO's of fortune 500 companies, the push to clean up our environment is going to be one of the major political issues of our time, and it is about time.

One more thing - The Dominionist idea that it is OK to destroy the Earth because Jesus is going to fix it when he returns is pure heresy.
danarhea said:
An ever increasing number of evangelical Christians are making our environment a political issue, and why not? Didnt God create the heavens and the earth, and didnt he intend man to be caretakers of his creation? From a Biblical perspective, fouling the earth is tantamount to spitting on God. From a logical perspective, fouling the earth hurts the quality of life for our children and our childrens' children.

The site for "Christians and Climate" is here. You can find news items, join a mailing list, read their mission statement, which is based on Biblican principles, and take political action.

With allies as varied as environmentalists, evangelicals, and even CEO's of fortune 500 companies, the push to clean up our environment is going to be one of the major political issues of our time, and it is about time.

One more thing - The Dominionist idea that it is OK to destroy the Earth because Jesus is going to fix it when he returns is pure heresy.

Amen to that brother!

It is my belief that that is how our world is going to end as we know it, we are going to pollute ourselves to extinction. Chemicals.
danarhea said:
An ever increasing number of evangelical Christians are making our environment a political issue, and why not? Didnt God create the heavens and the earth, and didnt he intend man to be caretakers of his creation? From a Biblical perspective, fouling the earth is tantamount to spitting on God. From a logical perspective, fouling the earth hurts the quality of life for our children and our childrens' children.

The site for "Christians and Climate" is here. You can find news items, join a mailing list, read their mission statement, which is based on Biblican principles, and take political action.

With allies as varied as environmentalists, evangelicals, and even CEO's of fortune 500 companies, the push to clean up our environment is going to be one of the major political issues of our time, and it is about time.

One more thing - The Dominionist idea that it is OK to destroy the Earth because Jesus is going to fix it when he returns is pure heresy.

The problem is that thoughtful Evangelicals are making the environment a priority. However, for many on the religious right, its GOP first, Jesus second and while there is some hope with the more thoughtful ones, they are a minority on the religious right.
danarhea said:
An ever increasing number of evangelical Christians are making our environment a political issue, and why not? Didnt God create the heavens and the earth, and didnt he intend man to be caretakers of his creation? From a Biblical perspective, fouling the earth is tantamount to spitting on God. From a logical perspective, fouling the earth hurts the quality of life for our children and our childrens' children.

The site for "Christians and Climate" is here. You can find news items, join a mailing list, read their mission statement, which is based on Biblican principles, and take political action.

With allies as varied as environmentalists, evangelicals, and even CEO's of fortune 500 companies, the push to clean up our environment is going to be one of the major political issues of our time, and it is about time.

One more thing - The Dominionist idea that it is OK to destroy the Earth because Jesus is going to fix it when he returns is pure heresy.

That doesn't make much sense why would evangelicals care about the environment when they are all going to be taken from the planet during the rapture? That's my theory at least as to why W doesn't care about it.
Cassapolis said:
That doesn't make much sense why would evangelicals care about the environment when they are all going to be taken from the planet during the rapture? That's my theory at least as to why W doesn't care about it.

That is because the religious right is split into two groups, the "fire and brimstone group" and the "pro-life group".
In recent elections the f&b group have sucessfully narrowed down the policies of the religious right into 2 - abortion and gay marriage. Two policies that favour the Republican Party. The pro-life group are the REAL christains IMO, anti-poverty, pro-environment, pro-life, anti-war, even the support of gay rights (yeah surprising right). These are the group of evangeicals that get ignored during election time. Hopefully maybe they are taking over the fire and brimstone Pat robertson types that go against the teachings of Christ for the sake of siding with the GOP.
GarzaUK said:
That is because the religious right is split into two groups, the "fire and brimstone group" and the "pro-life group".
In recent elections the f&b group have sucessfully narrowed down the policies of the religious right into 2 - abortion and gay marriage. Two policies that favour the Republican Party. The pro-life group are the REAL christains IMO, anti-poverty, pro-environment, pro-life, anti-war, even the support of gay rights (yeah surprising right). These are the group of evangeicals that get ignored during election time. Hopefully maybe they are taking over the fire and brimstone Pat robertson types that go against the teachings of Christ for the sake of siding with the GOP.

Yes, this is pretty much a pro-life group.

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