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European Union and Spongers (1 Viewer)



So many times it was proclaimed by political figures of all ranks that a union is needed to strengthen its participants but not vice versa. Speaking in this respect of European Union, why admitting the countries that are only good at lying dormant? What's the use for Old Europe of, say, Poland that was only able to belch out naked arrogations and pester with endless claims for subsidy into Polish rural economy (as Tony Blair rightly remarked).

Now, what can Europe expect from Ukraine, which happens to be "Poland squared" in the matter of its craving for European grants? EU is certainty in a deep crisis being unable to eliminate contradictions between the budget of France and GB, whereas it runs to colossal waste furnishing a financial assistance to applicant countries.

In my opinion, the applicants should not be rewarded with any money of idleness, but be made to undergo an ordeal. Provided you are making a membership application, please be so kind to prove you are economically consistent and ready to stick to the rules of EU, but not wheedling money and misappropriating Russian transit gas meant for West Europe, like Ukraine does. That will be the deal.
MikeTravelli said:
So many times it was proclaimed by political figures of all ranks that a union is needed to strengthen its participants but not vice versa. Speaking in this respect of European Union, why admitting the countries that are only good at lying dormant? What's the use for Old Europe of, say, Poland that was only able to belch out naked arrogations and pester with endless claims for subsidy into Polish rural economy (as Tony Blair rightly remarked).

Now, what can Europe expect from Ukraine, which happens to be "Poland squared" in the matter of its craving for European grants? EU is certainty in a deep crisis being unable to eliminate contradictions between the budget of France and GB, whereas it runs to colossal waste furnishing a financial assistance to applicant countries.

In my opinion, the applicants should not be rewarded with any money of idleness, but be made to undergo an ordeal. Provided you are making a membership application, please be so kind to prove you are economically consistent and ready to stick to the rules of EU, but not wheedling money and misappropriating Russian transit gas meant for West Europe, like Ukraine does. That will be the deal.

the main goal of the EU was to avoid wars. It's not a political construction (happily or not, you decide). It's not a social construction. It's a peace construction.

It's not about being the "best economy in the world", as some try to make us believe. It's not being "the most social economy in the world", as others try to.

It's about peace. The main idea of people like Schumann was to avoid the ugly and awfull wars we knew during the first half of the 20th century.

In order to reach that goal, helping poor regions to develop is essential.

Maybe we can discuss about who is european, maybe we can discuss about the amount of money that is spent by the EU, maybe we can talk about the social issues and how we should do this and that, but we are at peace. And just by being able to do this, we are the EU.

We can't do that for the whole planet (at our level), but we reached a goal that was hundreds of generations dream. And at a price that is MUCH lower than the two last world wars.. that happened in Europe.

Just my opinion.

epr64 said:
the main goal of the EU was to avoid wars. It's not a political construction (happily or not, you decide). It's not a social construction. It's a peace construction.

It's not about being the "best economy in the world", as some try to make us believe. It's not being "the most social economy in the world", as others try to.

It's about peace. The main idea of people like Schumann was to avoid the ugly and awfull wars we knew during the first half of the 20th century.

In order to reach that goal, helping poor regions to develop is essential.

Maybe we can discuss about who is european, maybe we can discuss about the amount of money that is spent by the EU, maybe we can talk about the social issues and how we should do this and that, but we are at peace. And just by being able to do this, we are the EU.

We can't do that for the whole planet (at our level), but we reached a goal that was hundreds of generations dream. And at a price that is MUCH lower than the two last world wars.. that happened in Europe.

Just my opinion.


Agreed [partly] Im not to botherd about the pols being subsidised as they kinda need the money after almost a century of soviet opression. What anoys me is that wealfy over subsidised french farmers get alot of our money while our public services rot. This is particually anoying as subsidies damage farmers in the third world as they cant compete on a level playing feild. Surely we should be priortiseing africa rather than farmers in one of the richest countrys on earth yet despite makeing many a noice about cutting subsidies at the g8 conference blair and chiraq did neither. Whats also we anoying is that the brittish people didnt vote for those spending our money to have the authority to do so at any time.

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